Monday, July 25, 2011

Disciples Not Consumers

Psalms 61:7 (NKJV) He shall abide before God forever. Oh, prepare mercy and truth, which may preserve him!

Even when I don't want to shop, stores are invading my email box with offers and advertisements designed to get me to buy. The pictures are always done in sunny places with happy people. If I just had that shirt. Wow, how happy I'd be. It's all false and fake. There's only one reason they would frame the shot the way they did, using the person they used, the way they did, with the angle they chose: to get me to buy! I notice things like that.

This all-consuming mentality of "consumerism" has invaded the church of Jesus Christ. Rather than prayer and reliance on the Holy Spirit, church leaders are more interested in catchy phrases, intelligent marketing ideas, polished plagiarized sermons, and packaged church growth programs to bring more people into their buildings.

Please be careful, friend. We don't want to settle for the emptiness of man's ideas, baptized with Bible verses. We desire the Living God to move in and through us by the power and presence of His Holy Spirit! Away with such worldly nonsense.

Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

Your new radio station is a real blessing to me and my family. I didn't know how exciting the Bible really was until I started listening to all of the teachers you guys have on. Don't stop the good work.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Always A Price To Pay

Galatians 6:7-8 (NKJV) Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

Things can be so fun and exciting that it's easy to forget that there is always a price to pay.

Take a day in the life of Joey 'Jaws' Chestnut. Don't know who he is? He's a competitive eater who recently won the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest at New York's Coney Island. He won hands down by eating 62 hot dogs in buns in just 10 minutes. He's the champion this year! What a feat! He made national headlines with just 10 minutes of competition.

How much did it cost him to win? Well, the price was free. He didn't have to purchase them. But the nutritional cost was staggering. Ready? That 10 minute binge on 62 hot dogs adds up to:

19,158 calories
1,246 grams of fat
2,170 grams of cholesterol
42,408 grams of sodium

Not too good for his body, that's for sure! What's true in the physical realm is true in the Spiritual realm. There is always a price to pay for our actions. Sometimes it's reaped as a benefit, but other times it's received as a consequence.

Pray for wisdom this week with the decisions that are before you and make those decisions unto Jesus, and Him alone.

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

I'm always amazed how the Lord works. I'm at a job now where my manager seems to have a pre-conceived notion about my skill-set, and I am constantly being yelled at for not doing things the correct way. I feel like I'm always messing up at everything in this job, and I can never do anything right, and I'm really just not getting the proper training from her that I need. This e-mail really shows me that I need to stop worrying about earthly training, and I should more focus on my spiritual training. I put far too much faith and concern into my job and employers, and I'm always disappointed. I need to learn to let it all go, and at least twice when I'm at work, or when I'm being verbally attacked by her, to just consult the Lord, and let Him handle it. Just like Hezekiah, I just need to show the Lord what's happening, and see how He works. Great message on the Holy Spirit this past Wednesday, by the way. So encouraging!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Good Friends

Leviticus 19:17-18 (NKJV) You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your neighbor, and not bear sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.

It's good to be surrounded by friends. Men and women who love us is a great gift from our loving, Heavenly Father. Hanging out together, fellowshipping in the Lord together, enjoying a coffee (at the One Way Café of course, ha ha), and just enjoying the wonderful opportunities God has given us with one another is a blessing.

Sometimes, it's through friends that God brings a message to us that we don't necessarily want to hear. Are you really ready to receive correction or rebuke from your friend?

That's where things get tough and the ball starts rolling down hill, when a person shares something with us that hurts. Because open rebuke is better than concealed love (Proverbs 27:5), the rebukes and exhortations which come our way should be embraced as friends.

I know it's more comfortable for us to ignore a difficult situation or issue, as we hope (and hope) it will get better. But that's not love. Love says, "I care more about you growing and maturing than I care about what you think of me. If you think I'm not a nice guy, that's okay, if what I'm saying will provoke you to love and good works."

Proverbs 27:6 says that the wounds of a friend are faithful. Be open and ready to grow as you may come across difficult words and penetrating insights, sometimes, even from friends.

In Love,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

Nothing is more precious than to hear a child praying. Specifically, when my grandsons pray. The last time I visited them in TX, (May and July) hearing my 9 year-old grandson pray and in the midst of his prayer, ask God to get me home safely, was just awesome. It brings tears to my eyes because, of course, I don't want to leave them there. My plan is to move there eventually when I retire...

It will be hard to leave Calvary Chapel Aurora. Thank God for computers! But I always say, what I have planned and what God has planned, may be two totally different things.

Friday, June 24, 2011


2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV) But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Every now and then, as I'm reading through the Bible, I'm struck by how gracious God is in choosing us to serve Him. I know it's not a new or novel truth, but one that so encourages me.

Jesus didn't call perfect people to do His work. How could He? There aren't any. So Jesus uses people like us, with our many misunderstandings, our mixed motives, our weaknesses and failures; our humanity. Yet, before He uses us there is that transformation by His Spirit. He's constantly changing, shaping, and molding us from the inside out. Day by day, our lives are becoming more and more like Jesus.

Don't lose heart today, friend. God is using you. God is changing you. God is not finished with you. Trust Him!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

You know, I think it is awesome that you ask people to respond to you when you send out these e-mails. You might not know it, but I think that might mean a lot to people -- it does to me. So thanks! I can only imagine how many people these e-mails actually go to. I am sure your inbox runneth over.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Reaching Our World

Acts 1:8 (NKJV) "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

God's strategy for reaching people with the Good News of Jesus is profoundly simple.

#1 - Saturate Jerusalem.
Our Jerusalem, or home base, is Aurora and the surrounding cities in the Denver Metro area.

#2 - Saturate Judea/Samaria.
Our Judea and Samaria is the state of Colorado, expanding throughout the United States, and to Mexico and Canada on the North American continent.

#3 - Saturate The Earth.
Our 'ends of the earth' are literally every tribe, tongue, and nation on every square inch of this planet.

#4 - Go back to #1 and repeat!

Save yourself thousands of dollars in seminars, books, and such. Start living and sharing the gospel at home. Spread out a little. Pray about going around the world.

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

I have found that I'm more calm and relaxed when I forgive, and I listen to my sister talk about how she won't forgive our mother for the past. My sister works herself up with down-right hatred. I get along with my mother and she has apologized for the past, but my sister and her family miss out on many family functions, and her grandchildren are missing out on their great-grandmother. This hurts my mother dearly, because my sister won't forgive. Forgiveness is the key, it's easier than not forgiving.

Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Appointed Once

Hebrews 9:27-28 (NKJV) And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, sso Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

David Murdock is spending (wasting) the billions of dollars (yes, billions) he's accumulated over his lifetime on trying to live to the ripe old age of 125. Thus far, he's spent over $500 million building a massive research campus in North Carolina in order to explore his conviction that the key to longer life is a low-fat diet rich in vegetables, fruit, and antioxidants. Though he's quick to try to convince you of his ideas, he doesn't mind if you don't listen. "That's okay," he says. "You'll go before me."

I was a little bummed after reading the article. Here's a guy that is obviously successful and health conscious, trying to squeeze out another 20 years of his life, giving no attention to his spiritual life -- to eternity. Even if he does live to 125 years of age, he will still have lived exactly as many years as God has ordained... and then the judgment.

It's sensible, my friend, to take care of your body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Eating right is simply wise. Exercise, the Bible says, profits a little. Being a bad steward of our bodies is not God's will for our lives.

Remember this today: "Only one life will soon be passed. Only what's done for Jesus will last!"

In His Love,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

My dear pastor, I have been praying for a way to talk to one of our children and his wife about problems in their marriage. There is so much they need to see about forgiveness. God has answered my prayer by your eNote message yesterday. God is so good!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Bride of Christ

Acts 20:29-30 (NKJV) For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.

I love the Church of Jesus Christ. I love our church! What a precious gift God has given to us, His Church, this fellowship family. There isn't anything that even comes close to the church on the earth today. There never has been and there never will be.

Some might respond, "Wait a minute Pastor, hold your horses. I was hurt in the church. I was let down by the church. I was left out, not included. I don't love the church. I don't love my church."

Let's be careful not to cloud the glorious truth of God's church with our own feelings, emotions, and opinions. I've been hurt in church, too. As a matter of fact, the deepest wounds I've ever experienced in my entire life have happened to me in God's church, by people who claimed to be following Jesus at the time, and whom I trusted and love dearly.

