Friday, April 29, 2011

Sin Looks Horrible

Psalms 119:32 (NLT) If you will help me, I will run to follow your commands.

Oh boy, another note on sin? Yup.

There is nothing to be afraid of when talking about sin. God so loved this world that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die, and rise again from the dead to forgive us of our sins. God's great deed met man's greatest need: the forgiveness of sins.

Have you ever noticed how horrible our sins look when someone else is committing them? When I'm involved in sin like gossip, or lying, or whatever, I can always find some spiritual reason - some excellent excuse for myself. "Oh, I'm not gossiping, we're just praying with details for the brother." "I'm not lying, I'm just telling you what I think is true." When I'm involved in things, it's okay. But when you're doing it, oh, how ugly it is!

As we see sin in others, it's easy for us to be quick to judge. But if we're the one doing it, it's not really that big of a deal. Grace for me! Yahoo! Judgment for them. Boo! That's just plain wrong and will get you nowhere in the Kingdom of God.

We really need to be careful here friends. Grace is to be extended not only to ourselves, but also to others. Sin is horrible no matter where it is! Let's run away from sin and run toward God in the way of His commandments.

Pastor Ed

This was a powerful testimony, Pastor Ed; thank you so much for forwarding it. I sobbed reading all of this, because I can completely relate and I thank God for opening his eyes to God's truth. Once you see the light, how can one turn back? You are such a bright light there in Colorado. Thank you for all your teachings and honesty and telling it like it is. I still listen to your broadcasts on the web when I can. I know that I was meant to live in CO for the years I did, just so that I would be led to Calvary Chapel Aurora, so that I could be saved. I have taken what I have learned from you and the church there in CO and use them as God leads here on the Central Coast of CA. May others know and discover how truly special that little church is and may they also find Truth within it's walls and beyond.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fall Back on Him

Psalm 34:8 NKJV Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

There are times in life when we are shaken to the core of who we are, and what we believe. I think of the family who recently received news that cancer had invaded mom's body. I think of the man who watched his wife walk out of his life, with the kids in tow. I think of the man who lost his mom to a ravaging disease, or the folks who were in that tragic car accident, or....

The stories are different, but the results are the same: a shaken and rocked faith! You thought you were so strong. You thought you were doing so well. You saw your relationship with Jesus so solid. Then, it hit you like a ton of bricks.

Please remember this, maybe even jot it down somewhere for when it's necessary: "When confronted with something that we don't understand, always fall back on that which we do understand." Or another way of saying that: "When our world is rocked and crashing down around us, always hold on to the unchanging truths about God."

When we don't fully understand what's going on around us, it's important to maintain a regular steady walk with our Jesus. Even though our hearts are crying out, "Why God?" our hearts are also crying out, "I trust you in this storm God," at the very same time.

We know God is love. That doesn't change. We know God is faithful. That doesn't change. We know God is for us, not against us. That doesn't change. We know that God is good. That doesn't change. God is ever present and will never leave us. That doesn't change.

When you're faced with an earth-shattering, life-altering, future-impacting crisis, fall back on the faithfulness and reliability of your God who loves you!

By Faith,
Pastor Ed


I wanted to give you an update from when I last visited your church. I found a job and am now working for Bank of America! I was extremely specific when I prayed to the Lord for a job, asking for many things to be very clear to me and all were answered and then some! I will pay a visit to you and your church family again this year, and thank you for the prayers.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sin Is Against God

Jeremiah 31:34 (NKJV) No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD, for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.

It's important to know and remember that all sin is against God. While our sins may affect other people and might involve other people, it is first and foremost an affront to God. So every sin is a sin against God. He knows. He sees. He waits.

God waits when I sin? What does He wait for? He waits for our broken, humble repentance!

Here's the mistake many believers make with sin. They think no one sees. They think no one knows. They think no one cares. That's simply not true. There is no such thing as a secret sin.

Thanks Ed, that's just what I needed to hear in my email box on a Friday. Perhaps it is, my friend. God wants to rescue you from your own destructive sinful decisions, large or small. If He chooses to use your email box, rejoice that God cares for and loves you!

God is waiting. Repent and turn to Him this moment.

Now, to those who are doing well in the Lord and your life is clean before Him, begin praying for friends and relatives that truly would be free if they repented from their sin!

