Friday, December 11, 2009

Ten Years of Ministry

Psalm 36:5 (NKJV) "Your mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds."

Every December God takes us down memory lane to show and remind us of His great faithfulness. Why December? Well, He definitely shows us His faithfulness throughout the year, but the birthday of Calvary Chapel Aurora falls on December 26th, and so around this time we're all thinking about what God has done over the years.

This past Wednesday night, we enjoyed a service together rejoicing over the faithfulness of God and all that Jesus has done and desires to do here at Calvary. My pastor, Jeff Johnson of Calvary Chapel Downey, was here to share in the Word and we debuted our 10-year anniversary video (click here to watch it: The video chronicles the story of our fellowship and includes some great pictures along with some encouragements from a few of the pastors that have invested spiritually in us.

Use this time to remind yourself that God is at work in your life - big time. You have a spiritual birthday of sorts as God plucked you out the miry clay and set your feet on a solid Rock.

Take time to rejoice in His faithfulness today. You'll be glad you did!

In Him,
Pastor Ed

This is the first fast that I have ever done that is longer then "skipping a meal" or maybe one day. It has been a very tough year, there have been many blessings, but emotionally, physically, and spiritually in most aspects of my life this has been a very tough year. I purposed in my mind I would commit to a full fast, and believe that God's grace would be sufficient as I would go through this experience to see "how strong is my flesh" and also to take some time to mourn the loss one of the biggest spiritual influences and advocates in my life who passed away October mom.

During my fast God revealed that He wants me to rely on Him for things that only through His spirit living in and through me, would I be able to reach some degree of peace, comfort, and joy. However, no sooner than I began to understand and experience some of this during the fast, when the fast ended. I mean that night and the next morning wouldn't you know it, I was tempted immediately with a barrage of all the items that God was revealing to me that He was working through me for His purpose. I continue to battle and rely on Him, but now with the understanding of the fast and a little taste of what our Lord and Savior went through I am more purposeful and more focused not to give up and to run a strong race.

Thanks for the challenge...I think. I was participating in the nightly events through the internet in hotel rooms. It was great that I could do the singing and participate in the virtual prayer groups, but one thing was missing...I was not able to participate in communion. Then it hit me, I could ask the concierge if I could get a little cracker and a small amount of juice and he brought out Carr's Entertainment Cracker Collection.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Philemon 1:20 (NKJV) Yes, brother, let me have joy from you in the Lord; RPhilemon 1:20 (NKJV) Yes, brother, let me have joy from you in the Lord; REFRESH my heart in the Lord.

REFRESHed is how I’m feeling after the first few days of this week. This past Monday through Wednesday, we enjoyed lots of fun, a few laughs, many tears, and tons of encouragement with over 300 servants from around the region at our first annual Calvary Aurora REFRESH conference. It wasn’t a normal or usual conference, but one filled with testimonies and worship and prayer with a little goofiness added in.

Those of us that serve the Lord need a time to gain perspective every now and then. The ministry can become so hectic and demanding, that it’s easy to lose perspective of Who it is that we serve and why it is that we serve. The answer is Jesus! Jesus Himself said that He came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life.

That’s really where my week ends today. My heart is set on service and giving. I know things get tough. I know things have been pretty tough for me lately. But in Jesus, it’s all worth it. It’s all worth it to see folks built up and edified in Jesus. It’s so worth it to see folks growing in grace

Bottom line: It’s so worth it!

REFRESHed in Jesus,

Pastor Ed

RESPONSES: (I know it’s a little longer than usual, but please read.)

