Psalm 27:13-14 NKJV I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!
'What do we do while we're waiting on the Lord' is where we've been the last few weeks on this Monday note. I count it a privilege to be with you on Monday mornings, helping you grow in your relationship with Jesus. We looked at a couple of important keys last week.
#1 - While you're waiting on the Lord, keep your eyes on Jesus.
#2 - While you're waiting on the Lord, live your life expecting Jesus.
Here are three more.
#3 - While you're waiting on the Lord, continue living your life in Jesus.
I find that often while folks are waiting on the Lord, they think that life just stops until Jesus answers one specific request. That's not His heart for you. God's desire is that you continue living for Him while you're waiting. God has you waiting in one area, but not in ALL areas of your life. So be careful that your life doesn't come to a screeching halt while you're waiting.
#4 - While you're waiting on the Lord, continue in the unity of fellowship.
The early church is known for their coming together in 'one accord.' It's the model they set for us and we too follow them. We love to come together as a church, in the larger gathering, and the smaller fellowships. While we wait on the Lord, it's not natural to want to pull away from other believers. They will be a source of great encouragement and hope in this time in your life.
#5 - While you're waiting on the Lord, pray, pray, pray!
It makes sense to us, doesn't it? While we're waiting, we're also talking and listening to God through prayer. Pray alone. Pray with friends. Pray out loud. Pray silently. Pray, seeking strength, hope, and help in this wonderful time of waiting on the Lord!
Don't forget:
Isaiah 40:29-31 (NLT) He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Waiting In Him,
Pastor Ed
P.S. Have a story to share or a response to these eNotes? Send it our way. We'd love to read and share it!
As you know I'm not a very "discouraged" person, I tend to look at the positive or praiseworthy side of things. Now, this housing thing, about moving, has been the longest going thing I've had thus far, and it was interesting in my devotions yesterday, that I had gotten a scripture about the Lord settling you. It had to do with Dan (tribe) relocating. It's nice that the word always gives us something to stand upon, to ease our minds. In the process of waiting, we can become discouraged when our answer is deferred, but when desire is accomplished, Oh, what a sweet thing. I've had momentary lapses, but not for a while, for some people, this housing distraction would really pull them down, it takes up a lot of mental energy, but, how nice to see the Lord at work in our trials, and our recognizing His hand here and there. There is so much to be thankful for, and so little time to be distracted by this world, whether marriage, or work, or whatever, Christ can help us to be content. If anything, just pray that I remain undistracted for the gospel of Jesus Christ, in the midst of life's blasts.
Ed has the privilege of pastoring Calvary Aurora, a dynamic fellowship family located just east of Denver in Aurora, Colorado. We are so grateful to God for His great mercy and Abounding Grace. We pray God's blessings upon you as we update you on what's going on here.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Burning Sting of Criticism
Proverbs 10:21 (NKJV) The lips of the righteous feed many, But fools die for lack of wisdom.
Criticism always burns. Whether it’s veiled under ‘constructive’ or not, the sting of criticism can often last long beyond the life of the words.
Theodore Roosevelt, often the target of stinging criticisms once spoke, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually try to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
The good news is that Jesus can bandage and heal those wounds! So if you’re in that place today where criticism has breached your spiritual armor, turn to Jesus for that comfort and confirmation of your relationship in Him.
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
I would really like to thank Calvary Chapel for going out over the air waves because it brought me to you. It showed me the word of God so that I could fall madly in love with it once again. But when I heard you on the radio it just hit me, I want someone to speak to me directly out of God's word not just some eloquent speech they prepared. I want to see what I am learning and know that it is from the word of God. It really helps me to rightly divide what I am hearing by the word of God. I am so thankful that God has brought Calvary Chapel in to my life to help me grow in the word of God. I have been going through a lot lately but every time I tune in to listen to a sermon or show up on Sunday or Wednesday or listen online it just serves to encourage me in God's word and show me something new. I am not saying it is all good because God has been using this time to really grow me, it has hurt but in the long run shown me that God is the true God in my life and no matter what happens he is still on the thrown watching over us all.