Forgiven By Him,
Pastor Ed

Dear Ed,

Our family lives in Mars Hill, North Carolina. I just wanted to take the time and thank you! It is so rewarding and a blessing to hear your messages. Our family listens Wednesdays and Sundays. It is the meat of the Bible that we need to hear and grow on. Thank you for your webcast. God Bless. Please keep our family in your prayers.

P.S. We have just downloaded the series on the gifts out of Romans. (1-8)

Monday, April 18, 2011


James 4:7 NKJV Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

How easy it is to get caught up in extremes. With every opinion, there seems to be two extremes to avoid. The same is true of theology. There are some hot button items out there; while not essential doctrines, important ones. And always present is the danger to take one extreme or the other, missing out on the balance between the two.

Many years ago, Jesus confirmed in my life that arguing over the Bible was not what He wanted me to do. So much division in the body of Christ comes from people arguing about the Scriptures, arguing out certain nuances, and arguing about things that lead to nothing but more strife and heartache.

Am I suggesting we don't stand up for clear, biblical, and essential doctrines? No way. Of course, we take a stand on those things where a stand is required. However, when approaching theological things that have differing views, how important it is to stay balanced.

Be careful not to destroy the person, while defending your position! Avoid extremes: instead, choose to point people to Jesus, following closely after Him without being sidetracked into useless and pointless arguments (Titus 3:9).

In Love,
Pastor Ed

This devotion came at just the right time this morning. As a lifelong "try harder to get it right" girl, I have been struggling to understand God's grace and how it is that I can just rest in Him. My lifelong standard has been to "get it right," and it seems that the harder I try, the more I botch it up. I've been so blessed by the messages about grace that you have been teaching, and realized as I read this that when I try to live up to the standard I set for myself (which is impossible being that I tend toward perfectionism), I am setting aside His grace. I'm slowly learning to relax in Him, to rest in the work He has already done. Thank you for teaching grace, I have a bit of a thick skull, but I am getting it. God has been so faithful to speak His grace to me, particularly on the days when I am wrestling with the simplicity of what He has done and is doing in me.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Job 15:26 (NKJV) Running stubbornly against Him, with his strong, embossed shield.

"He's as stubborn as a mule." Have you ever heard that before?

Some wear stubbornness like a badge of honor. It's not hard to find people who are stubborn identified, but then excused. Defined, the word means "having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position." Another way of seeing that is how a person is unwilling to move, inflexible, and 'set in their ways.'

God addresses the stubborn many times in the Bible. Put very simply, God tells us not to be stubborn like the horse or the mule, especially as it relates to sin in your life. Over and over we have examples in the Bible of how stubbornness can lead to disaster. A few examples include Pharaoh (Exodus 13:15), children (Deut. 21:18), the children of Israel (Judges 2:19), and many others. From Samuel's own lips, God says, "stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry."

Listen, please be careful not to wear badges of honor that are not truly honorable before the Lord. It's not good for us to be known by behaviors and attitudes that are not from the heart of God. If there are stubborn streaks in your life, ask God to remove them. He will! If we choose our own way, then please receive God's word and warning:

Psalms 81:12 (NKJV) So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, to walk in their own counsels.

NO WAY. That's not what I want. I want to walk in His Spirit!

In His Hand,
Pastor Ed

I was meditating on these two verses this just this weekend! The Lord showed me that when I am in an intimate, communicative relationship with Him, He will guide me with wisdom and discernment, and there will be no reason for me NOT to trust Him.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Loyalty Towards God

James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

It's a continual lesson we learn as believers; submission to God. While the Bible has much to say about submission mutually, to governmental authorities, in marriage, and within His church; it's still an area where there is great resistance in our hearts. We don't like to submit, especially when we disagree.

Yet, it's important that we learn how to serve God in full submission, while serving alongside one another as co-laborers. Without true submission to God, there is anarchy and chaos (read through Judges to see a picture of that). We are growing day by day, understanding how important it is to be fully surrendered to God, and at the same time supportive of those God has given to us as leaders. It's important for us to support those God has put in our lives to oversee our souls.

Division. Gossip. Slander. Strife. Dissension. Those are all sins that tend to flow from an non-submissive heart. For sure, it's an attack of the enemy to destroy lives and churches by sowing seeds of discord among the brethren; something that God hates (Proverbs 6:16-19).

