2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV) But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
Every now and then, as I'm reading through the Bible, I'm struck by how gracious God is in choosing us to serve Him. I know it's not a new or novel truth, but one that so encourages me.
Jesus didn't call perfect people to do His work. How could He? There aren't any. So Jesus uses people like us, with our many misunderstandings, our mixed motives, our weaknesses and failures; our humanity. Yet, before He uses us there is that transformation by His Spirit. He's constantly changing, shaping, and molding us from the inside out. Day by day, our lives are becoming more and more like Jesus.
Don't lose heart today, friend. God is using you. God is changing you. God is not finished with you. Trust Him!
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
You know, I think it is awesome that you ask people to respond to you when you send out these e-mails. You might not know it, but I think that might mean a lot to people -- it does to me. So thanks! I can only imagine how many people these e-mails actually go to. I am sure your inbox runneth over.
Ed has the privilege of pastoring Calvary Aurora, a dynamic fellowship family located just east of Denver in Aurora, Colorado. We are so grateful to God for His great mercy and Abounding Grace. We pray God's blessings upon you as we update you on what's going on here.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Reaching Our World
Acts 1:8 (NKJV) "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
God's strategy for reaching people with the Good News of Jesus is profoundly simple.
#1 - Saturate Jerusalem.
Our Jerusalem, or home base, is Aurora and the surrounding cities in the Denver Metro area.
#2 - Saturate Judea/Samaria.
Our Judea and Samaria is the state of Colorado, expanding throughout the United States, and to Mexico and Canada on the North American continent.
#3 - Saturate The Earth.
Our 'ends of the earth' are literally every tribe, tongue, and nation on every square inch of this planet.
#4 - Go back to #1 and repeat!
Save yourself thousands of dollars in seminars, books, and such. Start living and sharing the gospel at home. Spread out a little. Pray about going around the world.
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
I have found that I'm more calm and relaxed when I forgive, and I listen to my sister talk about how she won't forgive our mother for the past. My sister works herself up with down-right hatred. I get along with my mother and she has apologized for the past, but my sister and her family miss out on many family functions, and her grandchildren are missing out on their great-grandmother. This hurts my mother dearly, because my sister won't forgive. Forgiveness is the key, it's easier than not forgiving.
God's strategy for reaching people with the Good News of Jesus is profoundly simple.
#1 - Saturate Jerusalem.
Our Jerusalem, or home base, is Aurora and the surrounding cities in the Denver Metro area.
#2 - Saturate Judea/Samaria.
Our Judea and Samaria is the state of Colorado, expanding throughout the United States, and to Mexico and Canada on the North American continent.
#3 - Saturate The Earth.
Our 'ends of the earth' are literally every tribe, tongue, and nation on every square inch of this planet.
#4 - Go back to #1 and repeat!
Save yourself thousands of dollars in seminars, books, and such. Start living and sharing the gospel at home. Spread out a little. Pray about going around the world.
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
I have found that I'm more calm and relaxed when I forgive, and I listen to my sister talk about how she won't forgive our mother for the past. My sister works herself up with down-right hatred. I get along with my mother and she has apologized for the past, but my sister and her family miss out on many family functions, and her grandchildren are missing out on their great-grandmother. This hurts my mother dearly, because my sister won't forgive. Forgiveness is the key, it's easier than not forgiving.
Friday, June 17, 2011
It's Appointed Once
Hebrews 9:27-28 (NKJV) And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, sso Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.
David Murdock is spending (wasting) the billions of dollars (yes, billions) he's accumulated over his lifetime on trying to live to the ripe old age of 125. Thus far, he's spent over $500 million building a massive research campus in North Carolina in order to explore his conviction that the key to longer life is a low-fat diet rich in vegetables, fruit, and antioxidants. Though he's quick to try to convince you of his ideas, he doesn't mind if you don't listen. "That's okay," he says. "You'll go before me."
I was a little bummed after reading the article. Here's a guy that is obviously successful and health conscious, trying to squeeze out another 20 years of his life, giving no attention to his spiritual life -- to eternity. Even if he does live to 125 years of age, he will still have lived exactly as many years as God has ordained... and then the judgment.
It's sensible, my friend, to take care of your body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Eating right is simply wise. Exercise, the Bible says, profits a little. Being a bad steward of our bodies is not God's will for our lives.
Remember this today: "Only one life will soon be passed. Only what's done for Jesus will last!"
In His Love,
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
My dear pastor, I have been praying for a way to talk to one of our children and his wife about problems in their marriage. There is so much they need to see about forgiveness. God has answered my prayer by your eNote message yesterday. God is so good!
David Murdock is spending (wasting) the billions of dollars (yes, billions) he's accumulated over his lifetime on trying to live to the ripe old age of 125. Thus far, he's spent over $500 million building a massive research campus in North Carolina in order to explore his conviction that the key to longer life is a low-fat diet rich in vegetables, fruit, and antioxidants. Though he's quick to try to convince you of his ideas, he doesn't mind if you don't listen. "That's okay," he says. "You'll go before me."