Pain, sorrow, and heartache are tools in the Master's toolbox to help us trust Him more, and trust man less (James 1). I don't want to focus on the pain that I might have felt, but instead I want to focus on the hope of Heaven, Jesus Christ. I want to be used to be a help in the church, not a hindrance. I want to make a difference for Jesus in His church on the earth.

I invite you to join me.

I love the Church of Jesus Christ. I love our church! What a precious gift God has given to us, His Church, this fellowship family. There isn't anything that even comes close to the church on the earth today. There never has been and there never will be.

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

Thank you so much, Pastor Ed, for always encouraging us to rise above mediocrity and to turn from sin. It's not always easy, but by the grace of God and an obedient Spirit, we can all go down that "other street."

I really enjoyed this "autobiography...;" it was right on target and it spoke straight to my heart and to my mind. I believe it will join another scripture verse that the Spirit of God often brings to mind: "Where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." It's completely clear; it's direct; it's God's command - plain and simple.

Keep bringing on the conviction, God, and you too, Pastor Ed! God bless you and thank you for caring for the flock as you do. You're genuine, the real deal, and that is truly appreciated.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Self-Centeredness on the Rise

Matthew 16:24-25 (NKJV) Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."

University of Kentucky psychologist Nathan DeWall says young people "love themselves more today than ever before." He says the proof is found in their music. He and his colleagues analyzed the lyrics of Billboard's "Hot 100" songs from the past three decades and found a steady increase in self-centeredness and hostility toward others. The researchers suggest that rampant narcissism may be making it harder for people to connect with one another. I think they're right.

Step number one in following Jesus is the utter denial of self.

Step number one in thriving in our world system is to exalt self and deny everyone else.

The two worldviews cannot co-exist together. It's not possible to both deny ourselves and promote ourselves at the same time.

I wonder what the researchers would find if they analyzed the music that we've been listening to lately?

Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

I love listening to you and all the Calvary Chapel pastors on 89.7! I remember when you first started the radio station I thought, "Do we really need another one?" Man alive - I was so wrong. I love it! And the answer is, "Yes, we do!" Thank you for walking in the vision to provide continual Godly bible teaching without all the politics, health supplements and drama (no disrespect intended).

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fitting In

Matthew 5:11-12 (NKJV) "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

There has always been this undercurrent in human beings of needing to and wanting to fit in. It's not fun to be left out, and downright discouraging to be excluded. It looks like the people that seem to be happy are the popular ones, the centers of attention. It's not true of course, everyone has their issues in life, but perceptions can really mess with our heads.

The Church today seems to be so afraid of being left out today that they have placed way too much emphasis on trying to fit into a world and a culture that hates Jesus. Of course the 'hating Jesus' (John 15:18) part is conveniently left out of their marketing plans and business models. (Yes, church leaders have turned to secular business models, too, but that's a different note altogether.) The Church wants to be relevant, cool, and hip. But along they way, she has become empty, shallow, and powerless. It was A.W. Tozer that proposed, "If the Holy Spirit were taken away from the church today, 90% of what they did would continue on unnoticed." That's a powerful indictment upon the human-centered ways of today's church.

Don't buy into it. Human methods will not reap eternal gains. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding, especially if you're a leader in God's most Holy Church!

In Love,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

Let me tell you where I was last year. My wife had filed for divorce. We were separated. I thought my life was over, but it turns out that was just the 2x4 I needed to the head to wake up, grow up and get my heart right with God. So I did and within a short period of time, I could see the wounds healing in my life as well as my children; all of our relationships with God were growing stronger. Then, at a Wednesday night service I really felt the Lord speak to me and all he said was "two years." I took that to mean perhaps in two years time my wife and I would get back together. That's not what God had in mind. My wife and I reconciled before the divorce was even final. Now if we fast forward to today it has been about a year, so what happens a year from now? I don't know, but one person in my household has yet to give her life over to Jesus so maybe that's what lies ahead. I simply don't know. But I do know where to place my faith now... unlike a year ago.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Purse Snatchers

1 Peter 5:8 (NKJV) Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

For those that think the world is getting better and better...
For those who think the basic nature of man is good...
For those who visit Starbucks...

Watch out!

According to 'The Week' magazine, New Yorkers are very good at inventing ways to steal women's purses, especially at local Starbucks restaurants. The article declares, "larceny has become so common in the city's 298 Starbucks outlets that police have set up stings [in the restaurants] to catch thieves. Law-enforcement officers suggest the coffee shop has become so comfortable and familiar a place that it seems like a haven from the city's dangers, when it has actually become a lucrative hunting ground for thieves."

While we really want so much to let our guards down, it's simply not wise. It's not wise in a coffee shop. It's not wise spiritually.

Reading about purse-snatchers sparks that thought of carefulness in our minds. Peter reminded us to continually be on the alert spiritually, remembering that we have an adversary the devil who roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Don't let your guard down, friend. Stay alert. It's good for your spiritual soul.

Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

Wow! Once again, GOD's message is from your mouth to my ear and more importantly, my heart. I've felt quite stirred over the past few weeks and really feel that there is something more I should be doing -- and I am looking forward to paying attention and finding out what and where it is. Thank you so much, Pastor Ed...and thank you, Calvary -- my church family makes a difference. Daily.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Under Attack

2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NKJV) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is under attack today like never before. It's one thing for those in the world to throw rocks at the gospel, but it's not just Jesus haters that are undermining the truth of God's Word. There are many within the "church" that are attempting to re-define, re-write, and re-do the gospel. It's confusing, for sure, and downright destructive. Seriously, what do they think they're doing!?

One popular re-defining movement within the church is known as the "Emerging Church." Reject them. Reject their divisive writings. Reject their undermining of clear biblical teachings, even of Jesus Himself! While those within that group appear to be progressive and hip and cool, so smooth; in reality, they are incredibly regressive and not hip at all. I believe Pastor John MacArthur does a great job of describing their destructive ways:

"If you haven't heard of the Emerging Church, you will. The Emerging Church movement is wildly popular with people who are dissatisfied with orthodox doctrine, dogmatic preaching, and traditional worship. People who are drawn to the Emerging Church generally place high value on ambiguity and mystery. They reject the notion that God's Word is clear, and that anyone can really understand its meaning. That means every doctrine you and I find precious is subject to new interpretation, doubt, and even wholesale rejection. Everything is being questioned and deconstructed. Unlike the noble Bereans who used Scripture to test what they were taught and refine their understanding of the truth, people associated with the Emerging Church regard God's Word as too full of mystery to warrant handling any truth in a definitive way. The result is a movement that thrives on disorganization, lends itself to mysticism, distrusts authority and dislikes preaching, feeds intellectual pride, and recognizes few (if any) doctrinal or moral boundaries."

Don't buy into their nonsense. Run away as fast as you can from their books, churches, and teachings! Stay close to the Word and cling to Jesus. Please! Your spiritual health depends upon it.

In Love,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

Pastor Ed,
Good morning, we are hoping that you are okay. We've missed your e-mail messages. We always look forward to read them on Monday and Fridays. Always know that Carmen and I are praying for you, your family and the body of believers that God has given you shepherd for His Glory.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pray for Your Pastors

2 Timothy 4:2 (NKJV) Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

Here's something to pray for, and into your pastors and teachers, on how they (we) can better handle the word of God and teach it with spiritual authority:

  1. Think yourself empty. Survey a passage of Scripture in the proper spirit of unlearnedness. Avoid the proud assumption that you initially know what everything means.

  2. Read yourself full. Read widely and regularly.

  3. Write yourself clear. Aside from the essential empowering of the Spirit, freedom of delivery in the pulpit depends on careful organization in the study.

  4. Pray yourself hot. Without personal prayer and communion with God during the preparation stages, the pulpit will be cold.

  5. Be yourself, but don't preach yourself. There is nothing quite so ridiculous as the affected tone and adopted posture of the preacher who wishes he were someone else. Also, a good teacher clears the way, declares the way, and then gets out of the way.

Thank you Alistair Begg for sharing these with us.

Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color

Pastor Ed, Wow! This eNote encouraged me and was an answer to a very specific prayer. This morning I was really seeking God about showing me what 'power' really was. Was it something physical, or something like a metaphor? I know it was something I needed to understand, so I prayed with faith, knowing that a prayer like that would be answered. A prayer for wisdom concerning the power of the blood, how to appropriate it, and how to appreciate it. Then God answered my prayer...right to my inbox! Hallelujah! The power in the blood is the power to raise a life from the dead, the power to change a heart, the power to bring a lost person to Jesus! I KNOW that I KNOW, this answer is from God. Thank you for posting.

