Monday, January 31, 2011

The Ministry Belongs To God

Zechariah 4:6 So he answered and said to me: "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts."

The biggest hindrance to the church today is man and his man-centered methodologies that have quenched the Spirit of God. Do you agree?

The Church is a sovereign work of God, not man. We can rest assured that Jesus will fulfill His promise to build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). One of the things I love about His church, spread out across the world, is its diversity. Since there are so many different types of people, there are different and diverse congregations that worship Jesus supremely! Within these local fellowships there is tremendous diversity among the people, too. Yet together, true believers, no matter the 'church' they attend, are all a part of the same church family with Jesus as its head.

We can never forget, especially those of us serving within a church, that the ministry belongs to God and not us. It's vital that we keep our fingerprints off the bride of Christ, His church. We need to see that our local church is a work of His Spirit, and in our service to Him that it remains a work of His Spirit. Because it's too easy to jump in and take charge, we need to be careful not to fleshly drive the church, with human wisdom, human ingenuity, and man centered programs and processes (Galatians 3:3).

Don't try to fit into any type of mold. Instead, just follow His Spirit. God will lead you exactly where He wants you and empower you with exactly what you need when you get there!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

After breakfast this morning I was out in the parking lot of the Village Inn with my neighbor. I followed your example of praying for someone right there and then. As we were praying a truck was parking in the space right next to us and when we were done, two men get out of the truck and one of them says, "Did He answer?" I said, "He will." Then an amazing thing happened, he quoted scripture and said "When two or more are gathered in His name......" I said, "that's right" and he said "well, I was praying with you before I got out". He asked where we went to church. We all said. And I felt so blessed upon leaving knowing that three believers from three different churches experienced God's appointment and I'm sure all three of us felt blessed. That how amazing God's love is that I could feel so unblessed in the morning to so full of blessings (that will probably last for days) an hour later.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Studying Bible Prophecy Is Important

Matthew 16:3 (NKJV) Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.

I'm still amazed at how often well-known, and well-respected Bible teachers will look down upon those who take the study of Bible prophecy seriously and outright make fun of them. One popular radio Bible teacher recently said, "Only prophecy pundits with a Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other would...." His point was to belittle those who look for answers in the Bible as they read current events in the paper. He was saying it, as if it was a bad thing to do! It's not. Even though we don't know for certain that what is happening and being reported in the paper today is a direct fulfillment of Bible prophecy, we can certainly see in the news around us the signs of the times.

It was to the religious rulers of His day that Jesus said these powerful words, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red;' and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah." And He left them and departed. Matthew 16:2-4 (NKJV) They could understand the signs of the weather around them well, but missed the spiritual signs of the Messiah's presence right in front of them. We don't want to know the facts presented in the newspaper better than we do the times in which live.

We just started on a verse by verse Bible study journey through the Book of Revelation on Wednesday nights. I invite you to join us either in the sanctuary or online at 7 PM. It will prove to be a wonderful time of spiritual stirring and serious growth.

In Love,
Pastor Ed

I just had to share this with you! I know sometimes the children are distracting during the service, but I just have to let my 6-month-old granddaughter, Sommer, join in during the worship part. She just loves the music, she hums out loud when the music starts and sometimes is still humming out loud when it stops. I just love the fact that she is praising God at such a young age. Also, just wanted to let you know how great the Wednesday night services are to me! What an awesome message. I like it when you let God's Holy Spirit preach and you set us all straight on the truth and the way we should live our lives. I noticed at the end, you made a comment about not wanting to step too hard on any toes or something to that effect, well I am glad you preach the truth, there are enough preachers out there, that are just there to tickle the ears of their churches. Let the Truth of Gods Word continue, thanks!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Are You Sold Out For God?

Deuteronomy 34:7 (NKJV) Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished.

Consider these final words describing Moses' life: "But since then there has not arisen a prophet like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face" (Deuteronomy 34:10).

As you survey the life of Moses, you wouldn't think it would end this way. He started out a little rocky in his early years, which were filled with mistakes. He spent the first 40 years of his life building a sense of self-confidence that eventually led him to taking things into his own hands and killing an Egyptian. The next 40 years of his life were lived in relative obscurity, caring for and tending sheep. It was during that time that Moses learned how God desires selflessness, not selfishness. And, when the time came, God called Moses to use him to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, up to the border of the promised land.

In totality, the last 40 years of Moses life were incredibly fruitful. He didn't slow down. Earlier in Deuteronomy 34, it says that "Moses was 120 years old and his eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished." He was older, but a young man at heart toward his God!

I want to live the last 40 years of my life sold out for God. Since I don't know when the last 40 years of my life will be over, I've translated that desire to totally living for Him today!

My hope is that you will sell out for God today, too. Imagine the things you will be used to do in His name, for His glory, in His will!

