“Going Out After The Lost”
Luke 19.9-10 (NKJV) And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."
I’m so encouraged by the heart of Jesus toward Zacchaeus. He was one of those men that could have easily fallen through the cracks because of his sin and sinful lifestyle. He was a tax collector, which meant he was not a very popular man among the people. It also meant he was very wealthy. Most likely, his only friends were other tax collectors which means his life was probably filled with sin, sin, and more sin. So here is a man who would seem to look like he needs nothing, but deep down he knows, his life is an empty mess!
Those are all the trappings of someone that is often written off by society, even sometimes, by the church. But grace writes no one off my friend. The grace of God will go to the deepest depths, to the lowest lows, and even into an old sycamore tree to reach a guy that some might call unreachable.
As you’re praying for your friends, your family, your neighbors, and co-workers, remember that there is no such thing as someone too bad to be saved. Now, I have met a few people who were too good to be saved but never someone too bad. Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. I pray His heart is our heart as He uses us to do what He came to do… seek out those who need Him so desperately, and love them into the Kingdom.
In His Grace, Pastor Ed
RESPONSE -- Hi Pastor Ed,I just want to share this short testimony of God's kindness and mercy to me 2 days ago. I was leaving work about 6:45pm about to head off to Wednesday bible study and my car would not start. Earlier that morning I knew something was not right, but of course no time to think about it for long. By the time I figured out my car was not going to start, there was no one else in the parking lot except 2 guys who I had noticed were looking under the hood of a truck earlier. I was able to flag one of them just as he was driving away. It turns out the guy is a mechanic and he owns a shop a few blocks away from my office (I never noticed his shop before). He jumped the car the had me follow him back to his shop where he opened up again and sold me a new battery, which was long overdue he said. All in time to make it to church for the message. They say it was "good timing" but I am assured that it was God looking out for me. Saving me from being towed and missing work the next day to get my car fixed. I praise Him for His mercy and kindness. Talk about a Holy hook-up!! Just thought I'd share.

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