Hi Guys, I just wanted to put out a quick praise report for the REFRESH Conference we just attended at CC Aurora. It was great!...and truly a refreshment for myself and the peeps from our church that were able to attend. So my desire for years has been to get folks to commute to a CC conference, so that they can get a better handle on our roots and philosophy of ministry (Yes, they have read distinctives and watched Venture of Faith)...and after many years of prodding, they went! We are not a big church, a couple hundred adults and hundred kids on a Sunday morning, but Jesus miraculously moved on 15 of our people to make the normal 6.5 hour trek down to the Denver area. I say normal 6.5 hours, because this trip took almost 10 hours due to some very early crummy weather this year in the travel area. Not a complaint from any of them, and the road trip provided some wonderful fellowship. After attending this conference, every one of these precious people said they were profoundly impacted by the vulnerability and honesty of the pastors and servants that shared over these 3 days. They were able to mingle and make great friendships with the over 300 CC servants who attended. A major principle that these people walked away with was, that now, they have a much, much better handle on why CC does what it does and why we do it. THE major principle they walked away with was that the Holy Spirit is alive and well and working mightily through those that desire Him to. As a pastor in an outpost Calvary, it certainly brought some more street credibility to our movement and to our church, and that goes a long way in not having to constantly defend the simplicity of the way we do things. For the peeps personally, I could see the Holy Spirit's humility and brokenness having their way in these folks hearts, and the excitement that resulted from this investment of their time. I asked if they would like to attend another CC leadership conference soon, and all of them said YES!

It wasn't your typical main session after main session and workshop after workshop conference, which I, being the consummate type-A really enjoy too, but this was more along the lines of what Pastor Mike MacIntosh does with the "Huddle" every year. It's very relational and yet powerfully life changing. I can't encourage you enough to hound Pastor Ed to make those DVD's available to ya as soon as possible. The DVD's will not be able to convey even 50% of the overall environment, but you'll get a taste of why I'm so excited about the impact that I am trusting the Lord will do throughout the entire church as a result of being a part of this conference. Many thanks to Pastor Ed Taylor and the rest of you pastors who make opportunities like this available to the rest of us smaller CC's. I know that putting one of these together is a huge amount of effort, and in this case, I would imagine that for the minimal registration fee of $20 for 3 days (including giving every person a very styling REFRESH t-shirt), CC Aurora didn't even break even on recouping their total expenditure, but the treasures their team stored up in heaven is immeasurable. Again my brothers, I encourage you to get the DVD's, and plan on attending the next one...if the Lord tarries in His coming.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Godly Imitation

1 Thessalonians 1:6 (NKJV) And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit...

When we think of the word "imitation" we automatically think of someone faking it, or pretending to be someone they are not, or someone who plays games just to slide by and fool people. This type of imitation in the church leads a person toward hypocrisy. When Paul commends the believers that they became followers (literally from the original language: imitators or copiers) of the Lord and his ministry team, he wasn't commending hypocrisy but rather commending their desire to follow good examples!

I thank God for the godly men and women He has put in my life so that I might follow their lead spiritually. We have the Old Testament Saints and the New Testament Believers as examples. We have godly men and women in our lives, in this church, and in our family who stand as beacons of spiritual dependence! And most wonderfully, we have Jesus Christ to follow and imitate!

I'm reminded of Hebrews 12:1-2, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." When we do this we see our imitation of Jesus turning into being an example ourselves! That's what happens when you imitate a strong, healthy, spiritually mature believer; you become an example yourself.

I love this little poem I stumbled across: "The Gospel is written a chapter a day, by the deeds that you do and the words that you say. Men read what you say whether faithless or true. Say, what is the Gospel according to you?"

In His Great Love,
Pastor Ed

I just wanted to thank you! Saturday night you came up to me and asked me if I was ok I told you I was ok and you asked if I was sure and I just started crying and told you that my husband left and we are going through a divorce. I was so amazed that you came up to me and then prayed with me about him and his decisions. Sunday he and I had a talk for the first time. It didn't go the way I had hoped but I did get a lot out of it and before he left he didn't say that there isn't a way this can work out, he said he would kick it around. That was the biggest sign of hope I have had in 11 weeks. When he left and gave me his ring I felt a peace about myself - no panic. God has been with me the whole way and he told me my husband is coming home. It has been a tough climb but I believe I am almost to the top of that mountain. That is another funny thing, I never could understand people when they say the Lord spoke to them and I always wanted it and could not understand why I couldn't hear Him. I was also one of those that thought if I went to church I was saved. Since he left God speaks to me all the time and shows me signs and I have been saved for real. The other thing God has put on my heart is for me and my children to be there next summer for the water baptism and we will. I am so amazed now that my eyes, ears and heart are wide open. Coming to church is so different now, it is so amazing. Please continue to pray for us, I hope and pray after my husband comes home that I will be able to get him to come to church with me. Thank you again!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New YouTube Grace Videos Posted

If you haven't visited our YouTube site lately (, please do. We just posted 3 new teaching clips which we're calling "GraceVids" and tons of worship clips. I want to encourage you to share these clips with your friends and family. If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, share them there too.