Something Real

1 Timothy 6:19 (NLT) By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may take hold of REAL LIFE.

Are you looking for something powerful, authentic, and real? Yes? So are a lot of people. That's what I was looking for in life before Jesus. I was as lost as lost could be, hopelessly reaching out to anyone and anything to bring me help and hope. I'd buy that book hoping finally that was it. Nope. I'd watch this show. Nope. I'd go with that group. Nope. Eventually, I just settled for being under the influence of some substance, slowing wasting my life one day at a time. The end was always the same. Emptiness and sadness filled my days.

Jesus alone is the answer to an empty life, friends. He is the real deal. There is nothing about Jesus that is fake, phony, or hypocritical. With great emphasis, Jesus declares to be the way, the truth, and the life; the only way to eternal life in the Father.

As you're praying for your friends that don't have a relationship with Jesus in the coming days, remember that only Jesus can solve their life's issues. Only Jesus can save them. He wants to!

In His Grace,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color
Let me just say ... that given my recent "drastic" life changes, I LOVE THIS ARTICLE! It's true! When God wanted to take me to newer, deeper levels of intimacy with Him, while at the same time, return to my first love ... HE does whatever it takes to get my attention! I am so encouraged by the last line: Don't worry about the fields, God will take care of them ... AMEN!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lost People Like Being Lost

John 3:19-21 (NKJV) And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God."

It's a hard truth to swallow. Lost people like to be lost. They know they are lost and don't care. They love their sin. They love their perceived independence. They love their idolatry. They love to persecute and make fun of Christians. The Bible describes them as knowing the truth but willingly suppressing it, 'people who push the truth away from themselves' Romans 1:19b (NLT).

Consider Christopher Hitchens, dying at a rapid pace from stage 4 esophageal cancer. A recent articles describes Hitchens as a proud atheist who doesn't believe in the afterlife; which he says makes the thought of death even more difficult to accept. In the same breath, he strongly concludes that heaven holds no attraction to him in the least. He believes heaven is a much worse choice than his present condition. "You get tapped on the shoulder, but guess what? The party's going on forever; you have to stay. Not only that, but you have to have a good time - the boss says so." He shudders at the thought.

God loves the lost, so much so, that He has sent His Son into their lives, dying for them (which remember -- that used to be us) in our worst condition. Pray for Christopher Hitchens who is as spiritually blind as they come, suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. The good news is God can intervene in a split second. I pray his split second comes soon!

Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color
Thank you so much for this, especially the response. I'm going to do the same thing, find a brick, write it down, watch it sink and forget it. God had forgiven me so who is man (including myself) to constantly remind me of past deeds forgiven, then ask me to prove I'm not that person anymore. God's never said prove this or that to me; He just loves me, casts my sins in the sea of forgetfulness and never remembers it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

God's Grace is Amazing

Ephesians 1:2-3 NKJV Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.

It's an understatement to say that God's grace is amazing. Our human ability to capture and express that truth seems so limited at times. Whole volumes have been written extolling the grace of God. Songs have been sung, movies made, and sermons preached all conveying the wonderful truth of God's amazing grace.

Yet, even though our human capacities are limited, it's important to be a man or woman extolling and living out the grace of God. Let your life's motto be the grace of God. Let your words be flavored by the grace of God. Let your decisions flow from the grace of God. Jesus has done so much for us. He's given so much. He's loved so much. We don't' deserve it, but we can receive it!

God's Riches At Christ's Expense. It's all Jesus. We are merely responding to His goodness and graciousness.

Steady on in the grace of God, friends. Don't let anyone rip you off from God's grace by trying to minimize it or bring you under some bondage of the Law. No way! (Galatians 1:6)

In His Grace,
Pastor Ed

The Truth in Living Color
I'm also putting into practice the "F's" of dealing with my past...forgetting, forgiving, forsaking. Thank you for those tools. I had one particular event from my past that I had really been dwelling on, and while camping a couple of weeks ago, I took a permanent marker and wrote on a concrete block that I was forgetting, forgiving, and forsaking this event. Then I dropped it to the bottom of the reservoir we were at. When I'm tempted to start to go back to that event and think about it, I remember that concrete block sinking away from me. It is gone! At the bottom of the reservoir of forgetfulness." (No sea was close by.)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sin Looks Horrible

Psalms 119:32 (NLT) If you will help me, I will run to follow your commands.

Oh boy, another note on sin? Yup.

There is nothing to be afraid of when talking about sin. God so loved this world that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die, and rise again from the dead to forgive us of our sins. God's great deed met man's greatest need: the forgiveness of sins.

Have you ever noticed how horrible our sins look when someone else is committing them? When I'm involved in sin like gossip, or lying, or whatever, I can always find some spiritual reason - some excellent excuse for myself. "Oh, I'm not gossiping, we're just praying with details for the brother." "I'm not lying, I'm just telling you what I think is true." When I'm involved in things, it's okay. But when you're doing it, oh, how ugly it is!

As we see sin in others, it's easy for us to be quick to judge. But if we're the one doing it, it's not really that big of a deal. Grace for me! Yahoo! Judgment for them. Boo! That's just plain wrong and will get you nowhere in the Kingdom of God.

We really need to be careful here friends. Grace is to be extended not only to ourselves, but also to others. Sin is horrible no matter where it is! Let's run away from sin and run toward God in the way of His commandments.

Pastor Ed

This was a powerful testimony, Pastor Ed; thank you so much for forwarding it. I sobbed reading all of this, because I can completely relate and I thank God for opening his eyes to God's truth. Once you see the light, how can one turn back? You are such a bright light there in Colorado. Thank you for all your teachings and honesty and telling it like it is. I still listen to your broadcasts on the web when I can. I know that I was meant to live in CO for the years I did, just so that I would be led to Calvary Chapel Aurora, so that I could be saved. I have taken what I have learned from you and the church there in CO and use them as God leads here on the Central Coast of CA. May others know and discover how truly special that little church is and may they also find Truth within it's walls and beyond.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fall Back on Him

Psalm 34:8 NKJV Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

There are times in life when we are shaken to the core of who we are, and what we believe. I think of the family who recently received news that cancer had invaded mom's body. I think of the man who watched his wife walk out of his life, with the kids in tow. I think of the man who lost his mom to a ravaging disease, or the folks who were in that tragic car accident, or....

The stories are different, but the results are the same: a shaken and rocked faith! You thought you were so strong. You thought you were doing so well. You saw your relationship with Jesus so solid. Then, it hit you like a ton of bricks.

Please remember this, maybe even jot it down somewhere for when it's necessary: "When confronted with something that we don't understand, always fall back on that which we do understand." Or another way of saying that: "When our world is rocked and crashing down around us, always hold on to the unchanging truths about God."

When we don't fully understand what's going on around us, it's important to maintain a regular steady walk with our Jesus. Even though our hearts are crying out, "Why God?" our hearts are also crying out, "I trust you in this storm God," at the very same time.

We know God is love. That doesn't change. We know God is faithful. That doesn't change. We know God is for us, not against us. That doesn't change. We know that God is good. That doesn't change. God is ever present and will never leave us. That doesn't change.

When you're faced with an earth-shattering, life-altering, future-impacting crisis, fall back on the faithfulness and reliability of your God who loves you!

By Faith,
Pastor Ed


I wanted to give you an update from when I last visited your church. I found a job and am now working for Bank of America! I was extremely specific when I prayed to the Lord for a job, asking for many things to be very clear to me and all were answered and then some! I will pay a visit to you and your church family again this year, and thank you for the prayers.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sin Is Against God

Jeremiah 31:34 (NKJV) No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD, for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.

It's important to know and remember that all sin is against God. While our sins may affect other people and might involve other people, it is first and foremost an affront to God. So every sin is a sin against God. He knows. He sees. He waits.

God waits when I sin? What does He wait for? He waits for our broken, humble repentance!

Here's the mistake many believers make with sin. They think no one sees. They think no one knows. They think no one cares. That's simply not true. There is no such thing as a secret sin.

Thanks Ed, that's just what I needed to hear in my email box on a Friday. Perhaps it is, my friend. God wants to rescue you from your own destructive sinful decisions, large or small. If He chooses to use your email box, rejoice that God cares for and loves you!