I was a little bummed after reading the article. Here's a guy that is obviously successful and health conscious, trying to squeeze out another 20 years of his life, giving no attention to his spiritual life -- to eternity. Even if he does live to 125 years of age, he will still have lived exactly as many years as God has ordained... and then the judgment.
It's sensible, my friend, to take care of your body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Eating right is simply wise. Exercise, the Bible says, profits a little. Being a bad steward of our bodies is not God's will for our lives.
Remember this today: "Only one life will soon be passed. Only what's done for Jesus will last!"
In His Love,
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
My dear pastor, I have been praying for a way to talk to one of our children and his wife about problems in their marriage. There is so much they need to see about forgiveness. God has answered my prayer by your eNote message yesterday. God is so good!
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Bride of Christ
Acts 20:29-30 (NKJV) For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.
I love the Church of Jesus Christ. I love our church! What a precious gift God has given to us, His Church, this fellowship family. There isn't anything that even comes close to the church on the earth today. There never has been and there never will be.
Some might respond, "Wait a minute Pastor, hold your horses. I was hurt in the church. I was let down by the church. I was left out, not included. I don't love the church. I don't love my church."
Let's be careful not to cloud the glorious truth of God's church with our own feelings, emotions, and opinions. I've been hurt in church, too. As a matter of fact, the deepest wounds I've ever experienced in my entire life have happened to me in God's church, by people who claimed to be following Jesus at the time, and whom I trusted and love dearly.
Pain, sorrow, and heartache are tools in the Master's toolbox to help us trust Him more, and trust man less (James 1). I don't want to focus on the pain that I might have felt, but instead I want to focus on the hope of Heaven, Jesus Christ. I want to be used to be a help in the church, not a hindrance. I want to make a difference for Jesus in His church on the earth.
I invite you to join me.
I love the Church of Jesus Christ. I love our church! What a precious gift God has given to us, His Church, this fellowship family. There isn't anything that even comes close to the church on the earth today. There never has been and there never will be.
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
Thank you so much, Pastor Ed, for always encouraging us to rise above mediocrity and to turn from sin. It's not always easy, but by the grace of God and an obedient Spirit, we can all go down that "other street."
I really enjoyed this "autobiography...;" it was right on target and it spoke straight to my heart and to my mind. I believe it will join another scripture verse that the Spirit of God often brings to mind: "Where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." It's completely clear; it's direct; it's God's command - plain and simple.
Keep bringing on the conviction, God, and you too, Pastor Ed! God bless you and thank you for caring for the flock as you do. You're genuine, the real deal, and that is truly appreciated.
I love the Church of Jesus Christ. I love our church! What a precious gift God has given to us, His Church, this fellowship family. There isn't anything that even comes close to the church on the earth today. There never has been and there never will be.
Some might respond, "Wait a minute Pastor, hold your horses. I was hurt in the church. I was let down by the church. I was left out, not included. I don't love the church. I don't love my church."
Let's be careful not to cloud the glorious truth of God's church with our own feelings, emotions, and opinions. I've been hurt in church, too. As a matter of fact, the deepest wounds I've ever experienced in my entire life have happened to me in God's church, by people who claimed to be following Jesus at the time, and whom I trusted and love dearly.
Pain, sorrow, and heartache are tools in the Master's toolbox to help us trust Him more, and trust man less (James 1). I don't want to focus on the pain that I might have felt, but instead I want to focus on the hope of Heaven, Jesus Christ. I want to be used to be a help in the church, not a hindrance. I want to make a difference for Jesus in His church on the earth.
I invite you to join me.
I love the Church of Jesus Christ. I love our church! What a precious gift God has given to us, His Church, this fellowship family. There isn't anything that even comes close to the church on the earth today. There never has been and there never will be.
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
Thank you so much, Pastor Ed, for always encouraging us to rise above mediocrity and to turn from sin. It's not always easy, but by the grace of God and an obedient Spirit, we can all go down that "other street."
I really enjoyed this "autobiography...;" it was right on target and it spoke straight to my heart and to my mind. I believe it will join another scripture verse that the Spirit of God often brings to mind: "Where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." It's completely clear; it's direct; it's God's command - plain and simple.
Keep bringing on the conviction, God, and you too, Pastor Ed! God bless you and thank you for caring for the flock as you do. You're genuine, the real deal, and that is truly appreciated.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Self-Centeredness on the Rise
Matthew 16:24-25 (NKJV) Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."
University of Kentucky psychologist Nathan DeWall says young people "love themselves more today than ever before." He says the proof is found in their music. He and his colleagues analyzed the lyrics of Billboard's "Hot 100" songs from the past three decades and found a steady increase in self-centeredness and hostility toward others. The researchers suggest that rampant narcissism may be making it harder for people to connect with one another. I think they're right.
Step number one in following Jesus is the utter denial of self.
Step number one in thriving in our world system is to exalt self and deny everyone else.
The two worldviews cannot co-exist together. It's not possible to both deny ourselves and promote ourselves at the same time.
