1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV) casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
God, throughout our lives, allows things to come our way that are huge and insurmountable. Life is like that sometimes and God doesn't always intervene right away. We often find ourselves at the limit! Yet, it's when we come to our limits, to our extremities, where we have to give up control. "I can't do anything else." "I can't go any farther." That's the time God is given the opportunity in our lives to take over and do His work, showing His great saving power.
Of course, there are those of us who are a little more hard-headed than others which only make things tougher on us during difficult times. Those that are a little more 'strong-willed' seem to have to deepen in the hole and suffer misery a little longer before crying out to God in surrender for help! (By the way we always point out to our kids when they are being strong-willed. You know kids grow up into being strong-willed adults, too! Perhaps this is a great time to ask God to soften your will and mold it into His.)
God in His great love for us often allows us to get to the very end, so that we might see with our own eyes, our limitations. Why? He allows hard times, so that we would learn how to cast our lives upon Him and trust Him.
You may be in a very limiting place right now. It's time. Turn your life and all your situations over to Him. He hears. He cares. He acts.
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
Thank you for this message. I struggle with my immediate family not being believers and yes, have hit many a brick wall with them. This message sure has helped me with my frustrations. I will begin praying specifically that the Spirit of God will open their eyes so they come to the Lord.
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