God is waiting. Repent and turn to Him this moment.

Now, to those who are doing well in the Lord and your life is clean before Him, begin praying for friends and relatives that truly would be free if they repented from their sin!

Forgiven By Him,
Pastor Ed

Dear Ed,

Our family lives in Mars Hill, North Carolina. I just wanted to take the time and thank you! It is so rewarding and a blessing to hear your messages. Our family listens Wednesdays and Sundays. It is the meat of the Bible that we need to hear and grow on. Thank you for your webcast. God Bless. Please keep our family in your prayers.

P.S. We have just downloaded the series on the gifts out of Romans. (1-8)

Monday, April 18, 2011


James 4:7 NKJV Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

How easy it is to get caught up in extremes. With every opinion, there seems to be two extremes to avoid. The same is true of theology. There are some hot button items out there; while not essential doctrines, important ones. And always present is the danger to take one extreme or the other, missing out on the balance between the two.

Many years ago, Jesus confirmed in my life that arguing over the Bible was not what He wanted me to do. So much division in the body of Christ comes from people arguing about the Scriptures, arguing out certain nuances, and arguing about things that lead to nothing but more strife and heartache.

Am I suggesting we don't stand up for clear, biblical, and essential doctrines? No way. Of course, we take a stand on those things where a stand is required. However, when approaching theological things that have differing views, how important it is to stay balanced.

Be careful not to destroy the person, while defending your position! Avoid extremes: instead, choose to point people to Jesus, following closely after Him without being sidetracked into useless and pointless arguments (Titus 3:9).

In Love,
Pastor Ed

This devotion came at just the right time this morning. As a lifelong "try harder to get it right" girl, I have been struggling to understand God's grace and how it is that I can just rest in Him. My lifelong standard has been to "get it right," and it seems that the harder I try, the more I botch it up. I've been so blessed by the messages about grace that you have been teaching, and realized as I read this that when I try to live up to the standard I set for myself (which is impossible being that I tend toward perfectionism), I am setting aside His grace. I'm slowly learning to relax in Him, to rest in the work He has already done. Thank you for teaching grace, I have a bit of a thick skull, but I am getting it. God has been so faithful to speak His grace to me, particularly on the days when I am wrestling with the simplicity of what He has done and is doing in me.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Job 15:26 (NKJV) Running stubbornly against Him, with his strong, embossed shield.

"He's as stubborn as a mule." Have you ever heard that before?

Some wear stubbornness like a badge of honor. It's not hard to find people who are stubborn identified, but then excused. Defined, the word means "having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position." Another way of seeing that is how a person is unwilling to move, inflexible, and 'set in their ways.'

God addresses the stubborn many times in the Bible. Put very simply, God tells us not to be stubborn like the horse or the mule, especially as it relates to sin in your life. Over and over we have examples in the Bible of how stubbornness can lead to disaster. A few examples include Pharaoh (Exodus 13:15), children (Deut. 21:18), the children of Israel (Judges 2:19), and many others. From Samuel's own lips, God says, "stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry."

Listen, please be careful not to wear badges of honor that are not truly honorable before the Lord. It's not good for us to be known by behaviors and attitudes that are not from the heart of God. If there are stubborn streaks in your life, ask God to remove them. He will! If we choose our own way, then please receive God's word and warning:

Psalms 81:12 (NKJV) So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, to walk in their own counsels.

NO WAY. That's not what I want. I want to walk in His Spirit!

In His Hand,
Pastor Ed

I was meditating on these two verses this just this weekend! The Lord showed me that when I am in an intimate, communicative relationship with Him, He will guide me with wisdom and discernment, and there will be no reason for me NOT to trust Him.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Loyalty Towards God

James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

It's a continual lesson we learn as believers; submission to God. While the Bible has much to say about submission mutually, to governmental authorities, in marriage, and within His church; it's still an area where there is great resistance in our hearts. We don't like to submit, especially when we disagree.

Yet, it's important that we learn how to serve God in full submission, while serving alongside one another as co-laborers. Without true submission to God, there is anarchy and chaos (read through Judges to see a picture of that). We are growing day by day, understanding how important it is to be fully surrendered to God, and at the same time supportive of those God has given to us as leaders. It's important for us to support those God has put in our lives to oversee our souls.

Division. Gossip. Slander. Strife. Dissension. Those are all sins that tend to flow from an non-submissive heart. For sure, it's an attack of the enemy to destroy lives and churches by sowing seeds of discord among the brethren; something that God hates (Proverbs 6:16-19).

Remain loyal to God, friend, no matter what is swirling around in your life right now. That loyal submission to Him and His will in your life, will guard and protect your heart from sinful responses and the root of bitterness!

In Love,
Pastor Ed

As I read your Abounding Grace eNote this morning, I couldn't help but think of my friend Pastor Jim Simon at Aurora Hills Baptist Church here in Aurora. As the pastor of his church, two years ago, he donated one of his kidneys to a member of his congregation. I had the privilege to pray with them both before the surgery, because both men were over 60 years old, and it was also rare that they would have a blood match! Gives a whole new meaning to a shepherd laying down his life for his sheep. Keep up the good work!

Friday, April 8, 2011

True Love

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NKJV) Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

True love is others-centered, not self-centered. So much of what is called love today is actually self-centered lust. The way our world defines love is so opposite of how the Bible describes and demonstrates love.

Be careful today as you walk through the dusty streets of this world and its system. Don't be tricked into thinking that love is selfish and self-centered. Be careful when someone comes to you and lays a heavy guilt trip on you to try to win your affection. Be careful that His Spirit fills your own emotional tank so that you're not susceptible to being taken advantage of.

Above all, remember this truth about true love:

Romans 5:8 (NKJV) But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

By His Great Love,
Pastor Ed


I was meditating on these two verses this just this weekend! The Lord showed me that when I am in an intimate, communicative relationship with Him, He will guide me with wisdom and discernment, and there will be no reason for me NOT to trust Him.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Worship Cultivates Relationship

John 4:24 "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

The worship of God takes many forms. The Bible includes giving, sharing, loving, caring, serving, and singing, as well as many other activities as forms of worship toward Him. Because God has created man to worship, it's very important that we learn how to worship Him well.

A Spirit-led worship in song and singing is a great universal way to express your heart of love and adoration toward God. Believers and followers of God in every, and I do mean every generation, sang songs to God of His goodness and faithfulness. Sometimes those songs included wonderful attributes of God and other times those songs contained the humble response of a simple heart in tune with God. Because humanity is so diverse, there are many ways to worship God in music and song.

Be careful not to be come too critical of worship styles, songs and music used to worship God that do not fit your personal preferences. You're different and may engage in worship with songs that others don't like. Some like the great hymns of old. Others like a more contemporary style of music. Still others may like to sing a capella. Believe me, if the words are consistent with the character and nature of God, the worship is accepted and received by our precious heavenly Father.

Worship is important, especially in song. Sing your heart out today!

In His Grace,
Pastor Ed

What a simple, but profound, message this is. Thank you. It's time to change my wording and outlook and prayers about being used... making me usable makes so much more sense. Thank you! Great message!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's Day

1 Corinthians 1:26-27 (NKJV) For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise.

Today is the great day of pranks and tricks! I hate it when I'm caught by one, don't you? There I am, caught like a fish, hook set in my mouth, and they are just totally enjoying reeling me in with their convincing, yet untrue story. Argh! Every year it seems, God uses this day to remind me that I'm gullible and not as smart as I've convinced myself that I am! I need to walk in His Spirit, yielding to His discernment.

Another thing I'm reminded of today is how God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. That's me, a foolish person. God redeemed me and has chosen to use me. You're no different.

Pray for open doors today. Ask God to show you in a fresh way that He's still using the foolish things of this world to reach the lost!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

On Tuesday morning of this week I stopped by a Starbucks for some hot chocolate on my way to work. As I parked, an Aurora Police car parked next to mine. So I go inside and as I am waiting for my coffee, the officer taps my arm. He asks me, "Do you believe in God?" I said "Yes I do.." He said "I saw your stickers (GraceFM Sticker and Calvary Sticker) on your car and was wondering if you could pray for me." I told him of course I could. He proceeded to explain to me that he had a rough night and saw some things he wish he didn't see. It was an incredible moment of God being in our lives.

To top it off Pastor Ed, the amazing part is that this is the first time in my LIFE I have ever stopped at Starbucks before work. I don't drink coffee and never will. I just happen to stop for a hot chocolate and this happens... I love HIS glory and moments in my life....I figured I'd share this with you.