I wonder what the researchers would find if they analyzed the music that we've been listening to lately?
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
I love listening to you and all the Calvary Chapel pastors on 89.7! I remember when you first started the radio station I thought, "Do we really need another one?" Man alive - I was so wrong. I love it! And the answer is, "Yes, we do!" Thank you for walking in the vision to provide continual Godly bible teaching without all the politics, health supplements and drama (no disrespect intended).
University of Kentucky psychologist Nathan DeWall says young people "love themselves more today than ever before." He says the proof is found in their music. He and his colleagues analyzed the lyrics of Billboard's "Hot 100" songs from the past three decades and found a steady increase in self-centeredness and hostility toward others. The researchers suggest that rampant narcissism may be making it harder for people to connect with one another. I think they're right.
Step number one in following Jesus is the utter denial of self.
Step number one in thriving in our world system is to exalt self and deny everyone else.
The two worldviews cannot co-exist together. It's not possible to both deny ourselves and promote ourselves at the same time.
I wonder what the researchers would find if they analyzed the music that we've been listening to lately?
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
I love listening to you and all the Calvary Chapel pastors on 89.7! I remember when you first started the radio station I thought, "Do we really need another one?" Man alive - I was so wrong. I love it! And the answer is, "Yes, we do!" Thank you for walking in the vision to provide continual Godly bible teaching without all the politics, health supplements and drama (no disrespect intended).
Monday, June 6, 2011
Fitting In
Matthew 5:11-12 (NKJV) "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
There has always been this undercurrent in human beings of needing to and wanting to fit in. It's not fun to be left out, and downright discouraging to be excluded. It looks like the people that seem to be happy are the popular ones, the centers of attention. It's not true of course, everyone has their issues in life, but perceptions can really mess with our heads.
The Church today seems to be so afraid of being left out today that they have placed way too much emphasis on trying to fit into a world and a culture that hates Jesus. Of course the 'hating Jesus' (John 15:18) part is conveniently left out of their marketing plans and business models. (Yes, church leaders have turned to secular business models, too, but that's a different note altogether.) The Church wants to be relevant, cool, and hip. But along they way, she has become empty, shallow, and powerless. It was A.W. Tozer that proposed, "If the Holy Spirit were taken away from the church today, 90% of what they did would continue on unnoticed." That's a powerful indictment upon the human-centered ways of today's church.
Don't buy into it. Human methods will not reap eternal gains. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding, especially if you're a leader in God's most Holy Church!
In Love,
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
Let me tell you where I was last year. My wife had filed for divorce. We were separated. I thought my life was over, but it turns out that was just the 2x4 I needed to the head to wake up, grow up and get my heart right with God. So I did and within a short period of time, I could see the wounds healing in my life as well as my children; all of our relationships with God were growing stronger. Then, at a Wednesday night service I really felt the Lord speak to me and all he said was "two years." I took that to mean perhaps in two years time my wife and I would get back together. That's not what God had in mind. My wife and I reconciled before the divorce was even final. Now if we fast forward to today it has been about a year, so what happens a year from now? I don't know, but one person in my household has yet to give her life over to Jesus so maybe that's what lies ahead. I simply don't know. But I do know where to place my faith now... unlike a year ago.
There has always been this undercurrent in human beings of needing to and wanting to fit in. It's not fun to be left out, and downright discouraging to be excluded. It looks like the people that seem to be happy are the popular ones, the centers of attention. It's not true of course, everyone has their issues in life, but perceptions can really mess with our heads.
The Church today seems to be so afraid of being left out today that they have placed way too much emphasis on trying to fit into a world and a culture that hates Jesus. Of course the 'hating Jesus' (John 15:18) part is conveniently left out of their marketing plans and business models. (Yes, church leaders have turned to secular business models, too, but that's a different note altogether.) The Church wants to be relevant, cool, and hip. But along they way, she has become empty, shallow, and powerless. It was A.W. Tozer that proposed, "If the Holy Spirit were taken away from the church today, 90% of what they did would continue on unnoticed." That's a powerful indictment upon the human-centered ways of today's church.
Don't buy into it. Human methods will not reap eternal gains. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding, especially if you're a leader in God's most Holy Church!
In Love,
Pastor Ed
The Truth in Living Color
Let me tell you where I was last year. My wife had filed for divorce. We were separated. I thought my life was over, but it turns out that was just the 2x4 I needed to the head to wake up, grow up and get my heart right with God. So I did and within a short period of time, I could see the wounds healing in my life as well as my children; all of our relationships with God were growing stronger. Then, at a Wednesday night service I really felt the Lord speak to me and all he said was "two years." I took that to mean perhaps in two years time my wife and I would get back together. That's not what God had in mind. My wife and I reconciled before the divorce was even final. Now if we fast forward to today it has been about a year, so what happens a year from now? I don't know, but one person in my household has yet to give her life over to Jesus so maybe that's what lies ahead. I simply don't know. But I do know where to place my faith now... unlike a year ago.
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