Here are links to the latest 3 teaching clips: - "The Most Important Thing on Earth" - "How to PROFIT from God's Word" - "Where to Find the Truth About God"

Pastor Ed

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Signs In The Heavens

Do you see the MAGEN DAVID in this eclipse?

Between the 2:13 mark and the 2:23 mark,
is there a sign from the "Son"?

People across India, Southeast Asia, Japan and the Pacific got the best and longest viewed solar eclipse of the century. Whatever created the "star effect" on this video isn't really important. What is important, is that this sign was seen by billions of people from all around the world on the internet, their PDAs, and on television.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


October 12th-14th, 2009
Calvary Aurora Regional REFRESH ’09 Conference

Registration is well underway for our upcoming REFRESH conference, as we anticipate folks coming out from at least 5 different states for a time of encouragement and edification in Jesus. If you need any registration forms you can either visit our website or call Teresa at the office to get some sent out.

Because our goal with this conference is for it to be very different than normal, we haven’t scheduled any speakers ahead of time. So, if you’re a pastor I’m asking you to come prepared to share your heart with us if called upon and if you’re bringing any worship leaders, have them bring their instrument and be prepared to lead us in worship as the Lord leads. While we will have set times of teaching, the teachers have yet to be determined. While we will have set times of worship, the worship leaders have yet to be determined. Instead, our heart is to remain open to the Spirit and allow Him to lead us in who will be serving us during our time together. There will be a lot of fellowship, a lot of worship, a lot of breaking of bread, a lot of prayer, and a lot of encouragement flowing among us!

This is not just a conference for ‘Pastors & Leaders’ but truly for every single person that serves or wants to serve Jesus. Feel free to invite other churches and congregations as you are led. If you have any questions, call the office or email

REFRESH ’09 on the web:

Thanks so much for your prayerful support as the days draw nearer. Maranatha!

In His Great Grace,

Monday, August 24, 2009

Acts 4:13-37 "We Can’t Stop Speaking in the Name of Jesus" from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

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“Going Out After The Lost”

Luke 19.9-10 (NKJV) And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."

I’m so encouraged by the heart of Jesus toward Zacchaeus. He was one of those men that could have easily fallen through the cracks because of his sin and sinful lifestyle. He was a tax collector, which meant he was not a very popular man among the people. It also meant he was very wealthy. Most likely, his only friends were other tax collectors which means his life was probably filled with sin, sin, and more sin. So here is a man who would seem to look like he needs nothing, but deep down he knows, his life is an empty mess!

Those are all the trappings of someone that is often written off by society, even sometimes, by the church. But grace writes no one off my friend. The grace of God will go to the deepest depths, to the lowest lows, and even into an old sycamore tree to reach a guy that some might call unreachable.

As you’re praying for your friends, your family, your neighbors, and co-workers, remember that there is no such thing as someone too bad to be saved. Now, I have met a few people who were too good to be saved but never someone too bad. Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. I pray His heart is our heart as He uses us to do what He came to do… seek out those who need Him so desperately, and love them into the Kingdom.

In His Grace, Pastor Ed

RESPONSE -- Hi Pastor Ed,I just want to share this short testimony of God's kindness and mercy to me 2 days ago. I was leaving work about 6:45pm about to head off to Wednesday bible study and my car would not start. Earlier that morning I knew something was not right, but of course no time to think about it for long. By the time I figured out my car was not going to start, there was no one else in the parking lot except 2 guys who I had noticed were looking under the hood of a truck earlier. I was able to flag one of them just as he was driving away. It turns out the guy is a mechanic and he owns a shop a few blocks away from my office (I never noticed his shop before). He jumped the car the had me follow him back to his shop where he opened up again and sold me a new battery, which was long overdue he said. All in time to make it to church for the message. They say it was "good timing" but I am assured that it was God looking out for me. Saving me from being towed and missing work the next day to get my car fixed. I praise Him for His mercy and kindness. Talk about a Holy hook-up!! Just thought I'd share.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Genesis 1:21 - Kinds After Kinds

"Understand Spiritual Warfare?"