I thank you so much for listening to God and sharing on what he tells you, and showing me where to find the principles and steps in the word of God to change my life forever, I pray that I never loose that. Thank you.
Criticism always burns. Whether it’s veiled under ‘constructive’ or not, the sting of criticism can often last long beyond the life of the words.
Theodore Roosevelt, often the target of stinging criticisms once spoke, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually try to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
The good news is that Jesus can bandage and heal those wounds! So if you’re in that place today where criticism has breached your spiritual armor, turn to Jesus for that comfort and confirmation of your relationship in Him.
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
I would really like to thank Calvary Chapel for going out over the air waves because it brought me to you. It showed me the word of God so that I could fall madly in love with it once again. But when I heard you on the radio it just hit me, I want someone to speak to me directly out of God's word not just some eloquent speech they prepared. I want to see what I am learning and know that it is from the word of God. It really helps me to rightly divide what I am hearing by the word of God. I am so thankful that God has brought Calvary Chapel in to my life to help me grow in the word of God. I have been going through a lot lately but every time I tune in to listen to a sermon or show up on Sunday or Wednesday or listen online it just serves to encourage me in God's word and show me something new. I am not saying it is all good because God has been using this time to really grow me, it has hurt but in the long run shown me that God is the true God in my life and no matter what happens he is still on the thrown watching over us all.
I thank you so much for listening to God and sharing on what he tells you, and showing me where to find the principles and steps in the word of God to change my life forever, I pray that I never loose that. Thank you.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I’m Waiting Now What? (Part 1)
Psalm 27:13-14 NKJV I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!
In our last note, we were encouraged by Isaiah to wait on the Lord. We learned it’s not a good thing to jump in with our impatience, trying to help God out a little. Those of us who have made that mistake know exactly how horrible that can be. It’s always best to receive God’s best in our lives, obeying Him no matter what it might cost us.
Now that you’ve decided to wait on Him, what do you do while you’re waiting? Let’s look at few together.
#1 - While you’re waiting on the Lord, keep your eyes on Jesus.
How easy it is to fall into a deep pit of discouragement while waiting on the Lord. For some reason, we equate action with blessing. Yet sometimes God speaks not in the loud boisterous storms, but rather in a still small voice (1 Kings 19:11-12). In the lives of the disciples, they had their time seeing Jesus in the flesh, but after His ascension into heaven, they would need to rely on the Spirit of God to keep their eyes firmly fixed on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2). While you’re waiting on the Lord, don’t lose sight of Jesus and His faithfulness in your life.
#2 - While you’re waiting on the Lord, live your life expecting Jesus.
Every generation of believers have lived their lives with the expectation of the anytime, any moment, return of Jesus. You may have heard this expressed as a belief in the ‘imminent return’ of Jesus. While you’re waiting, it’s important to remember that everything hasn’t stopped. Jesus is still at work in many different areas of your life. There is an expectancy that we can’t lose. Sure, we’re waiting on this area right now, but what we’re really waiting for is the return of the Lord! Amen? Maranatha!
Next time, we’ll look at a few more things to remember while we’re waiting on the Lord. Have a blessed week!
Waiting In Him,
Pastor Ed
P.S. Have a story to share or a response to these eNotes? Send it our way. We’d love to read and share it!
This message came to me exactly when I needed it. Thank you, pastor Ed. The strength you have to allow God to do his work through you is tremendous. I am encouraged and will be in prayer as I work through my day.
In our last note, we were encouraged by Isaiah to wait on the Lord. We learned it’s not a good thing to jump in with our impatience, trying to help God out a little. Those of us who have made that mistake know exactly how horrible that can be. It’s always best to receive God’s best in our lives, obeying Him no matter what it might cost us.
Now that you’ve decided to wait on Him, what do you do while you’re waiting? Let’s look at few together.
#1 - While you’re waiting on the Lord, keep your eyes on Jesus.