Remain loyal to God, friend, no matter what is swirling around in your life right now. That loyal submission to Him and His will in your life, will guard and protect your heart from sinful responses and the root of bitterness!

In Love,
Pastor Ed

As I read your Abounding Grace eNote this morning, I couldn't help but think of my friend Pastor Jim Simon at Aurora Hills Baptist Church here in Aurora. As the pastor of his church, two years ago, he donated one of his kidneys to a member of his congregation. I had the privilege to pray with them both before the surgery, because both men were over 60 years old, and it was also rare that they would have a blood match! Gives a whole new meaning to a shepherd laying down his life for his sheep. Keep up the good work!

Friday, April 8, 2011

True Love

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NKJV) Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

True love is others-centered, not self-centered. So much of what is called love today is actually self-centered lust. The way our world defines love is so opposite of how the Bible describes and demonstrates love.

Be careful today as you walk through the dusty streets of this world and its system. Don't be tricked into thinking that love is selfish and self-centered. Be careful when someone comes to you and lays a heavy guilt trip on you to try to win your affection. Be careful that His Spirit fills your own emotional tank so that you're not susceptible to being taken advantage of.

Above all, remember this truth about true love:

Romans 5:8 (NKJV) But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

By His Great Love,
Pastor Ed


I was meditating on these two verses this just this weekend! The Lord showed me that when I am in an intimate, communicative relationship with Him, He will guide me with wisdom and discernment, and there will be no reason for me NOT to trust Him.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Worship Cultivates Relationship

John 4:24 "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

The worship of God takes many forms. The Bible includes giving, sharing, loving, caring, serving, and singing, as well as many other activities as forms of worship toward Him. Because God has created man to worship, it's very important that we learn how to worship Him well.

A Spirit-led worship in song and singing is a great universal way to express your heart of love and adoration toward God. Believers and followers of God in every, and I do mean every generation, sang songs to God of His goodness and faithfulness. Sometimes those songs included wonderful attributes of God and other times those songs contained the humble response of a simple heart in tune with God. Because humanity is so diverse, there are many ways to worship God in music and song.

Be careful not to be come too critical of worship styles, songs and music used to worship God that do not fit your personal preferences. You're different and may engage in worship with songs that others don't like. Some like the great hymns of old. Others like a more contemporary style of music. Still others may like to sing a capella. Believe me, if the words are consistent with the character and nature of God, the worship is accepted and received by our precious heavenly Father.

Worship is important, especially in song. Sing your heart out today!

In His Grace,
Pastor Ed

What a simple, but profound, message this is. Thank you. It's time to change my wording and outlook and prayers about being used... making me usable makes so much more sense. Thank you! Great message!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's Day

1 Corinthians 1:26-27 (NKJV) For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise.

Today is the great day of pranks and tricks! I hate it when I'm caught by one, don't you? There I am, caught like a fish, hook set in my mouth, and they are just totally enjoying reeling me in with their convincing, yet untrue story. Argh! Every year it seems, God uses this day to remind me that I'm gullible and not as smart as I've convinced myself that I am! I need to walk in His Spirit, yielding to His discernment.

Another thing I'm reminded of today is how God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. That's me, a foolish person. God redeemed me and has chosen to use me. You're no different.

Pray for open doors today. Ask God to show you in a fresh way that He's still using the foolish things of this world to reach the lost!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

On Tuesday morning of this week I stopped by a Starbucks for some hot chocolate on my way to work. As I parked, an Aurora Police car parked next to mine. So I go inside and as I am waiting for my coffee, the officer taps my arm. He asks me, "Do you believe in God?" I said "Yes I do.." He said "I saw your stickers (GraceFM Sticker and Calvary Sticker) on your car and was wondering if you could pray for me." I told him of course I could. He proceeded to explain to me that he had a rough night and saw some things he wish he didn't see. It was an incredible moment of God being in our lives.

To top it off Pastor Ed, the amazing part is that this is the first time in my LIFE I have ever stopped at Starbucks before work. I don't drink coffee and never will. I just happen to stop for a hot chocolate and this happens... I love HIS glory and moments in my life....I figured I'd share this with you.