Monday, March 28, 2011

God's Word Develops Healthy Sheep

Acts 20:28 NKJV Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

One of the many benefits of being a man or woman of God's Word is that a healthy dose of God's word regularly, will help keep you healthy! As we are fed a steady diet of God's Word, there is that natural tendency toward spiritual health and vibrancy!

We know that God's Word does not go out empty (Isaiah 55:11). So as it goes out: verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and book by book; it naturally nourishes the soul and promotes good, godly spiritual health. There is no alternative or substitute. The latest Christian book won't do it. The new popular YouTube video won't do it. The latest 10 CD set on this topic and that topic won't do it. But God's Word can and will, every time.

As you're feeding on a consistent diet of God's Word, you naturally become stronger and more vibrant in your spiritual life.

Become healthy, start feeding more regularly in the Word of God. Know Jesus and make Him known.

In Love,
Pastor Ed

Your study last Sunday on Acts 2 was so meaningful and freeing to me. God used you to clean up old, wrong teachings. I was raised in foster care. My high school years were with a minister's family. I had accepted Christ three years before. I was told I must speak in tongues to be fully saved. (If I didn't by the end of the upcoming revival meeting - I would have to move, as I wasn't an example to other youths.) If I didn't speak in tongues there was unconfessed sins. I prayed and begged God to speak in tongues. (They needed a mother's helper so no, they didn't send me on). I doubted my salvation. Three years later, I did speak in tongues in a private prayer and praise time, not in public. They said I didn't have the Holy Spirit because no one heard me. No one should beg for a gift - to anyone [?unto?] God who gives freely gifts to His children. Thank you for being used of God for what I needed. Sunday's service was awesome!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Getting Your Attention

2 Samuel 14:30-31 (NKJV) So he said to his servants, "See, Joab's field is near mine, and he has barley there; go and set it on fire." And Absalom's servants set the field on fire. Then Joab arose and came to Absalom's house, and said to him, "Why have your servants set my field on fire?"
We live in a media-saturated society. There are voices screaming for our attention at every turn: on our phones, our TVs, supermarket aisles, billboards, computer screens. Everywhere we look, someone is trying to get our attention and tell us something.

In the midst of all this noise is the voice of God! He wants our full, undivided attention but unfortunately, often doesn't get it. God will often speak to us but we don't listen. He will get through to us with a Scripture we memorized and we won't respond. He speaks through pastors and teachers, but many decide not to receive.

There's a story in the Old Testament where Absalom's servants set a field on fire in hopes of getting Joab's and King David's attention. It worked! When your field is on fire, you start paying attention!

Has God ever allowed your field be set on fire? Has He allowed drastic things to happen in your life to simply get your attention? Don't be slow to respond but return to the Lord with all your strength. He loves you and cares for you and wants to commune in fellowship with you. Come back! Don't worry about the fields: God will take care of them!

In Love,
Pastor Ed

I have been listening to GRACEfm for a couple of weeks now and it has truly impacted my life. I have been "lost in the desert" for a number of years and felt I was doing ok. I attended a Bible college and after graduation, worked as a youth pastor. Personal demons pulled me from the ministry and led me astray. Living my life with no control beyond myself has led to a life of disappointments and negativity. I have struggled with regaining a relationship with the LORD. I bucked it at every turn, making excuses why I didn't want or need it. Now, my marriage in turmoil and an unfulfilled life, through your station and the pastors who share, I am seeing the light. I am beginning to break down the wall and open my heart. Thank you! I will continue to listen and seek God to guide me out of the desert and back to the flock.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Gospel Has Power

Romans 1:16-17 (NKJV) For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith."

Sometimes our eNote encouragements come directly from my email inbox. Here's one today that I pray encourages you greatly!


"This email is for both Pastor Ed and Pastor Allen. My name is Russ, and Allen, I appreciate you being so gracious in meeting me both times I have attended church on Wednesday nights.

I just feel led to share a word about my life with you. I will keep it as concise as possible and sincerely appreciate your reading it.

I am originally from Georgia where, in the Bible Belt as they call it, I was raised going to church every Sunday as a child. Up through my early teen years I went, but never truly identified or related to the things I was being taught. After graduating from high school, I went to UGA and upon leaving there moved to Colorado (three years ago).

During both my college and Colorado years, I have spent my time desperately trying to find what would fulfill me and what my life journey would look like. Up until now, it has looked like going out to bars (downtown where I live) and partying, being in various unhealthy relationships, and declaring solemnly after a great deal of consideration, that I firmly did not believe God exists, amongst other things.

Well, needless to say, none of those things brought me any closer to fulfillment than banging my head against a wall. Without going into the story's details at length, in the last month I found myself at the end of my rope. I could not have been any further from any real truth in my entire life. It was at this point I decided to confide in my friend Jason from work all of the things I was dealing with (not in ANY spiritual sense, strictly for advice). We ended up going to the gym so he could show me some pointers on weight lifting, and afterwards (and I could not tell you for the life of me how the topic came up) we started talking about God. This is the beginning of many evidences I have seen of God pursuing me in my place of darkness.

He explained to me some different questions I had about the Bible and some basic things about Jesus and God (not basic to you I am certain, but mind-boggling to me!). After we talked about those things, I left his house, and found my heart and my mind desiring to know more about this Jesus character and what He is all about. I started by reading this book that someone had once recommended. I have never identified with someone as much as the guy who wrote that book. Without going on about that, the author talks about a couple of his friends who were far from God reading the book of Matthew to see who this Jesus was.

So, upon the advice via book from the author, I started reading Matthew. I read about half of it in one sitting I was so caught up in it. The whole time I was thinking, this Jesus was revolutionary! I think I had let every cultural and "religious" aspect of Jesus I had learned crowd out any actual truth about Him. The next day outside at work, I discussed how amazing and interesting Jesus' life was with Jason. He talked to me about what I had read and it was very insightful. So that next afternoon after going to the gym, I went up to the roof of my building and read the rest of Matthew. Its hard not to type out all of the amazing thoughts I had about it, but I am keeping this readable. For the singular first time in my life, I understood who Jesus was and realized that I had found where true fulfillment lies.

Up on the roof I prayed. I didn't have a clue what to say but I prayed. I told God that I had come to the poignant realization that having me in charge of my life was not working out like I thought, and that I didn't want to do it anymore. Unlike times in my childhood where I bargained with God for things in exchange for obedience, my only request was to receive His love and wisdom.

After that experience, I asked Jason about going to church (he had mentioned it before) and we went to Calvary Chapel last Wednesday. Pastor Allen, you spoke about the Holy Spirit and it was very good. I am still learning things and didn't follow some aspects of the message (out of ignorance) but there were several verses you pointed out that were exactly what I needed to hear that night. Not to mention the encouragement of seeing so many people wanting to know God too, and friendly ones at that.

After that uplifting experience but still living a little in confusion, I went about my week and despite prayer and reading still found myself falling back into the same "games" over the holiday weekend that I had been in before. So I came again to Calvary Chapel tonight, praying almost like a confused but very sincere child, that God would give me a message that would speak to me and give me guidance with some of the things I am still dealing with. Pastor Ed, I can't fully express in writing what your message meant to me. I never really knew the full non-kids story of Samson. That passage we read from tonight went like a laser to my heart. The way you related that story in your talk (and as you said eloquently yourself), I felt that Jesus himself was speaking to me.

I won't recount every detail, but in the car ride home I couldn't get the words out of my mouth fast enough to Jason how much I got out of it. You see, now that I knew my life needed to have someone else at the reins, I didn't know at all what that looked like. The story of Samson is powerful to me because I identify with being blind and in shackles to what has been going on with me. It was funny to hear what you said Pastor Ed about looking in from the outside on Samson's life. The whole time I was thinking, "Is this guy nuts? What is he doing? Stop doing that, what an idiot." Then, as you said the Holy Spirit can enable insight when we are shrouded in those games, and I saw the irony of my thoughts. I am Samson. I am in that Valley. I am blind and chained because of fooling myself. I was set-up. And even in all that, I was as clueless as Samson about it.

Well to wrap up my now lengthy story, I will say this. I don't want to end up pushing down columns on myself. I could see that what is at first appealing and sexy, only inevitably will be the same thing that destroys me. So when you said that prayer tonight after your talk, I said it with you. I am sorry I didn't stand up or anything, but I didn't even think about that when I was sitting there listening to you speak. I was just hearing someone speaking directly to me. I had prayed to God (as you see in the story) before, but I wanted to say to Him the right words with the right heart and ask for forgiveness. Thank you so much for leading me in that prayer.

