Friday, April 30, 2010

Check the Fruit

Matt 12:33 (NKJV) Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.

Never before has it been easier to establish a "ministry." There are many who take the calling of God lightly and call themselves into ministry. They print out business cards, establish web sites, and put themselves forth as such and such or so and so; all in "Jesus' name" of course.

What really establishes a person in the calling of God? It's simple. Jesus said to look at the fruit of a person's life. What is the fruit of a person's life? What is being produced through their ministry?

For example, if God has called a person to be an 'evangelist,' we will be able to see that and prove it, right? How? We'll be able to see people getting saved. If a person's calling is to be a 'teacher,' then we will be able to see that, too. There will be a steady stream of people that are taught, fed, and growing in the grace of God. The proof of our calling will be fruit coming from our lives.

Look for it. Paul, when he wrote to the Corinthians, did. He pointed out that if there was any proof that he indeed was an apostle, it was the fact that there were believers in Corinth!

"Do we begin again to commend ourselves? Or do we need, as some others, epistles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from you? You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart." 2 Cor 3:1-3 (NKJV)

In His Love,
Pastor Ed

I want to thank you for your human-ness and allowing your walk with the Lord be evident in your preaching. In all the teachings I have ever heard you do, one thing is apparent: your heartfelt desire for the lost and your dedication to getting the Word of the Lord to every person. My husband and I found Calvary Chapel a few months ago. It is the first time in 10+ years that we have found a church we call home and attend regularly. The Lord uses your sermons to reach me on a personal level. I've been in the Christian world from birth and can't tell you how many times I have listened to a sermon and thought how so-and-so should've been there to learn that lesson. In Calvary Chapel, I am the one learning lessons each Sunday. My family is growing in Christ. God is using you and the church to reach us. My 4-1/2 year old daughter asked Jesus to be her Savior last night on our way home from visiting family. The joy in that is indescribable. Anyway, I want to say thank you. I want to say you are in my prayers. I pray that busyness doesn't get you down or distracted and that the Lord continues to work through you and blesses you and your family, giving you exactly what you need to live in His will.

Friday, April 23, 2010

It’s His Time

Philippians 1:7 (NKJV) “just as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers with me of grace.”

It’s so often convicting to me, as I gain a deeper perspective of how Paul used his time. Aside from his personality, he was always looking to fill his time with the things of the Lord. No matter where he was, he was looking for the open door to love someone in Jesus name! Paul truly took to heart the encouragement from Jesus to abide in Him!

For example, Paul was often in prison, in a horrible spot, a time that could have easily led to petty pity parties. Yet, what do we see him do? He redeems the time. He writes. He shares. He prays. There are times where I think that Paul did more in prison than I’ve done being on the outside.

Now, I’m careful not to be condemned by that thought but rather encouraged. I know that God can use me to redeem the time, to use today to serve him with all my heart. The same is true with you. Redeem the time, my friend, and use today as a day full of being in the center of God’s will!

Pastor Ed

I just wanted to send a note to let you know how the Lord used your message last night to encourage me at a pivotal time. I was not going to go to service last night, but my wise husband all but started the car and shoved me in. He knew I needed it even more than either of us realized. I had been feeling depressed and discouraged and pretty much ready to throw in the towel. The friendships in which I have been investing my time and my heart have not been turning out the way I had hoped. I don't have a lot of energy to spare while battling an autoimmune disorder and, quite frankly, I felt I had spent my last drop on people who who could not have cared less, or worse yet, even used me. No matter, though. Last night I was reminded that it's NOT about me. I am just the steward - none of it belongs to me. It is all about JESUS. And anything invested in another in His name, is never wasted. Who cares if that person doesn't turn out to be friend in the long run? Does it hurt a little that they don't want to invest in the friendship in return? Of course. But I know where my heart was in the first place. It was about giving of what He gave to me. Nothing is wasted in God's economy. I know this to be true. And the second I walked into the sanctuary last night and the music started and I entered into sweet worship I knew that I was being a fool. How I could I stay away from GOD when it was His people who were being the knuckleheads? Thanks for helping me to see this.

Monday, April 19, 2010

No Partiality Allowed

2 Peter 3:9 (NKJV)The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

Webster’s defines partiality as, “an unfair bias in favor of one thing or person compared with another,” or as, “favoritism.” As you look around today, that’s a lot of what we see: people playing favorites which means some are looked upon favorably, while others are passed up for no good reasons.