How easy it is to fall into a deep pit of discouragement while waiting on the Lord. For some reason, we equate action with blessing. Yet sometimes God speaks not in the loud boisterous storms, but rather in a still small voice (1 Kings 19:11-12). In the lives of the disciples, they had their time seeing Jesus in the flesh, but after His ascension into heaven, they would need to rely on the Spirit of God to keep their eyes firmly fixed on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2). While you’re waiting on the Lord, don’t lose sight of Jesus and His faithfulness in your life.
#2 - While you’re waiting on the Lord, live your life expecting Jesus.
Every generation of believers have lived their lives with the expectation of the anytime, any moment, return of Jesus. You may have heard this expressed as a belief in the ‘imminent return’ of Jesus. While you’re waiting, it’s important to remember that everything hasn’t stopped. Jesus is still at work in many different areas of your life. There is an expectancy that we can’t lose. Sure, we’re waiting on this area right now, but what we’re really waiting for is the return of the Lord! Amen? Maranatha!
Next time, we’ll look at a few more things to remember while we’re waiting on the Lord. Have a blessed week!
Waiting In Him,
Pastor Ed
P.S. Have a story to share or a response to these eNotes? Send it our way. We’d love to read and share it!
This message came to me exactly when I needed it. Thank you, pastor Ed. The strength you have to allow God to do his work through you is tremendous. I am encouraged and will be in prayer as I work through my day.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Going After
Acts 1:11 (NLT) They said, "Men of Galilee, why are you standing here staring at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into heaven. And someday, just as you saw him go, he will return!"
Straying happens within the family of God for a lot of reasons. It's a bummer to see folks who were so strong in the faith, so useful in the ministry, such a blessing in the Lord, fall away, fade away, stray away. But not all is lost. It is clearly the heart of Jesus to go after the strays. When one sheep wanders from the fold, the shepherd goes after it. When one coin is lost, all is dropped until it's found. When a son wanders away from Dad, the dad prayerfully and patiently awaits his return and rejoices when he does.
Because it's Jesus' heart to go after the strays, it's our heart as well. So, how can we help those who have strayed?
#1 - Pray for Them. Ask God to move upon their hearts to repent & return.
#2 - Watch Yourself. Don't look down on anyone else just because they have been trapped by the enemy, but rather watch your own life so it doesn't happen to you.
#3 - Lovingly Confront the Erring Person. As the door of opportunity opens, go and lovingly speak with the hopes of bringing them back.
#4 - Forgive the Repentant. This is so important. We don't shoot our wounded; we forgive. We don't kick them when they're down; we forgive. As Jesus Christ has forgiven you, forgive those that repent and return.
#5 - Speak words of kindness and love. They need this so badly. The enemy does such a complete and thorough job of accusing the brethren. May we just love them and encourage them and bless them in Jesus.
I love the heart of Jesus and pray that more and more of it flows from our lives. Now go out and minister to the strays.
In His Grace,
Pastor Ed
As you know I'm not a very "discouraged" person, I tend to look at the positive or praiseworthy side of things. Now, this housing thing, about moving, has been the longest going thing I've had thus far, and it was interesting in my devotions yesterday, that I had gotten a scripture about the Lord settling you. It had to do with Dan (tribe) relocating. It's nice that the word always gives us something to stand upon, to ease our minds. In the process of waiting, we can become discouraged when our answer is deferred, but when desire is accomplished, Oh, what a sweet thing. I've had momentary lapses, but not for a while, for some people, this housing distraction would really pull them down, it takes up a lot of mental energy, but, how nice to see the Lord at work in our trials, and our recognizing His hand here and there. There is so much to be thankful for, and so little time to be distracted by this world, whether marriage, or work, or whatever, Christ can help us to be content. If anything, just pray that I remain undistracted for the gospel of Jesus Christ, in the midst of life's blasts.
Straying happens within the family of God for a lot of reasons. It's a bummer to see folks who were so strong in the faith, so useful in the ministry, such a blessing in the Lord, fall away, fade away, stray away. But not all is lost. It is clearly the heart of Jesus to go after the strays. When one sheep wanders from the fold, the shepherd goes after it. When one coin is lost, all is dropped until it's found. When a son wanders away from Dad, the dad prayerfully and patiently awaits his return and rejoices when he does.