Pastor Ed, in your sermon you said at one point that you didn't know if the person who was meant to hear your message was even there tonight. I think that was a part of my motivation to write you and Pastor Allen. I want you to know. I want you to know that your message was the spoken Word of Jesus Himself to me. I thank you as I thank God so much for that. Over dinner tonight before church, Jason was telling me truly amazing stories of his faith where remarkable unbelievable things happened. I was in awe, but didn't relate as well because I had not seen that until just recently in my own life. After tonight, I see that if I have faith and ask God for a message or wisdom or guidance He will send it.

Pastor Allen, I really really hope to be at your Friday night thing this week to experience it. I want to thank you again for your kindness in meeting me. I don't really have any believer friends beyond Jason so I hope to get plugged in somewhere that I can be around people who are believers too. Maybe that will be one of those places for me.

I tried to keep this as succinct as possible, but there is so much to say. It is late and I need to go to bed. But God bless you both and I hope to talk to you soon in person (hopefully not tearing up as much this time, Allen). Thanks again."


So, I encourage you to keep praying for your loved ones and inviting them to hear the life-saving message of the gospel!

In His Love,
Pastor Ed

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Limitations

1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV) casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

God, throughout our lives, allows things to come our way that are huge and insurmountable. Life is like that sometimes and God doesn't always intervene right away. We often find ourselves at the limit! Yet, it's when we come to our limits, to our extremities, where we have to give up control. "I can't do anything else." "I can't go any farther." That's the time God is given the opportunity in our lives to take over and do His work, showing His great saving power.

Of course, there are those of us who are a little more hard-headed than others which only make things tougher on us during difficult times. Those that are a little more 'strong-willed' seem to have to deepen in the hole and suffer misery a little longer before crying out to God in surrender for help! (By the way we always point out to our kids when they are being strong-willed. You know kids grow up into being strong-willed adults, too! Perhaps this is a great time to ask God to soften your will and mold it into His.)

God in His great love for us often allows us to get to the very end, so that we might see with our own eyes, our limitations. Why? He allows hard times, so that we would learn how to cast our lives upon Him and trust Him.

You may be in a very limiting place right now. It's time. Turn your life and all your situations over to Him. He hears. He cares. He acts.

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

Thank you for this message. I struggle with my immediate family not being believers and yes, have hit many a brick wall with them. This message sure has helped me with my frustrations. I will begin praying specifically that the Spirit of God will open their eyes so they come to the Lord.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pray A Lot

1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NKJV) pray without ceasing

It's been said that "the church moves forward on her knees." It's true. Much is accomplished through prayer, while nothing is accomplished spiritually, without it.

While prayer is important, we have relegated it to just another 'spiritual discipline.' Yes, we pray in thanking God for a meal, or lifting up the needs of a loved one, or asking God to meet some need. Yet, what's available to us in prayer is so much more.

Prayer is our very lifeline with our Creator. That daily dialogue between man and God is so vital, much like the air we breath. More that scheduled events, prayer is to be breathed out moment by moment in our lives. We don't need a 'call to prayer' as some religions require. God, by His Spirit, is calling us to prayer all the time from the inside out.

Take some time today to think through the beauty of prayer in your life. Talk to God and wait to listen. Sweet fruit will come for sure!

In Love,
Pastor Ed

The Holy spirit spoke one of many wonderful truths last Sunday through you that did not come to my mind until you said it. It's about missions, and the importance of them cannot be understated for sure. But it spoke so close to my heart about how foreign countries that send missions to the United States to reach us because they see there is a great need for Jesus here. The greatest nation on earth, responsible for sending missions to other countries now needs to hear about Jesus because we have strayed so far off course. I hope and pray that people heard clearly that while going on a mission can be a life changing experience, it should not to be diminished in any way. That life changing experience can come from just walking across the street in your own neighborhood and sharing the gospel with a total stranger. It has changed me so much; given me such a desire to never stop sharing the good news of Jesus. God has taught me how to talk to people, given me such a love for them, giving me the joy of the Lord after leading people to Jesus. I can't wait to do it again and again. What better way to spend your time than pointing people to Jesus. Thanks to you. I now think of myself "On a Mission for Jesus" right in my own backyard.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Keep Your Eyes Off Men

Hebrews 12:1-2 (NKJV) Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Here is a simple, yet important truth from God's Word: keep your eyes off of men and keep your eyes upon the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Men will disappoint you. Men will fail. Men will fall. But, Jesus will never disappoint you. He will never fail. His words will never falter. If you keep your eyes and attention on Him, you'll be all right.

Yet, if you focus your eyes upon some man, or some ministry, you're going to see things that will invariably bum you out. I don't mean great disqualifying sins (although that does occasionally happen), but instead the simple daily issues that humans deal with. Even pastors and spiritual leaders are normal here. So keep your eyes on the Lord.

Now, don't go about today thinking that because we're human, it's okay to sin. It's not. It's not a license to sin. It's reality and the only remedy to sin is humble repentance, and surrender to Jesus. Those of us that love Jesus must be good and right examples of a believer: to the world and to the flock.

Today, make a decision to focus your eyes not on that one person, but on the Lord.

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

When I first came to Calvary I was a punk kid who had a really messed up past. I knew there was a God, I knew Jesus was real and died for my sins...but I didn't know much else. I wanted to be a missionary, but when I thought about sharing God with others I realized that I knew so little about Him, about the Bible, and I was a drunk. Now, I'm a missionary and I've been sober for 7 years! My time at CCA was a huge blessing, and God laid a foundation in my life through it, and has gave me an amazing family that I miss dearly back in Colorado.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Going Through the Whole Bible

Isaiah 28:13 NKJV But the word of the LORD was to them, "Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little..."

Every year we encourage our congregation to read through the entire Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. God gave us the entire Bible and I believe every passage has a purpose in our lives, even if we don't 'get' some of them! What's really encouraging is seeing the many different reading plans that are available today. It wasn't like that just ten years ago!

As a church, we're committed to studying through the entire Bible. While there may be times of stepping outside of a book study for a series of important topical Bible studies, our commitment is to teach the 'whole counsel' of God. As a pastor, my desire must be similar to that of a chef. Just like a chef wants to prepare a wonderful meal that will be greatly appreciated, so too, I want to prepare Bible studies that feed the soul and where God's sheep love to eat, regularly. The feeding of the flock has been an important part of the church's life for centuries, how much more so as we see the Day of Jesus' return approaching!

When you're taught God's Word, the Holy Spirit uses it to change you. That's what I'm committed to.

Pastor Ed

I just wanted to day that was a very encouraging word. I sometimes feel like that. In my Christian life, I can relate a lot with Jeremiah, "Woe is me that I am a man of contention in the earth" or with Paul, when they sent him back to his hometown of Tarsus, and then it reads, "then they all had rest." I feel as if sometimes I don't want to mention God's Word to anyone anymore, but again like Jeremiah, it is a fire shut up in my bones, and I have to speak the truth. It is great to hear that someone cares, because most people don't. Christ bears our weakness...and then makes us strong. Your words have strengthened me.

Friday, March 4, 2011

As Long As You Seek the Lord

Psalms 77:2 (NKJV) In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted.

As you follow the lives of those who loved God, we see very clearly that as long as they sought the Lord, they did so very well in life and leadership. We see that as long as they sought the guidance of the Lord and wanted to hear from Him before acting, God led them in some incredible ways.

The same is true of you and me. If we seek the Lord, God will guide us. But if we choose to go out on our own and do our own thing, excluding the wisdom of God, then we will see our lives fractured by our own mistakes. It's important for us to give God the opportunity to guide our lives. Before venturing out, our lives must be bathed with an openness in prayer. How careful we need to be not to pray out to God with our minds made up, almost trying to convince God this is from Him! Instead, our time in prayer should be desperately wanting to know what God's heart is on the matter.

Since you're a child of God, when you come to God in earnest prayer, He promises to answer! Seek Him first. Please.