Through His Mercy,
Pastor Ed

I don't know what to write you really, but I feel something should be said about how I feel towards the Church. My first deployment to Iraq led me to believe in something more than what explanation can provide. Then, I started reading the Bible while I was over here (I continued off and on when I returned). However, Calvary provided my wife with assistance with home repairs and the people that she could talk to while I was away. I'm not really a talkative guy or public, I tend to stay downstairs and watch the video. I feel more relaxed down there and I enjoy the fact that the message is relatively informing and enlightening. I'm hoping to pull my daughter (who is now 3yrs old) to a baptism with me (if I get the nerve). We didn't do the baby dedication cause as I said before I tend to hide back and I really wish we would have found a way to get her a blessing or dedication privately. I feel (as stupidly as it sounds) like I failed in some small part to do that for her right after her birth. Well, now that I see I am just rambling I would like to say I'm reading my Bible again, still in the old testament just finished Ezra. I find things a little more peaceful after I've read a chapter. However, I just wanted to write this because I find it amazing that how with very little pressure or pushing for some reason our Church not only got me to want to get a Bible, but to actually start reading it to and shocking enough (if you knew my wife she would tell you) occasionally I say "God Bless you" to fellow soldiers as they leave for their way home or tell them "God has watched over my family in these tough times." It feels that slowly but without doubt something is changing in my life and I was drawn or led to it because of my wife and the Church. I truly believe the congregation or fellowship I guess you could say can find peace with the happiness and peace we give one another. Again rambling I will stop now, but thanks for the guidance, the friends and the Church I'm glad my wife found it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Stay On Course

John 15:4-5 (NKJV) Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

Did you know that it’s possible for an airplane to end up in an entirely different location if they are off course by just one degree? As a matter of fact, if a plane continues to travel off course just one small degree, it will be off course ninety-two feet for every mile it travels. If it’s a 1,000 mile trip, they will miss the runway by 17.42 miles! While I’ve never seen this happen on one of my airline trips, I’ve seen it happen all too often with believers as they travel on that dusty road following Jesus!

It’s too easy to veer off course into areas and situations that we have no business being involved with, even if it’s just one small degree. The story shared by those who have veered off course spiritually is all too familiar. It always starts off with a strong response; a solid beginning; a positive start. They steady on in that direction for a while, sometimes a long while, until… (Yes, there is always that ‘until’) something derails their faith. A little compromise is embraced. A secret sin begins to develop. Their heart begins to callous. They continue on in that direction, harboring sin, nursing bitterness, holding on to that ‘little’ sin, and after a while the person you see at the end is nothing like the person that started out so strong!

Be extra careful to stay as close to Jesus as possible, abiding in Him. Take a moment today and pray for God to reveal things that have taken root in your life, all the while taking you slowly off course in your once-vibrant relationship with Jesus. When something is revealed, repent and forsake it! You’ll be blessed that you did.

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

I enjoy your emails so greatly. Especially when they are what I need to hear and sometimes it feels like God made them just for me. Right now I find myself waiting for the Lord. My husband and I have been trying to become pregnant but have found that I have a condition that makes it more difficult. We decided I would take some medicine to encourage my body. After 4 months it just didn't feel right. After discussing it and praying about it a lot we have come to the decision to quit taking the medicine and to let it rest in God's hands. I feel we just rushed in to fix the problem. I have now come to learn that first of all, having a baby is not even just about me and that's a selfish way of thinking. And second, I find a great comfort in knowing that God truly knows what is best and his will be done. I know it is not his intent to leave me sad and that he has something else in mind for us. I admit I still struggle with my feelings, but emails like this help me get back on track and remind me that I need to wait on the Lord.

Monday, January 17, 2011

It's Not The Devil

James 1:13-14 (NKJV) Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God;" for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.

It's interesting how many times the devil is blamed for things that he had nothing to do with. With the kind of spiritual warfare that goes on in our lives, I know how easy it would be to think that the devil can take us down whenever he wants to. Because of that, when someone falls into sin, it's not unusual to hear them say something like, "The devil made me do it," or "I was being used so greatly that it was only a matter of time before Satan took me down."

Well, there is some truth to that for sure. The schemes, wiles and attacks of the devil come regularly. Often, they come proportionately. The more you desire to seek the Lord, the more the temptations and attacks come. As you progress in your relationship with Jesus, there will be many temptations to do the wrong thing; to sin; to weaken under the influence of your friends; to compromise; to walk away from the faith. Yes, the devil wants to take you down, but it doesn't happen without your whole-hearted cooperation.

Read through James 1:12-18 and take note of the steps toward sin. Then, pray through them, asking God along the way to help you to live strong in a temptation-saturated society.

In His Great Love,
Pastor Ed

Good morning Pastor Ed. I wanted to say that last night was so amazing to see. I am so excited how God is working in our church. The feeling is almost so overwhelming to know how the Lord is working not only in our church but my life directly. It's been an amazing journey for me just in the past year...I don't really know how to explain it but knowing that God can do such amazing things in the lives of those around me has made me like a new Christian again. I wanted to also ask for prayer that God gives me courage with my parents, sister and brother...when it comes to my family I seem to have more fear and less boldness than with my friends and co-workers. And thank you as always for being so open to God's leading. I pray for you daily that God protects you and keeps your strong and drawn ever close to Him.