Ephesians 6.12 (NKJV) For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Peter understood spiritual warfare when he wrote, “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you…

John understood spiritual warfare when he wrote, “I write to you young men, Because you have overcome the wicked one.”

Jude understood spiritual warfare when he wrote, “Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”

Paul understood spiritual warfare when he wrote, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down strongholds.”

Jesus understood spiritual warfare when he said, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

It’s my prayer for you this week that you understand you’re engaged in a spiritual warfare too… don’t think it’s strange, contend earnestly with spiritual weapons while you make it your goal to abide in Jesus. There’s no other way.

By His Grace Alone,
Pastor Ed

I just wanted to encourage you and let you know that the body of Christ is alive and well! Manie called me to encourage us to watch the Potter's Field ministry - knowing that we woudn't be attending services that day and that we sometimes watch Charles Stanley on days such as that. It truly was a blessing, and I'm so grateful for the friendship and "sharpening of steel" that other believers bring to our lives.
Your teaching on Acts continually reminds us of the ties we do (or should) have to one another. I pray that we would continually draw closer to the Lord, while also growing closer with other believers in the fellowship. Thank you for making that truth one that we acknowledge and strive to live out.
Calvary Aurora is truly a blessing - and the people are truly lovers of God and each other... that's because the Word is the focus... the Lord, as it should be. Every blessing to you and yours. We love you and are truly blessed to be a part of the fellowship of the Lord - at Calvary to be specific. :-)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Praise God For Change

Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV) Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.

Yes God is going to do a new thing, in your life and mine. It’s in God’s will to bring about change in our lives. Some changes we really like. Others we’re not so happy about. But change is a regular occurrence for sure and it’s the vehicle God uses to bring about that ‘new thing’. The problem, of course, is that we’re not too excited about change most of the time. We’re a lot like Moab in Jeremiah 49 who is described as settling down in comfort and ease.

The question isn’t whether changes are coming your way, but how will you respond to them? I’ve known many people who resist change thinking that will make it go away. Instead it only makes it worse. I’ve known many other people who embrace change as from the Lord and ride that wave until they reach the shore!

Which are you? I believe it’s important to remain open and flexible to all that God allows our way! If we’re rigid and unbendable, watch out! Remember, he knows what He’s doing even as He builds our faith in Him.

I’m going to be praying for God’s best in your life through the changes, knowing that you’re going to grow in Him greatly!

By Grace
Pastor Ed

Thank you so much Ed I was a bit overcome with grief when I sent you that last e-mail about my son. Your answer was very comforting. Again God was speaking to me and comforting me with your teaching today it brought a tear to my eye about my son. This message could not have come at a better time. In church today I learned that I must just ask God to let my son come to the end of himself like the periodical son story. To repent of his life style and come to me and I will point him to Jesus. I just hope that he looks to me and his mother the way the periodical son looked at his father and arose and went to him with a humble heart. Blessings my dear friend

Confrontation Isn't Easy

Friday, July 31, 2009

Apologetics Class - The End Times (Robby Beum)

The End Times - Apologetics Class from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

"Giving Shade To The Enemy"

Joshua 17:15 (NKJV) “So Joshua answered them, "If you are a great people, then go up to the forest country and clear a place for yourself there in the land of the Perizzites and the giants, since the mountains of Ephraim are too confined for you."

Have you ever thought about how you might be giving ‘shade to the enemy’, making him comfortable around you, giving him a place to rest and relax close to you?

As the children of Israel are inheriting the land, the half tribe of Manasseh get their allotment of land, but are very unhappy with it. They want something else. They want more. They don’t like what they have been given at all.

But rather than cave into their moaning, Joshua tells them to go up and clear up what they have. One of the instructions was to clear out the high places, to go up to the mountaintop and clear out the dead wood.

Mountaintops in the Bible often speak of devotion and sacrifice to God. They represent those areas in our lives that are filled with sweet worship and deep devotion. Yet we can allow ‘dead wood’ to grow in our devotions, essentially giving ‘shade to the enemy’ in our lives. One of the first steps in giving ‘shade to the enemy’ is our discontentment with what God has given us.