Because it's Jesus' heart to go after the strays, it's our heart as well. So, how can we help those who have strayed?
#1 - Pray for Them. Ask God to move upon their hearts to repent & return.
#2 - Watch Yourself. Don't look down on anyone else just because they have been trapped by the enemy, but rather watch your own life so it doesn't happen to you.
#3 - Lovingly Confront the Erring Person. As the door of opportunity opens, go and lovingly speak with the hopes of bringing them back.
#4 - Forgive the Repentant. This is so important. We don't shoot our wounded; we forgive. We don't kick them when they're down; we forgive. As Jesus Christ has forgiven you, forgive those that repent and return.
#5 - Speak words of kindness and love. They need this so badly. The enemy does such a complete and thorough job of accusing the brethren. May we just love them and encourage them and bless them in Jesus.
I love the heart of Jesus and pray that more and more of it flows from our lives. Now go out and minister to the strays.
In His Grace,
Pastor Ed
As you know I'm not a very "discouraged" person, I tend to look at the positive or praiseworthy side of things. Now, this housing thing, about moving, has been the longest going thing I've had thus far, and it was interesting in my devotions yesterday, that I had gotten a scripture about the Lord settling you. It had to do with Dan (tribe) relocating. It's nice that the word always gives us something to stand upon, to ease our minds. In the process of waiting, we can become discouraged when our answer is deferred, but when desire is accomplished, Oh, what a sweet thing. I've had momentary lapses, but not for a while, for some people, this housing distraction would really pull them down, it takes up a lot of mental energy, but, how nice to see the Lord at work in our trials, and our recognizing His hand here and there. There is so much to be thankful for, and so little time to be distracted by this world, whether marriage, or work, or whatever, Christ can help us to be content. If anything, just pray that I remain undistracted for the gospel of Jesus Christ, in the midst of life's blasts.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Waiting On The Lord
Isaiah 40:29-31 (NLT) He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Through the prophet Isaiah, God encourages His followers that waiting on Him is a wonderful, glorious thing to do. It brings great benefits like renewed strength and vigor, running in Him not wearied, walking in Him not fainting. It's such a powerful, precious promise that is so hard to believe. Waiting is not the easiest thing to do, especially in our culture that has taught us to demand everything faster than yesterday!
Because waiting on the Lord can be so hard, we must be careful not to jump in and try to 'help God out a little.' We can't help God out a little. When His call to wait is given, our only response is to wait.
How often we have tried to help God out. How often we have come to that place where impatience finally overtakes us. Yet, even more often, we've seen how wonderful and fruitful it is to just wait for direction and confirmation from Him!
Are you waiting on the Lord today? Here's a verse to encourage you:
Psalms 46:10 (NKJV) Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
Waiting In Him,
Pastor Ed
P.S. Have a testimony of how you waited on the Lord? Simply REPLY to this note and send it to me. I'd love to read and share it!
Pastor Ed, thank you so much for your emails and encouragement in the Word. I start my work day with it each morning and really look forward to it. I find it 'guides' me throughout the day. Yesterday I stopped by and inquired about a co-worker experiencing a rare cancer. He has been in my daily prayers and I just felt at peace about his situation and PRAISE THE LORD, his PET scan returned totally clean. The Lord definitely hears us and I was overwhelmed with joy and thanks. Thank you for your words of guidance and study.
Through the prophet Isaiah, God encourages His followers that waiting on Him is a wonderful, glorious thing to do. It brings great benefits like renewed strength and vigor, running in Him not wearied, walking in Him not fainting. It's such a powerful, precious promise that is so hard to believe. Waiting is not the easiest thing to do, especially in our culture that has taught us to demand everything faster than yesterday!
Because waiting on the Lord can be so hard, we must be careful not to jump in and try to 'help God out a little.' We can't help God out a little. When His call to wait is given, our only response is to wait.
