Luke 6.46 "But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say?”
Someone once described the Christian life as a ‘long obedience in the same direction.’ I think he really hit a nerve of truth. It’s when obedience is short lived, that mistakes happen. It’s when obedience is half hearted that problems come. It’s when obedience is not in the same direction that issues, serious issues arise.
We can avoid all this by paying attention to the details and steadily obeying in the small things of life. As each new decision comes up, willingly make the right decision. As each new challenge arises, surrender yourself to God’s will. Then, as the larger things in life come your way, you are ready and trained and already in the habit of obeying.
Obey in the small things and you’re obedience will carry over into the large things. The result over time will be a ‘long obedience in the same direction’ which is a great definition for the spirit-filled, abundant, overflowing life that Jesus promises to those who put their faith in Him.
In His Strong Love,
Pastor Ed
Message: Hello. I am a foreign exchange student. Once my friend brought me to Calvary Chapel in the beginning of May, 2009. And it was great! The best moment while I was in America. Now I'm back in my home country, but every week I get up at 2 o'clock in the morning to listen to Sunday's worship at Calvary Chapel. Thank you! Thank God! The thing you are doing is really good, blessed; it's meant to be. Thank you.
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