We don’t want the enemy anywhere near our devotional life. We don’t want to create an environment where he’s comfortable near us at all. Consider your mountaintop life today, and allow the Spirit to minister to you heart in those areas of shade. The only shade that should be there is the covering of the Lord in our lives!

In Love -- Pastor Ed

RESPONSES: - Pastor Ed - I have never attended your church, as I live 1.5 hours away, but a dear friend of mine shared some CD's of yours with me. And now, I check your website regularly and love listening online to your sermons! You are such an encouragement, and speak on my level with relevance in every sermon! I'm writing you today to say thank you for posting the letter from Russ. It is so amazing to me to hear a man be so excited about the Lord, so desiring Him. That isn't something I see often. It really touched my heart to read about this man coming to Christ. What an awesome story! Thank you for your work - I pray you get the rest you need in order to continue His work.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Serving Jesus is a Joy!

Luke 10:2 (NKJV) Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

In Jesus day, the harvest was great, but the laborers were few. Did you know that the same ratios exist today? There is still a great harvest available to us, but the laborers are so few. There always seems to be more harvest than laborers, which tends to make those that to labor very tired now and then. On the one hand we can get a little discouraged, but on the other hand we can be encouraged to jump in to serve.

Even if we’re tired, don’t forget the beauty and joy of Serving in the Spirit. In the ministry that God has called you, the way God has called you, in the power that God has given, joy is abundant! Serving Jesus can be tiring, but the joy of the Lord is our strength.

When we start to do things that we’re not supposed to do that we get wearied and bummed out so quickly. It’s when we’re trying to accomplish the work of God in our own wisdom and strength that we start to get stressed out.

It’s true that there is more harvest than laborers. Yet, Jesus has enlisted you to go into that harvest. Tell someone about Jesus today and watch Him work in a wonderful way! You’ll be filled with a tremendous joy!

In His Strong Love, Pastor Ed

RESPONSE -- Pastor Ed - I have never attended your church, as I live 1.5 hours away, but a dear friend of mine shared some CD's of yours with me. And now, I check your website regularly and love listening online to your sermons! You are such an encouragement, and speak on my level with relevance in every sermon! I'm writing you today to say thank you for posting the letter from Russ. It is so amazing to me to hear a man be so excited about the Lord, so desiring Him. That isn't something I see often. It really touched my heart to read about this man coming to Christ. What an awesome story! Thank you for your work - I pray you get the rest you need in order to continue His work.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Can't Be Your Disciple Jesus?

As I was sharing with the congregation a few weeks ago, we collectively turned over to Luke’s gospel the 14th chapter and read the following words of Jesus:

Luke 14:25-33 (NKJV) Now great multitudes went with Him. And He turned and said to them, 26 "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27 "And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. 28 "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it-- 29 "lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 "saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish.' 31 "Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? 32 "Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. 33 "So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.

Three times our Savior lays down reality what it costs to follow Jesus. I’ve just been meditating on these the last few weeks and want to encourage you to spiritually chew on them as well, remaining open to all that Spirit wants to do in and through you.

By His Abounding Grace,

Pastor Ed

RESPONSES: Your email was literally an answer to my broken hearted prayers--THANK YOU!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Mark your calendars for October 12th-14th, 2009
for our first annual
REFRESH ’09 Conference

As our ministry team prayerfully prepares for our first Calvary Aurora Regional REFRESH ’09 conference, we are getting more excited about how God will use this time in wonderful ways. More than just a few days filled with Bible studies, our heart’s desire is to give those that serve faithfully in our fellowships an opportunity to be edified and refreshed in Jesus (Acts 2:42).

In the coming weeks we will have available bulletin inserts, web logos, registration forms, and other information you can use to invite your fellowship and community to join us.

We have posted a REFRESH ’09 page on our web site, which can be found here:

Remember, this is not just a conference for ‘Pastors & Leaders’ but truly for every single person that serves or wants to serve in our congregations. We have purposely kept the cost low ($20 per person) to encourage everyone to invest their precious time in refreshing themselves in Jesus. By the way, if you have any ideas or suggestions, email them to us at or call me directly at (303) 628-7200. I’d love to hear what the Lord has put on your heart!

Thanks so much for your prayerful support as the days draw nearer. Maranatha!