How often we have tried to help God out. How often we have come to that place where impatience finally overtakes us. Yet, even more often, we've seen how wonderful and fruitful it is to just wait for direction and confirmation from Him!
Are you waiting on the Lord today? Here's a verse to encourage you:
Psalms 46:10 (NKJV) Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
Waiting In Him,
Pastor Ed
P.S. Have a testimony of how you waited on the Lord? Simply REPLY to this note and send it to me. I'd love to read and share it!
Pastor Ed, thank you so much for your emails and encouragement in the Word. I start my work day with it each morning and really look forward to it. I find it 'guides' me throughout the day. Yesterday I stopped by and inquired about a co-worker experiencing a rare cancer. He has been in my daily prayers and I just felt at peace about his situation and PRAISE THE LORD, his PET scan returned totally clean. The Lord definitely hears us and I was overwhelmed with joy and thanks. Thank you for your words of guidance and study.
Friday, August 13, 2010
He Knows
Jer 29:11-12 (NLT) "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen."
I know things can look so bad that it seems there is no hope. There’s that gut-wrenching feeling that perhaps God has forgotten, turned His back, withdrawn His help. I’ve felt that way. I’m sure you’ve felt that way. But it’s not true. Jesus is hope. He’s our hope!
If that’s you today, consider the following story as a source of encouragement:
“David Smallbone felt God leading him to promote Christian concerts in his homeland, Australia, where only 5 percent of the people believed in Jesus Christ. When too few fans filled his seats during one major tour, however, David took a $250,000 bath in red ink. Creditors repossessed his home and the father of six looked for work elsewhere. A top artist offered him a job in Nashville, so the Smallbones sold their furniture and other possessions and purchased some plane tickets to the United States. A few weeks after they arrived, however, David was told that his position was ‘no longer available.’ He literally could not get out of bed for several days. When he and his wife explained to their children what happened, they all got on their knees and asked God to help.
Needless to say, prayer sparked some interesting things. God began to provide bags of groceries, a minivan, and enough odd jobs to keep the home afloat. Then the biggest surprise of all, a recording contract for David’s oldest daughters, Rebecca, age 15. She recorded her first album using an old family name, St. James.
Flash forward to today. David promotes his own daughter's sold-out concerts. Rebecca St. James has become one of the most popular Christian artists in America. And the family hasn’t stopped praying, asking God for guidance and direction.”
It’s always good to be reminded that God is at work in the small things, in the difficult things, in the needy times. He hasn’t forgotten about you nor has he withdrawn His help from your grasp. Look to Him, pray, and walk faithfully in the paths He lays before you.
In His Love,
Pastor Ed
I first heard about Calvary Chapel Aurora through the radio spot "Abounding Grace." Thanks to this ministry, I feel I have found the best place for me to join other Christians to worship God, serve, support and be supported. I am blessed by this ministry.
I know things can look so bad that it seems there is no hope. There’s that gut-wrenching feeling that perhaps God has forgotten, turned His back, withdrawn His help. I’ve felt that way. I’m sure you’ve felt that way. But it’s not true. Jesus is hope. He’s our hope!
If that’s you today, consider the following story as a source of encouragement:
“David Smallbone felt God leading him to promote Christian concerts in his homeland, Australia, where only 5 percent of the people believed in Jesus Christ. When too few fans filled his seats during one major tour, however, David took a $250,000 bath in red ink. Creditors repossessed his home and the father of six looked for work elsewhere. A top artist offered him a job in Nashville, so the Smallbones sold their furniture and other possessions and purchased some plane tickets to the United States. A few weeks after they arrived, however, David was told that his position was ‘no longer available.’ He literally could not get out of bed for several days. When he and his wife explained to their children what happened, they all got on their knees and asked God to help.
Needless to say, prayer sparked some interesting things. God began to provide bags of groceries, a minivan, and enough odd jobs to keep the home afloat. Then the biggest surprise of all, a recording contract for David’s oldest daughters, Rebecca, age 15. She recorded her first album using an old family name, St. James.
