Ed has the privilege of pastoring Calvary Aurora, a dynamic fellowship family located just east of Denver in Aurora, Colorado. We are so grateful to God for His great mercy and Abounding Grace. We pray God's blessings upon you as we update you on what's going on here.
Monday, February 28, 2011
We Must Be The Servant of All
It's sad, but true. Some mistakenly believe that the 'ministry' is a place of arrival, a destination. So their lives are set in serving the Lord in order to attain a position; a title; a place of authority that once attained, serving stops. It's not true.
If you want to be great in God's Kingdom, you must be the servant of all. There is no other way to grow in the grace of Jesus. Jesus' style and ministry example has always been, and will always be, the example of a servant. He's taught us that the way up is down! We are all servants of Jesus, gladly living out our lives with the spiritual giftings He's entrusted to us. We not only want to serve one another in love, but we want to reach a lost and dying world!
It's hard to be offended when your heart is to serve. It's difficult to have a hardened heart when we are serving. It's hard for the enemy to get a foothold in a home, a church, or a ministry filled with servants!
Let's pray about developing even greater servant's hearts, following in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior!
Learning To Serve,
Pastor Ed
Thanking God for moving so powerfully in and through you and Calvary Chapel. As you spoke this morning about our families whom God loves, and so much more than we ever could, I remembered my sister and her husband who I have been praying for, for many years. I also remembered there have been times I've been tempted to anger and giving up in prayer. Nevertheless, the Lord is so gracious, in giving us the strength to keep on praying and continue walking by faith and not by sight. I am beginning to see God working in their hearts through a breaking process from the "perfect world" filled with wealth etc., they thought they were living in without Jesus. Thank you for speaking God's truth to us, and encouraging us to continue in prayer for His precious ones. God is still the author and finisher of our faith until the day of Christ Jesus and His word will not come back void.
Friday, February 25, 2011
God's Heart For Your Community
It's so encouraging to know that God has a plan for our (your) specific community! You're not there by accident. That house you're in, that apartment you lease, that condo you just purchased is where it is because God has a plan for your community and you're a big part of it! God loves the people in our community. God is interested supremely in their salvation. He is interested in reaching them. We can be sure God has a plan.
Today would be a good day to begin a regular Friday prayer for your community. You can pray for the people in particular, as God enlarges your heart in love toward them.
Know these important truths: God has a plan for your community. You are a part of that plan!
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
Psalm 3:3 is my favorite Bible verse. It has been my favorite since the first time I read it back in 1996. It lifts my spirit each time I read it, knowing that God would take the time to lift my head when I am down and protect me with His shield of glory! What an amazing thought! I always imagine in my mind Him kneeling beside me and gently lifting my chin with His hand to look into His adoring face. He loves me so much, He will kneel at my side when I have fallen in battle, and protect me on all sides from the enemy. His grace covers all of me, and this verse reminds me in just the right way, that my Father in heaven will always take up arms for me, in the gentlest of ways.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Where God Guides He Provides
The longer you walk with Jesus in your life, the more you come to realize and appreciate His tremendous faithfulness. There has not been one day where God was unfaithful to us and there never will be such a day. Even as we wrestle with the issues of life and perhaps become a bit faithless ourselves, He remains faithful (2 Timothy 2:13).
When it comes to our needs, God always provides. If God is in it, He’ll provide all that we need. He’ll supply all the energy, time, effort, open doors, people, money, wisdom, and whatever it takes in helping us fulfill His will. The problem, of course, is how we define needs. So often we mistake wants and desires for needs. God, although He abundantly blesses us above all we could think or ask, doesn’t promise to provide for our wants, but only our needs. Anything above our needs is a bonus!
What’s true for us individually is true for our church. As our church meets various needs, we can be assured that God will provide. We don’t need to hype it up, put undo pressure on people, or lay heavy ‘giving’ guilt-trips. God will move upon our hearts to participate in the awesome work He’s doing in and through us! It’s so wonderful and freeing.
Be careful this week to consider your needs before the Lord. Ask Him to show you the difference between your needs and your wants. Then, lay it all before Him, trusting Him to provide as He guides.
