Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Take What Is Yours

Galatians 5:24-25 (NKJV) And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Like the children of Israel, I see many believers choose not to take all that God has promised to them in their victory over the flesh. They settle down after a few small victories, content with having just a portion of their lives controlled by the Spirit. Remember, with the children of Israel, they were promised some 300,000 square miles of land. How much did they possess? It's estimated that about 30,000 square miles, or 10% of what was promised, was actually occupied. What a picture to consider!

God wants to give us total and complete victory over the life of our flesh; over the dominating self-life; over the weaknesses in our lives. He doesn't want us to be satisfied with just 10%, or 20%, or even 99%. God's desire is for us to fully receive all that He's promised.

With the children of Israel, as they conquered the land they left these little pockets filled with their enemies. Sometimes, they even disobediently made alliances with their enemies.

Listen friend, leaving pockets of the flesh, making compromising treaties with the enemy, choosing to live for this world instead of for Jesus, will bring consequences. It's dangerous. It's harmful. It's destructive.

Choose today to live in the Spirit and take what is yours in Jesus: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Abiding in Jesus,
Pastor Ed

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