In His Great Grace,

Pastor Ed

Judges 19-21 “Apart From God - Utter Chaos & Confusion” from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Acts 3:1-10 - Interruptions Are Really Divine Appointments from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

Little Obedience

Luke 6.46 "But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say?”

Someone once described the Christian life as a ‘long obedience in the same direction.’ I think he really hit a nerve of truth. It’s when obedience is short lived, that mistakes happen. It’s when obedience is half hearted that problems come. It’s when obedience is not in the same direction that issues, serious issues arise.

We can avoid all this by paying attention to the details and steadily obeying in the small things of life. As each new decision comes up, willingly make the right decision. As each new challenge arises, surrender yourself to God’s will. Then, as the larger things in life come your way, you are ready and trained and already in the habit of obeying.

Obey in the small things and you’re obedience will carry over into the large things. The result over time will be a ‘long obedience in the same direction’ which is a great definition for the spirit-filled, abundant, overflowing life that Jesus promises to those who put their faith in Him.

In His Strong Love,
Pastor Ed

Message: Hello. I am a foreign exchange student. Once my friend brought me to Calvary Chapel in the beginning of May, 2009. And it was great! The best moment while I was in America. Now I'm back in my home country, but every week I get up at 2 o'clock in the morning to listen to Sunday's worship at Calvary Chapel. Thank you! Thank God! The thing you are doing is really good, blessed; it's meant to be. Thank you.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

We Aren't In Heaven Yet

2 Cor 12:8-10 (NKJV) Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

While reading through Pastor Chuck Smith’s (Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa) new book “A Memoir of Grace”, the Holy Spirit is using His life to so encourage me in the Lord. It’s so wonderful to be reminded, and shown at the same time, how God has uses everything in our lives to prepare us for what’s up ahead.

In a powerful paragraph, he captures from his own life’s experience, the reality of Christians facing pain. He writes:

“Yes, there is a divine blessing hidden in every day, free for the taking and totally unrelated to moral cause and effect. But grace does not shield the cruel realities of a world damaged by the fall. We are not in heaven yet and God does not spare us from the crushing blows that come to everyone. We lose people we love. We suffer, we grieve, and we journey on. But even in the darkest nights when awakened by the widows shuddering with the blast of a storm, we are not abandoned. Through the wind and over the turbulent sea, grace comes to us with the comfort of heaven, the support of God’s Spirit, and the strength to draw our next breath and take the next step. Grace brings hope. Hope pushes forward.”

Are you hurting right now? Grace brings hope. Hope pushes forward.

I’m praying for those who receive this note that are hurting. May the comfort of His Spirit flood your soul. Perhaps you can forward this on to a friend that’s hurting too so that ministry of God’s comfort multiplies.

In Much Love,
Pastor Ed

What an awesome testimonony! I also wanted to tell you how awesome the message yesterday was also! The Holy Spirit is working in these last days & what a blessing to be a part of it all! Thanks for keeping JESUS FIRST in your life & for your dedication to serving our family of God!

Why Do You Have Idols?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Costa Rica Team Update July 2009

A Church That's W.E.L.L. Part 4

A Church That's W.E.L.L. Pt 4 Acts 2:40-47 from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

The Power of the Gospel!

1 Thess 1:5 (NKJV) “For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.”

Sometimes our eNote encouragements come directly from my email inbox. Here’s one today that I pray encourages you greatly!

BEGIN TESTIMONY: “This email is for both Pastor Ed and Pastor Allen. My name is Russ, and Allen I appreciate you being so gracious in meeting me both times I have attended church on Wednesday nights.

I just feel led to share a word about my life with you. I will keep it as concise as possible and sincerely appreciate your reading it.

I am originally from Georgia where, in the Bible Belt as they call it, I was raised going to church every Sunday as a child. Up through my early teen years I went, but never truly identified or related to the things I was being taught. After graduating from high school, I went to UGA and upon leaving there moved to Colorado (three years ago).

During both my college and Colorado years, I have spent my time desperately trying to find what would fulfill me and what my life journey would look like. Up until now, it has looked like going out to bars (downtown where I live) and partying, being in various unhealthy relationships, and declaring solemnly after a great deal of consideration that I firmly did not believe God exists, amongst other things.