Trusting Him,
Pastor Ed
This devotion came at just the right time this morning. As a life-long “try harder to get it right” girl, I have been struggling to understand God’s grace and how it is that I can just rest in Him. My lifelong standard has been to “get it right,” and it seems that the harder I try, the more I botch it up. I’ve been so blessed by the messages about grace that you have been teaching, and realized as I read this that when I try to live up to the standard I set for myself (which is impossible being that I tend toward perfectionism) I am setting aside His grace. I’m slowly learning to relax in Him, to rest in the work He has already done. Thank you for teaching grace. I have a bit of a thick skull, but I am getting it. God has been so faithful to speak His grace to me, particularly on the days when I am wrestling with the simplicity of what He has done and is doing in me.
Friday, February 18, 2011
How Do The Spiritually Blind See?
It can be so frustrating to share the gospel with our friends and family, only to feel like we’re hitting a brick wall. They just don’t seem to get it. They don’t want to hear it. They come up with all sorts of fanciful arguments and questions that have nothing to do with the truth.
Why all the resistance? Why the strong opposition? Those that are not born-again are spiritually blind. They just can’t see it. No matter how hard we try or how much we plead, it’s not going to happen with human persuasion. So, how does the spiritually-blind see? The Spirit of God opens their eyes and helps them to understand spiritual things.
As followers of Jesus, we understand this well since we were once spiritually-blind ourselves. It wasn’t until the Spirit of God opened our eyes that we could see things in the way God sees them.
Remember, as much studying, preparing, and pleading as you do to answer tough Bible questions and share the love of God with folks, be sure to pray more for the Spirit of God to open their eyes. That’s how salvation will happen. That’s how they’ll ‘get it.’ The Spirit of God, working through the people of God, using the Word of God!
In Love,
Pastor Ed
I just wanted to say thanks for all that Calvary Chapel Aurora is doing in the body of Christ. I'm from Florida, and I'm not with a church right now. It was my husband who told me that he heard your ministry on radio in the truck, so I went on the internet and found you guys. We are blessed to have done so; we are being fed. It's a good feeling when your spirit connects with something that feels true on the inside, and as we seek the Lord He truly leads us. Thanks again and we will be listening. God bless and continue to rise up your ministry and keep it ablaze for Jesus.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Blessed Are The Flexible
The opposite of being flexible is being rigid and unbendable. Those that are flexible don’t break, but those that are rigid tend to ‘snap’ at the most inopportune time. As we serve Jesus with our lives, it’s important to remain flexible and open to whatever God has in store for us. As Pastor Chuck Smith has often taught, “blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken.” It’s true.
Churches need to be flexible. Believers need to be flexible. Teachers need to be flexible. Parents need to be flexible. It really doesn’t matter who you are or what you might do in this world, flexibility is a key to accomplishing the will of God for your life.
What is it in your life that you’ve decided to just ‘put your foot down’ and remain unmovable about? Would you pray about that this week? Just be open to the Lord for a new and fresh work of His Spirit in that area. I believe you may be pleasantly surprised as God begins to do a wonderful work in your life.
One more thing: Be careful not to lean on your own understanding. Why? Because you can get so ‘set in your ways’ that your understanding is so important to you, and you won’t be open to the newness that God has in store for you.
If God reveals something to you, email me and tell me about it.
In Him,
Pastor Ed
God is AWESOME. I was contemplating a question -- going back and forth. It was really a complaint about our church. Wouldn't you know it? I hear a sermon on the radio just on that topic. That there are no perfect churches, etc. God slapped me (in a good way) and shook me out of that mode. The other incident was a financial one -- we prayed and sure enough God came through -- AS HE ALWAYS DOES. These are very recent. God is always faithful. We/I'm the one that always fails. Praise God.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Who Is Getting the Attention?
When Paul arrived in Corinth, he didn't stand before the people with flowery, worldly wisdom. That is, he didn't come trying to make the people know how smart he was; how learned he was; how respected he was in the community. His motives weren't to draw attention to himself in any way as he shared the gospel with them. Quite the opposite: physically, he was weak, fearful, and trembling. Emotionally, he was drained. On top of that, he sounded as bad as he looked and felt.
What he did, though, is a great model for us. He shared Jesus and Him crucified. That's it. He made sure Jesus received all the credit and all the attention. Refusing to elevate himself or his 'ministry,' he made Jesus the main focal point.