Seeking Him,
Pastor Ed

I agree, we are learning good stuff about the Holy Spirit. I didn't think it was possible, and I shouldn't be, but I am becoming increasingly amazed by the Power of the Holy Spirit. I was reading this afternoon and in 2 Cor 1:8 where Paul expresses "that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life" WOW! and some of us are afraid for whatever reason to cross the street to witness. So I went and read what he was talking about in Acts and from about Acts 20:18-24 I was blown away. No man could go through that and still be like, "Ok, I'm going here and doing this and that." But he is clear in saying "And see, now I go bound in the spirit..." It's inexpressible the Power of God. And I know I am always saying, Thank you, Thank you, Pastor Ed. But I do know that it's the Lord and I do say, "Oh Father, I love you, you who provides for our every need and leads us in the way of righteousness...

Monday, February 28, 2011

We Must Be The Servant of All

Mark 10:42-45 (NKJV) But Jesus called them to Himself and said to them, "You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

It's sad, but true. Some mistakenly believe that the 'ministry' is a place of arrival, a destination. So their lives are set in serving the Lord in order to attain a position; a title; a place of authority that once attained, serving stops. It's not true.

If you want to be great in God's Kingdom, you must be the servant of all. There is no other way to grow in the grace of Jesus. Jesus' style and ministry example has always been, and will always be, the example of a servant. He's taught us that the way up is down! We are all servants of Jesus, gladly living out our lives with the spiritual giftings He's entrusted to us. We not only want to serve one another in love, but we want to reach a lost and dying world!

It's hard to be offended when your heart is to serve. It's difficult to have a hardened heart when we are serving. It's hard for the enemy to get a foothold in a home, a church, or a ministry filled with servants!

Let's pray about developing even greater servant's hearts, following in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior!

Learning To Serve,
Pastor Ed

Thanking God for moving so powerfully in and through you and Calvary Chapel. As you spoke this morning about our families whom God loves, and so much more than we ever could, I remembered my sister and her husband who I have been praying for, for many years. I also remembered there have been times I've been tempted to anger and giving up in prayer. Nevertheless, the Lord is so gracious, in giving us the strength to keep on praying and continue walking by faith and not by sight. I am beginning to see God working in their hearts through a breaking process from the "perfect world" filled with wealth etc., they thought they were living in without Jesus. Thank you for speaking God's truth to us, and encouraging us to continue in prayer for His precious ones. God is still the author and finisher of our faith until the day of Christ Jesus and His word will not come back void.

Friday, February 25, 2011

God's Heart For Your Community

Isaiah 9:2 (NKJV) The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.

It's so encouraging to know that God has a plan for our (your) specific community! You're not there by accident. That house you're in, that apartment you lease, that condo you just purchased is where it is because God has a plan for your community and you're a big part of it! God loves the people in our community. God is interested supremely in their salvation. He is interested in reaching them. We can be sure God has a plan.

Today would be a good day to begin a regular Friday prayer for your community. You can pray for the people in particular, as God enlarges your heart in love toward them.

Know these important truths: God has a plan for your community. You are a part of that plan!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

Psalm 3:3 is my favorite Bible verse. It has been my favorite since the first time I read it back in 1996. It lifts my spirit each time I read it, knowing that God would take the time to lift my head when I am down and protect me with His shield of glory! What an amazing thought! I always imagine in my mind Him kneeling beside me and gently lifting my chin with His hand to look into His adoring face. He loves me so much, He will kneel at my side when I have fallen in battle, and protect me on all sides from the enemy. His grace covers all of me, and this verse reminds me in just the right way, that my Father in heaven will always take up arms for me, in the gentlest of ways.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Where God Guides He Provides

Philippians 4:19 NKJV And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

The longer you walk with Jesus in your life, the more you come to realize and appreciate His tremendous faithfulness. There has not been one day where God was unfaithful to us and there never will be such a day. Even as we wrestle with the issues of life and perhaps become a bit faithless ourselves, He remains faithful (2 Timothy 2:13).

When it comes to our needs, God always provides. If God is in it, He’ll provide all that we need. He’ll supply all the energy, time, effort, open doors, people, money, wisdom, and whatever it takes in helping us fulfill His will. The problem, of course, is how we define needs. So often we mistake wants and desires for needs. God, although He abundantly blesses us above all we could think or ask, doesn’t promise to provide for our wants, but only our needs. Anything above our needs is a bonus!

What’s true for us individually is true for our church. As our church meets various needs, we can be assured that God will provide. We don’t need to hype it up, put undo pressure on people, or lay heavy ‘giving’ guilt-trips. God will move upon our hearts to participate in the awesome work He’s doing in and through us! It’s so wonderful and freeing.

Be careful this week to consider your needs before the Lord. Ask Him to show you the difference between your needs and your wants. Then, lay it all before Him, trusting Him to provide as He guides.

Trusting Him,
Pastor Ed

This devotion came at just the right time this morning. As a life-long “try harder to get it right” girl, I have been struggling to understand God’s grace and how it is that I can just rest in Him. My lifelong standard has been to “get it right,” and it seems that the harder I try, the more I botch it up. I’ve been so blessed by the messages about grace that you have been teaching, and realized as I read this that when I try to live up to the standard I set for myself (which is impossible being that I tend toward perfectionism) I am setting aside His grace. I’m slowly learning to relax in Him, to rest in the work He has already done. Thank you for teaching grace. I have a bit of a thick skull, but I am getting it. God has been so faithful to speak His grace to me, particularly on the days when I am wrestling with the simplicity of what He has done and is doing in me.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How Do The Spiritually Blind See?

1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (NKJV) But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

It can be so frustrating to share the gospel with our friends and family, only to feel like we’re hitting a brick wall. They just don’t seem to get it. They don’t want to hear it. They come up with all sorts of fanciful arguments and questions that have nothing to do with the truth.

Why all the resistance? Why the strong opposition? Those that are not born-again are spiritually blind. They just can’t see it. No matter how hard we try or how much we plead, it’s not going to happen with human persuasion. So, how does the spiritually-blind see? The Spirit of God opens their eyes and helps them to understand spiritual things.

As followers of Jesus, we understand this well since we were once spiritually-blind ourselves. It wasn’t until the Spirit of God opened our eyes that we could see things in the way God sees them.

Remember, as much studying, preparing, and pleading as you do to answer tough Bible questions and share the love of God with folks, be sure to pray more for the Spirit of God to open their eyes. That’s how salvation will happen. That’s how they’ll ‘get it.’ The Spirit of God, working through the people of God, using the Word of God!

In Love,
Pastor Ed

I just wanted to say thanks for all that Calvary Chapel Aurora is doing in the body of Christ. I'm from Florida, and I'm not with a church right now. It was my husband who told me that he heard your ministry on radio in the truck, so I went on the internet and found you guys. We are blessed to have done so; we are being fed. It's a good feeling when your spirit connects with something that feels true on the inside, and as we seek the Lord He truly leads us. Thanks again and we will be listening. God bless and continue to rise up your ministry and keep it ablaze for Jesus.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Blessed Are The Flexible

Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

The opposite of being flexible is being rigid and unbendable. Those that are flexible don’t break, but those that are rigid tend to ‘snap’ at the most inopportune time. As we serve Jesus with our lives, it’s important to remain flexible and open to whatever God has in store for us. As Pastor Chuck Smith has often taught, “blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken.” It’s true.

Churches need to be flexible. Believers need to be flexible. Teachers need to be flexible. Parents need to be flexible. It really doesn’t matter who you are or what you might do in this world, flexibility is a key to accomplishing the will of God for your life.

What is it in your life that you’ve decided to just ‘put your foot down’ and remain unmovable about? Would you pray about that this week? Just be open to the Lord for a new and fresh work of His Spirit in that area. I believe you may be pleasantly surprised as God begins to do a wonderful work in your life.

One more thing: Be careful not to lean on your own understanding. Why? Because you can get so ‘set in your ways’ that your understanding is so important to you, and you won’t be open to the newness that God has in store for you.

If God reveals something to you, email me and tell me about it.

In Him,
Pastor Ed

God is AWESOME. I was contemplating a question -- going back and forth. It was really a complaint about our church. Wouldn't you know it? I hear a sermon on the radio just on that topic. That there are no perfect churches, etc. God slapped me (in a good way) and shook me out of that mode. The other incident was a financial one -- we prayed and sure enough God came through -- AS HE ALWAYS DOES. These are very recent. God is always faithful. We/I'm the one that always fails. Praise God.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Who Is Getting the Attention?