Well needless to say, none of those things brought me any closer to fulfillment than banging my head against a wall. Without going into the story’s details at length, in the last month I found myself at the end of my rope. I could not have been any further from any real truth in my entire life. It was at this point I decided to confide in my friend Jason from work all of the things I was dealing with (not in ANY spiritual sense, strictly for advice). We ended up going to the gym so he could show me some pointers on weight lifting, and afterwards (and I could not tell you for the life of me how the topic came up) we started talking about God. This is the beginning of many evidences I have seen of God pursuing me in my place of darkness.

He explained to me some different questions I had about the Bible and some basic things about Jesus and God (not basic to you I am certain, but mind-boggling to me!). After we talked about those things, I left his house, and found my heart and my mind desiring to know more about this Jesus character and what He is all about. I started by reading this book that someone had once recommended. I have never identified with someone as much as the guy who wrote that book. Without going on about that, the author talks about a couple of his friends who were far from God reading the book of Matthew to see who this Jesus was.

So, upon the advice via book from the author, I started reading Matthew. I read about half of it in one sitting I was so caught up in it. The whole time I was thinking, this Jesus was revolutionary! I think I had let every cultural and “religious” aspect of Jesus I had learned crowd out any actual truth about Him. The next day outside at work I discussed how amazing and interesting Jesus’ life was with Jason. He talked to me about what I had read and it was very insightful. So that next afternoon after going to the gym, I went up to the roof of my building and read the rest of Matthew. Its hard not to type out all of the amazing thoughts I had about it but I am keeping this readable. For the singular first time in my life, I understood who Jesus was and realized that I had found where true fulfillment lies.

Up on the roof I prayed. I didn’t have a clue what to say but I prayed. I told God that I had come to the poignant realization that having me in charge of my life was not working out like I thought, and that I didn’t want to do it anymore. Unlike times in my childhood where I bargained with God for things in exchange for obedience, my only request was to receive His love and wisdom.

After that experience, I asked Jason about going to church (he had mentioned it before) and we went to Calvary Chapel last Wednesday. Pastor Allen, you spoke about the Holy Spirit and it was very good. I am still learning things and didn’t follow some aspects of the message (out of ignorance) but there were several verses you pointed out that were exactly what I needed to hear that night. Not to mention the encouragement of seeing so many people wanting to know God too, and friendly ones at that.

After that uplifting experience but still living a little in confusion, I went about my week and despite prayer and reading still found myself falling back into the same “games” over the holiday weekend that I had been in before. So I came again to Calvary Chapel tonight, praying almost like a confused but very sincere child that God would give me a message that would speak to me and give me guidance with some of the things I am still dealing with. Pastor Ed, I can’t fully express typing what your message meant to me. I never really knew the full non-kids story of Samson. That passage we read from tonight went like a laser to my heart. The way you related that story in your talk (and as you said eloquently yourself) I felt that Jesus himself was speaking to me.

I won’t recount every detail, but in the car ride home I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth fast enough to Jason how much I got out of it. You see, now that I knew my life needed to have someone else at the reins, I didn’t know at all what that looked like. The story of Samson is powerful to me because I identify with being blind and in shackles to what has been going on with me. It was funny to hear what you said Pastor Ed about looking in from the outside on Samson’s life. The whole time I was thinking, “Is this guy nuts? What is he doing? Stop doing that, what an idiot.” Then, as you said the Holy Spirit can enable insight when we are shrouded in those games, and I saw the irony of my thoughts. I am Samson. I am in that Valley. I am blind and chained because of fooling myself. I was set-up. And even in all that, I was as clueless as Samson about it.

Well to wrap up my now lengthy story, I will say this. I don’t want to end up pushing down columns on myself. I could see that what is at first appealing and sexy only inevitably will be the same thing that destroys me. So when you said that prayer tonight after your talk, I said it with you. I am sorry I didn’t stand up or anything, but I didn’t even think about that when I was sitting there listening to you speak. I was just hearing someone speaking directly to me. I had prayed to God (as you see in the story) before, but I wanted to say to Him the right words with the right heart and ask for forgiveness. Thank you so much for leading me in that prayer.

