John 10:10 (NLT) The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.
What I see in the church at large today concerns me as a pastor, as a follower of Jesus. There are subtle shifts that happen with every generation, but the shifting of the church in our generation isn’t so subtle. The culture and all its pressures seem to have made itself home within the church today.
The church and its leaders seem to be so afraid today of fitting in and relating; being hip and cool; relevant to our culture. It’s actually a complement today to say that the church is the coolest one in town! Really? Instead of the church turning the world upside down, I’m concerned that the world is turning the church upside down!
I’m not saying that we become stale, boring, and irrelevant to the culture; of course not. To make the Bible boring should be a crime. It’s not boring or stale to study the life-giving truths God has handed down to every generation. Introducing someone to Jesus is exciting, exhilarating and relevant! I am saying that human efforts can never replace the reality of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit keeps things real and relevant.
Be careful, friend, that you’re not preoccupied with being relevant. Watch out that you’re not so busy trying to be relevant that you distort the reality of Jesus and His forgiveness of sins. I assure you, Jesus is relevant to every generation! The Bible is living and powerful. All you need to do is open it. You don’t have to fit in; all you have to do is abide in Jesus. He’ll do the fitting in for you.
Loving Jesus,
Pastor Ed
One time when it was rainy outside nothing was looking old friends were trying to get me to go back to the old ways. It wasn’t looking good but I sat down and I started to pray and ask God what you want to do today and what you want me to say and who should I be with today stuff like that. Not too long after I was done praying, the sun came out and my old friend whom I haven’t heard from in like years calls me and was, “Hey you want to skate, and go to church with me?” I heard you gave your life to Christ and I wanted to know if you can show me what you have. I tell you what the Lord is amazing and blesses people in the smallest ways. I love Him with all my heart because it’s the only way to live and the only thing to seek. After that day, my friend gave his life and it was amazing and all the glory goes to God! Well, be blessed and love the Lord...for there is nothing on this earth I desire but He who lay in heaven. Love ya, in Christ.
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