Friday, November 5, 2010

Learning From Jesus

Matt 11:28 (NKJV) "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

As the book of Joshua opens up, we see God speaking directly to His young, new leader. We see it so many times in the Bible - God speaking to His servants - that if we're not careful, we may miss the importance of Joshua being able to hear God.

How did Joshua learn to hear from God? I believe it was Moses that taught him; that discipled him in the things of the Lord. Joshua was a faithful servant to Moses. As you read through the early pages of the Old Testament, you'll often find Joshua very close in proximity to Moses. Not only was Joshua a servant, he was also a spiritual student.

I'm reminded of my own life. It's so important for me, for you, to be close to Jesus. We're not just to be good servants to Jesus, but also good students of Jesus. We have much to learn, and as we faithfully serve Him, He is faithful to teach us!

By Love,
Pastor Ed

There are many but I keep coming back to Romans 8:28. I particularly like the NASB translation of it... And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Since this prodigal came home a little over three years ago, the Lord has shown me that indeed He does cause all things to work together for good. During my time away from Him, many [things] happened in my life which made absolutely no sense to me. Many things that at the time made me feel as if He wasn't in control. For if He was, surely he wouldn't allow these things to happen to me! But, now looking back I can see His hands all over those situations. I like to think that a believer's life is sort of like a jigsaw puzzle. You see the individual pieces as moments in time and you can't often seem to see how they fit into anything. But as God puts the pieces together, then out of disorder comes order and you begin to see that there is a design and that it is taking shape. It simply takes trust in Him to be able to have peace and to know that while the circumstances that you may be going through now make no sense to you, in the end it will all come together like a puzzle. The end result being a clear and beautiful picture, of your life.

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