Pastor Ed, in your sermon you said at one point that you didn’t know if the person who was meant to hear your message was even there tonight. I think that was a part of my motivation to write you and Pastor Allen. I want you to know. I want you to know that your message was the spoken Word of Jesus Himself to me. I thank you as I thank God so much for that. Over dinner tonight before church, Jason was telling me truly amazing stories of his faith where remarkable unbelievable things happened. I was in awe, but didn’t relate as well because I had not seen that until just recently in my own life. After tonight, I see that if I have faith and ask God for a message or wisdom or guidance He will send it.

Pastor Allen, I really really hope to be at your Friday night thing this week to experience it. I want to thank you again for your kindness in meeting me. I don’t really have any believer friends beyond Jason so I hope to get plugged in somewhere that I can be around people who are believers too. Maybe that will be one of those places for me.

I tried to keep this as succinct as possible, but there is so much to say. It is late and I need to go to bed. But God bless you both and I hope to talk to you soon in person (hopefully not tearing up as much this time Allen). Thanks again.” END OF TESTIMONY

And so I encourage you to keep pryaing for your loved ones and inviting them to hear the life saving message of the gospel!

In His Love, Pastor Ed

Thursday, July 2, 2009

You're Invited to REFRESH 09!

Dear Co-Laborer in Jesus:

Mark your calendars for October 12th-14th, 2009 for our first annual Calvary Aurora Regional REFRESH ’09 Conference.

REFRESH ’09 will not be your typical 3-day Pastors and Leaders conference. More than just a time of teaching and equipping, our heart’s desire is to give to the faithful pastors, leaders, and servants in your church an extended time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19). We’re extending the invitation beyond just pastors and leaders to all Sunday school teachers, ushers, greeters, worship leaders, and really to everyone in your fellowship that serves and wants to be edified in Him. We’ve purposely chosen to keep the cost low ($20 per person) so that as many as want to come will come!

Please join us in prayer over the preparations for this exiting time of encouraging one another in the Lord, being built up in him for the work of His ministry and keep your calendar clear October 12th through the 14th.

More information will follow in the coming weeks and months leading up to the conference. It’s such an honor to serve the Lord here in these last days! God is doing something great and wonderful among us! We hope that RERESH ’09 will be all that God desires it to be in our lives. We’re looking forward to serving you and seeing God do something wonderful in and through us!

In His Great Grace,

Ed Taylor

Friday, June 26, 2009

Repentance Moves Us

Deut 30:1-3 (NKJV) "Now it shall come to pass, when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where the LORD your God drives you, 2 "and you return to the LORD your God and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul, 3 "that the LORD your God will bring you back from captivity, and have compassion on you, and gather you again from all the nations where the LORD your God has scattered you.

A friend of mine emailed me some quotes a few weeks ago on repentance by Warren Wiersbe. They are so simple, yet so clear. I love that about his writings! He reminds us that repentance is not just an emotional response to sin, but rather a response that leads to change.

Concerning the Prodigal who came to senses in Luke 15, Wiersbe writes, “Had he sat there in the pigpen thinking how foolish he had been, it would have been regret. Had he thought about his sins and hated himself for committing them, it would have been remorse. When he said, “I will arise and go!”—and he arose and went—that was repentance. His sorrow was a godly sorrow that motivated him to return home and experience forgiveness.”

Maybe the Lord has busted you on a thing or two lately and you feel really bad about it. That’s not repentance. What you need to do is go all the way and forsake that sin, leaving it behind. Please do. You’ll be blessed to be back in a right relationship with God! That’s for sure.

In Love, Pastor Ed

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Web Updates

As we continue to develop our web page, you'll be seeing and hearing about new additions and maybe even a few subtractions along the way.

We just added a new way you can watch archived videos of our services.


Monday, June 22, 2009


Philippians 4:1 (NKJV) Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved.

Throughout the Bible we learn that standing is a great place to be.

Moses stood at the burning bush:
Exodus 3:5 Then He said, "Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground."

The tribe of Levi stood as they served the Lord:
Deuteronomy 10:8 At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to minister to Him and to bless in His name, to this day.

The house of the righteous will stand:
Proverbs 12:7 The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous will stand.

Jesus even says He stands at the door knocking:
Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."

It is important for us to stand, to stand strong in adversity, to stand up for our faith, and to stand still as God works in our lives.

Stand fast in the Lord today.

Standing in Him,
Pastor Ed