When it comes to salvation, God shows no partiality. God has made it possible through His Son Jesus for anyone to be saved. Your background doesn’t matter. The color of your skin doesn’t matter. How much money you have doesn’t matter. All that matters is that a person hears the gospel, repents of their sins, and believes in Jesus!

Pray this week that God removes any partiality in your heart toward other people. It’s a great hindrance to the work of His Spirit in your life. I believe that God hears that prayer and will answer it in your life!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

My family and I just wanted you and the church to know what a blessing the Meals Ministry was to our family recently. My wife is a stay-at-home mom and she had surgery a few weeks ago and was extremely limited on what she could do in a day and cooking for our family was one of them. She required a lot of help, as well as with our two young kids, so making meals everyday was going to be an extra struggle for sure. Michelle Landry actually brought up the idea to us before the surgery and we were glad she did because it was wonderful not having to worry about meals most of the time. It allowed us to have a little bit more quality time as a family than if we were to struggle fixing something ourselves. It was definitely an honor and very comforting seeing God's love for our family through this ministry and I pray that He continues to bless all of the wonderful families involved who help provide us a meal along with the church as well. I pray our family will be able to do the same, sharing and showing Jesus' great love to all.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pray For Pastors

2 Corinthians 4:5 (NKJV) “For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus' sake.”

Earlier this week I shared a quote from Vance Havner as he looked back on the early days of his ministry. He was caught up in the ‘popular doctrine’ of his day: liberalism. It was a view that undermined the Bible, minimized the blood of Jesus, and avoided the cross. One lesson we learn from Vance is that we can recover from failure. It was a failure to get caught up in the popular wave of the day. He repented. God blessed his ministry tremendously as he began to preach Jesus and Him Crucified.

Another important lesson we learn from the Lord is how our decisions affect others. Vance writes that he decided to, “preach popular sermons that convicted nobody. The unbelievers liked my preaching and I had a good crowd, but many of them died unsaved under my ministry.”

Please pray for pastors that they (we) will not choose the popular, or the easy way where they (we) preach popular syrupy messages that convict nobody and lead people to die unsaved. Intercede regularly, my friend, for pastors around town... including ours here at Calvary.

Pastor Ed

You talked last week about Abounding Grace being broadcast in southern California and I thought you would be happy to hear one of the stories about Abounding Grace that has come back to me. I have a friend who is a believer but not walking with the Lord, and his extended family lives in rural southern CO where there are very limited options for churches. From his description it does not sound like there are any churches in that town actively seeking the Lord in their lives. His brother is now listening to both you and Gino on a radio station that reaches that area and is growing in his walk with the Lord! You have no idea of the impact Abounding Grace may be having on people's lives even in remote areas where they are not in fellowship with other believers! Thank you for this ministry and for encouraging us to be a body that seeks the Lord with our whole hearts - it has made all the difference in my own life, and I am sure in many others!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Recovering From Failure

Proverbs 24:16 (NKJV) For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity.

It’s entirely possible to go through seasons of mistakes and failures. We don’t like them. We don’t want them. But they happen. They hurt. Sometimes we think we’ll never recover.

Vance Havner, a man used greatly and powerfully by God, looks back at a time in his life where failure entered in when he writes: “I started preaching again, but without any guidelines or precedent for my kind of ministry. I made many mistakes, went up blind alleys and dead-end streets. I took a rule pastorate in North Carolina. I became somewhat enamored of the liberal approach which was beginning to gain favor. It did not become malignant in my case, but I did have enough of the virus in my system to preach popular sermons that convicted nobody. The unbelievers liked my preaching and I had a good crowd, but many of them died unsaved under my ministry." - Vance HavnerJourney from Jugtown

He recovered from those early years to preach the gospel purely, passionately, and powerfully in the Spirit. You, too, can recover from failure, my friend. Put your hope in Jesus!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

Hi Pastor Ed, I just wanted to tell you first of all, thank you for teaching the Bible book by book. It really is important in this day and age to know the Bible and I have been learning so much from your teachings. Second of all, thank you for the great message over the weekend. I am turning 35 this year and for some reason it has been difficult for me to come to this birthday. I think it is because my life is not what I had expected it to be. Most people my age have families. I am married, but my husband and I have fur babies. It is not that we can't, it is just that at 28 I started taking care of my mom who has dementia. In October of last year, I moved my 61 year old mother into a nursing home. Definitely not what I expected to be doing at 34. The message this weekend spoke to me about how nothing is wasted by God. I do not always understand this journey I am on with my mom. But today, when I went to the nursing home, I looked at it differently. I feel that a lot of the residents there are dropped off by their family and don't get many visitors. So, now...I look at my visits to my mom's nursing home as a way to not only love on my mom, but love on others that might not have family to visit them. I know that God will use my experience with my mom's dementia for His Glory and He is maybe using me to love on some people whose family have forgotten about them. So, thank you again for the message. It was awesome!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Stay on Mission

Matthew 10:16 (NKJV)"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."