It's important to guard against taking the credit for the anything God has done in your life. Although God does choose to use men and women in wonderful and tremendous ways, we can never get too attached to His instruments. God alone gets all the glory for great things He has done.
Paul comes to Corinth weak, sick, and just not feeling well. Instead of making himself the focal point, he takes people to Jesus with his words and his actions. We would do well to follow his example!
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
I am engaged to be married and my future wife and I are believers. We have both been damaged by previous divorces and by the grace of God, He has brought our paths together. We have lived together for a few months and have a wedding date set in the next few months. The Holy Spirit has been convicting me ever since we moved in together, as I knew it was sinful, and needless to say I've been hard headed...until your message this morning finished me off. I must take action to honor God and my future spouse. Thank you for sharing the truth with me.
Monday, February 7, 2011
God Wants Inspiration
It's been said that God is looking for inspiration, not perspiration. I agree. It's so easy to be 'busy' for the things of God, but busy in things that God never led you to do. One of the difficulties in any believer's life -- in any church's life -- is to be busy, busy, busy, but never really busy in what God wants or desires. I once it heard it illustrated this way: "What if you spent your whole life baking your best friend the perfect apple pie, to only find out when you finally present it to him, he doesn't like apple pies at all but prefers the cherry pies at the corner store?" There would no doubt be a sense of "why did I waste all my time?"
Misplaced effort has plagued believers from the very beginning. It's not that effort and serving Jesus won't be tiring, it will. Often the Bible describes service as a 'labor of love.' The word labor literally means "to work to the point of exhaustion." Misplaced labor almost always ends in 'burn out,' with doses of frustration, anger, and sadness thrown in along the way. It's simply not good to strive. Those that strive to make things happen often get to the end and wonder, "why did I waste all my time?"
It's important that we learn to recognize whether God is in something or not. If He's in it, then He will inspire us in our service. If He's not, then we have to let it go rather than strive to make something happen that God doesn't want. Remember, it's in His time that He makes all things beautiful!
In Love,
Pastor Ed
It takes grace to forgive one who has offended, and humility to be the one to ask forgiveness. Two most important attributes we must have if we are truly God's.
Friday, February 4, 2011
A Blessing to be Used By God
Today I believe the Spirit of God wants you to know that He can use you, that He wants to use you, and that He will use you. He'll use you even though you have a past. He'll use you even though you aren't perfect. He'll use you even though you come up with 1,001 excuses on why He can't, or won't, or doesn't, want to. God only uses imperfect people. He only uses people with imperfect pasts. Why? Because that is the only type of person that is alive on the earth today!
Every one of us is at a different level of spiritual maturity. It's true that some grow faster than others, but that's okay because we're all on our own spiritual track of maturity. Yet, just because we're all at different levels of spiritual growth that doesn't mean God won't use us. He will! Wherever we are in our relationship with Him, God wants to use us in a such a way that no flesh, no man, no woman, no church, no system -- nothing -- can glory in His presence. He gets all the credit for great things He has done and continues to do!
Don't write yourself off. Step up and present yourself to God, even now, to be used by Him greatly!
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:1-2 (NKJV)
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
This is so true: to be able to worship God with no language barriers that is so cool. I think people who are bicultural can understand that very well. I know a lot of songs in Spanish and English and with the same meaning of getting us closer and intimate way to God to worship Him in truth. I also know that sometimes we get caught up in the type of music, like in New Mexico is southwest music specially in the North part it has a Mexican beat to it. Also in Mexico (I was just there in February) I found Christian music in mariachi style it was so cool, Also in some parts of San Antonio, TX is TeX Mx music with a country mix with Mexican style music. But the message is the same: to adore and Praise and Worship Him. I think is so cool. Our God, Lord and Savior is Awesome. By the way my favorites worship songs are the traditional hymns like Amazing Grace (Spanish Sublime Gracia), At the Cross (Spanish En la Cruz), One day at a time (Spanish Un dia ala Vez). These are the songs I have sang in the Questa baptism church. But also love the Calvary chapel worship music which I never heard of that type of music before. They all draw me closer to God and reveals what is really in my heart. The music encourages me, edifies me it does so much in my life. it also brings unity among believers one accord one purpose to worship God. Thank-you for this e-note. God bless you and your family.