1 Corinthians 2:1-2 (NKJV) And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

When Paul arrived in Corinth, he didn't stand before the people with flowery, worldly wisdom. That is, he didn't come trying to make the people know how smart he was; how learned he was; how respected he was in the community. His motives weren't to draw attention to himself in any way as he shared the gospel with them. Quite the opposite: physically, he was weak, fearful, and trembling. Emotionally, he was drained. On top of that, he sounded as bad as he looked and felt.

What he did, though, is a great model for us. He shared Jesus and Him crucified. That's it. He made sure Jesus received all the credit and all the attention. Refusing to elevate himself or his 'ministry,' he made Jesus the main focal point.

It's important to guard against taking the credit for the anything God has done in your life. Although God does choose to use men and women in wonderful and tremendous ways, we can never get too attached to His instruments. God alone gets all the glory for great things He has done.

Paul comes to Corinth weak, sick, and just not feeling well. Instead of making himself the focal point, he takes people to Jesus with his words and his actions. We would do well to follow his example!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

I am engaged to be married and my future wife and I are believers. We have both been damaged by previous divorces and by the grace of God, He has brought our paths together. We have lived together for a few months and have a wedding date set in the next few months. The Holy Spirit has been convicting me ever since we moved in together, as I knew it was sinful, and needless to say I've been hard headed...until your message this morning finished me off. I must take action to honor God and my future spouse. Thank you for sharing the truth with me.

Monday, February 7, 2011

God Wants Inspiration

2 Timothy 2:24 NKJV And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel (strive - KJV) but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient

It's been said that God is looking for inspiration, not perspiration. I agree. It's so easy to be 'busy' for the things of God, but busy in things that God never led you to do. One of the difficulties in any believer's life -- in any church's life -- is to be busy, busy, busy, but never really busy in what God wants or desires. I once it heard it illustrated this way: "What if you spent your whole life baking your best friend the perfect apple pie, to only find out when you finally present it to him, he doesn't like apple pies at all but prefers the cherry pies at the corner store?" There would no doubt be a sense of "why did I waste all my time?"

Misplaced effort has plagued believers from the very beginning. It's not that effort and serving Jesus won't be tiring, it will. Often the Bible describes service as a 'labor of love.' The word labor literally means "to work to the point of exhaustion." Misplaced labor almost always ends in 'burn out,' with doses of frustration, anger, and sadness thrown in along the way. It's simply not good to strive. Those that strive to make things happen often get to the end and wonder, "why did I waste all my time?"

It's important that we learn to recognize whether God is in something or not. If He's in it, then He will inspire us in our service. If He's not, then we have to let it go rather than strive to make something happen that God doesn't want. Remember, it's in His time that He makes all things beautiful!

In Love,
Pastor Ed

It takes grace to forgive one who has offended, and humility to be the one to ask forgiveness. Two most important attributes we must have if we are truly God's.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Blessing to be Used By God

1 Corinthians 1:27 (NLT) Instead, God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful.

Today I believe the Spirit of God wants you to know that He can use you, that He wants to use you, and that He will use you. He'll use you even though you have a past. He'll use you even though you aren't perfect. He'll use you even though you come up with 1,001 excuses on why He can't, or won't, or doesn't, want to. God only uses imperfect people. He only uses people with imperfect pasts. Why? Because that is the only type of person that is alive on the earth today!

Every one of us is at a different level of spiritual maturity. It's true that some grow faster than others, but that's okay because we're all on our own spiritual track of maturity. Yet, just because we're all at different levels of spiritual growth that doesn't mean God won't use us. He will! Wherever we are in our relationship with Him, God wants to use us in a such a way that no flesh, no man, no woman, no church, no system -- nothing -- can glory in His presence. He gets all the credit for great things He has done and continues to do!

Don't write yourself off. Step up and present yourself to God, even now, to be used by Him greatly!

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:1-2 (NKJV)

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

This is so true: to be able to worship God with no language barriers that is so cool. I think people who are bicultural can understand that very well. I know a lot of songs in Spanish and English and with the same meaning of getting us closer and intimate way to God to worship Him in truth. I also know that sometimes we get caught up in the type of music, like in New Mexico is southwest music specially in the North part it has a Mexican beat to it. Also in Mexico (I was just there in February) I found Christian music in mariachi style it was so cool, Also in some parts of San Antonio, TX is TeX Mx music with a country mix with Mexican style music. But the message is the same: to adore and Praise and Worship Him. I think is so cool. Our God, Lord and Savior is Awesome. By the way my favorites worship songs are the traditional hymns like Amazing Grace (Spanish Sublime Gracia), At the Cross (Spanish En la Cruz), One day at a time (Spanish Un dia ala Vez). These are the songs I have sang in the Questa baptism church. But also love the Calvary chapel worship music which I never heard of that type of music before. They all draw me closer to God and reveals what is really in my heart. The music encourages me, edifies me it does so much in my life. it also brings unity among believers one accord one purpose to worship God. Thank-you for this e-note. God bless you and your family.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Ministry Belongs To God

Zechariah 4:6 So he answered and said to me: "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts."

The biggest hindrance to the church today is man and his man-centered methodologies that have quenched the Spirit of God. Do you agree?

The Church is a sovereign work of God, not man. We can rest assured that Jesus will fulfill His promise to build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). One of the things I love about His church, spread out across the world, is its diversity. Since there are so many different types of people, there are different and diverse congregations that worship Jesus supremely! Within these local fellowships there is tremendous diversity among the people, too. Yet together, true believers, no matter the 'church' they attend, are all a part of the same church family with Jesus as its head.

We can never forget, especially those of us serving within a church, that the ministry belongs to God and not us. It's vital that we keep our fingerprints off the bride of Christ, His church. We need to see that our local church is a work of His Spirit, and in our service to Him that it remains a work of His Spirit. Because it's too easy to jump in and take charge, we need to be careful not to fleshly drive the church, with human wisdom, human ingenuity, and man centered programs and processes (Galatians 3:3).

Don't try to fit into any type of mold. Instead, just follow His Spirit. God will lead you exactly where He wants you and empower you with exactly what you need when you get there!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

After breakfast this morning I was out in the parking lot of the Village Inn with my neighbor. I followed your example of praying for someone right there and then. As we were praying a truck was parking in the space right next to us and when we were done, two men get out of the truck and one of them says, "Did He answer?" I said, "He will." Then an amazing thing happened, he quoted scripture and said "When two or more are gathered in His name......" I said, "that's right" and he said "well, I was praying with you before I got out". He asked where we went to church. We all said. And I felt so blessed upon leaving knowing that three believers from three different churches experienced God's appointment and I'm sure all three of us felt blessed. That how amazing God's love is that I could feel so unblessed in the morning to so full of blessings (that will probably last for days) an hour later.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Studying Bible Prophecy Is Important

Matthew 16:3 (NKJV) Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.

I'm still amazed at how often well-known, and well-respected Bible teachers will look down upon those who take the study of Bible prophecy seriously and outright make fun of them. One popular radio Bible teacher recently said, "Only prophecy pundits with a Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other would...." His point was to belittle those who look for answers in the Bible as they read current events in the paper. He was saying it, as if it was a bad thing to do! It's not. Even though we don't know for certain that what is happening and being reported in the paper today is a direct fulfillment of Bible prophecy, we can certainly see in the news around us the signs of the times.

It was to the religious rulers of His day that Jesus said these powerful words, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red;' and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah." And He left them and departed. Matthew 16:2-4 (NKJV) They could understand the signs of the weather around them well, but missed the spiritual signs of the Messiah's presence right in front of them. We don't want to know the facts presented in the newspaper better than we do the times in which live.

We just started on a verse by verse Bible study journey through the Book of Revelation on Wednesday nights. I invite you to join us either in the sanctuary or online at 7 PM. It will prove to be a wonderful time of spiritual stirring and serious growth.

In Love,
Pastor Ed

I just had to share this with you! I know sometimes the children are distracting during the service, but I just have to let my 6-month-old granddaughter, Sommer, join in during the worship part. She just loves the music, she hums out loud when the music starts and sometimes is still humming out loud when it stops. I just love the fact that she is praising God at such a young age. Also, just wanted to let you know how great the Wednesday night services are to me! What an awesome message. I like it when you let God's Holy Spirit preach and you set us all straight on the truth and the way we should live our lives. I noticed at the end, you made a comment about not wanting to step too hard on any toes or something to that effect, well I am glad you preach the truth, there are enough preachers out there, that are just there to tickle the ears of their churches. Let the Truth of Gods Word continue, thanks!