You are on a mission from God! Isn't that great? I love it. God has a plan, purpose, and desire for your life and you're on His mission. Yet distractions abound and detours seem to pop up at every turn. What are we supposed to do? Stay on mission my friend.

I'm reminded of Nehemiah as he was being used greatly by the Lord in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. His enemies sent to him, trying to distract him into a detour, an invitation to stop the work and go to the plains of Ono. I love his response. Memorize it and make it your own:

Nehemiah 6:3 (NKJV) "So I sent messengers to them, saying, "I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?"

In Love,
Pastor Ed

I wanted to share with you that the messages you've been teaching about how it is only God who can save someone and he will use me as vessel for his purpose has really hit home. My daughter has been to church once in her whole life, and being a new believer myself I didn't expect for God to reach out to me to ask her to go to church with me and her younger brothers. See we don't have much of a relationship anyway, due to some of the things I put her through as a child and young adult, but the Lord put it on my heart to ask her, and not only to ask, but to not give up on asking! She ignored me, made excuses, but behold on Easter her work schedule was completely switched around (I wonder who did that?) and she attended service with me Easter morning! Our awesome Lord! I am so blessed!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Weak, Fearful, & Trembling

1 Corinthians 2:3 (NKJV) “I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling.”

Sometimes, we think we have to be all polished up and completely, perfectly ready to share Jesus’ love with someone; so we decide not to share at all since really, when are we ever perfectly polished up? But the Bible is clear: God will use us as we are!

When Paul came to the Corinthians, he came with the sole purpose of preaching Jesus, and Him crucified. He didn’t come trying to impress them with his worldly wisdom. He didn’t reach out to them with some man-made philosophy. Paul wasn’t intimidated by the various ideas and beliefs that were swirling around during that time. Instead, he was weak, fearful, and trembling much. He was far from what we might think is the perfect vessel for delivery... or maybe he was the perfect vessel: completely surrendered to the Spirit!

It’s good to remember. It’s a great model for ministry through our lives. Jesus alone gets all the attention; all the glory; all the focus. The spotlight must remain on him.

Even though there is temptation to elevate a man or a ministry, it needs to be resisted. God does use humans in a wonderful way, but we can never be too attached to the instrument. Only Jesus is preached. Only Jesus is worshipped. Only Jesus is worthy of our lives!

In His Love,
Pastor Ed

A SALVATION STORY: I had been living in California and was as about as far away from Jesus as a person could get. My husband was abusive and I was desperately lonely. My boss, who was a believer, suggested that I might try one of the local churches - just as a way to "meet some people." Taking his advice, I went to a nearby Presbyterian church and found a seat in the back of the sanctuary. A young woman sat beside me, but I didn't give her much thought. When the pastor told everyone to greet each other, this woman spoke to me and even asked for my phone number. I never expected to actually hear from her, but sure enough she called me during the week just to see how I was. She continued to call and met me at church whenever I came. Over time, this woman gave me two special gifts: her friendship and she led me to Christ. You never know the influence you might have on that person who sits next to you in church...I'm certainly a testimony of that.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Romans 8:28 (NKJV) And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Traditionally, today, we celebrate the darkest day in human history; the death of Jesus Christ. While many in that day thought it was the end of the ministry of Jesus, it was just the beginning.

Sometimes we look at situations in life and wonder how anyone, anywhere can refer to them as ever ending up good. I mean, it's so painful and so hurtful and someone wants to call it good? Surely they don't understand, we think.

Perhaps they understand it a little better than we do since we're in the midst of it. Even though it's true that not everything IS good, the Word encourages us that God works all things together FOR the good for those who love Him.

It took some time for the disciples of Jesus to see the good in their Friend's death. It was through His death that our sins were wiped away and the opportunity to be saved by faith was sealed.

I pray today is a good one for you. But if it's not, wait on the Lord and watch Him work it together with other things for your good, and most importantly for His good.

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

This is such a timely message. I have been going through some struggles with work and the first thing I want to do is run/retreat. But, because my Faith is in God, I move forward and God shows me how he's moving these mountains out of my way. I am so encouraged everyday because I can't wait to see what God is going to do in my life on that day. May He continue to Bless you, your family and your ministry. You are an inspiration and I am proud of you.