Flash forward to today. David promotes his own daughter's sold-out concerts. Rebecca St. James has become one of the most popular Christian artists in America. And the family hasn’t stopped praying, asking God for guidance and direction.”
It’s always good to be reminded that God is at work in the small things, in the difficult things, in the needy times. He hasn’t forgotten about you nor has he withdrawn His help from your grasp. Look to Him, pray, and walk faithfully in the paths He lays before you.
In His Love,
Pastor Ed
I first heard about Calvary Chapel Aurora through the radio spot "Abounding Grace." Thanks to this ministry, I feel I have found the best place for me to join other Christians to worship God, serve, support and be supported. I am blessed by this ministry.
Monday, August 9, 2010
I Love Our Church
Colossians 1:18 (NLT) Christ is the head of the church, which is his body. He is the first of all who will rise from the dead, so he is first in everything.
I love the church of Jesus. What an amazing invention of God, His Church! I love our church, Calvary Aurora. God is so gracious to allow us to gather together in Him, worshipping Him in all His glory and splendor.
For some of you, you might be thinking, “Well you’re the pastor, you better love the church.” You’re right, from a pastor’s point of view I do love our church. Yet, it’s not just in the role God has me, it’s also as a believer. God uses our church to grow me spiritually, to test me, to show me my heart, to provide an environment for raising my family in the ways of the Lord. This is my fellowship family where I have the privilege to live out my faith in Jesus with other believers. It’s exhilarating at times. I’ve learned that even when it is personally challenging, God still uses it all to grow me up in Him! What a precious gift God has given to us, His Church, this local family of God that just keeps growing and growing in Him.
The Church of Jesus Christ isn’t a work of man, and neither is Calvary Aurora. We aren’t the result of some demographic study and church planting strategy. We aren’t funded by some major grant or huge foundation to keep us going. We aren’t propped up by a fancy business plan or supported by a well-established denomination. We’re just a group of Jesus-lovers, knit together in His love, by the power and presence of His Holy Spirit. If we were ever unplugged from the Holy Spirit, this church would disappear, it just wouldn’t keep going. For us to continue on, we have to be in the Spirit. It’s essential!
Stay plugged into the Spirit as you grow in His grace. The days are short. The coming of Jesus is very near. Be busy about your Father’s business.
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
It so happens that recently my husband and I were in a bad way, so much that I thought of divorce often. I prayed continually and found myself focusing on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. My sister even referenced a website for me that sent me again to this passage. I found the Lord pulled me towards my husband, even when I was digging in, not to. All it took was just a touch, no words, to reconcile. Yes, He answers prayer.
I love the church of Jesus. What an amazing invention of God, His Church! I love our church, Calvary Aurora. God is so gracious to allow us to gather together in Him, worshipping Him in all His glory and splendor.
For some of you, you might be thinking, “Well you’re the pastor, you better love the church.” You’re right, from a pastor’s point of view I do love our church. Yet, it’s not just in the role God has me, it’s also as a believer. God uses our church to grow me spiritually, to test me, to show me my heart, to provide an environment for raising my family in the ways of the Lord. This is my fellowship family where I have the privilege to live out my faith in Jesus with other believers. It’s exhilarating at times. I’ve learned that even when it is personally challenging, God still uses it all to grow me up in Him! What a precious gift God has given to us, His Church, this local family of God that just keeps growing and growing in Him.
The Church of Jesus Christ isn’t a work of man, and neither is Calvary Aurora. We aren’t the result of some demographic study and church planting strategy. We aren’t funded by some major grant or huge foundation to keep us going. We aren’t propped up by a fancy business plan or supported by a well-established denomination. We’re just a group of Jesus-lovers, knit together in His love, by the power and presence of His Holy Spirit. If we were ever unplugged from the Holy Spirit, this church would disappear, it just wouldn’t keep going. For us to continue on, we have to be in the Spirit. It’s essential!
Stay plugged into the Spirit as you grow in His grace. The days are short. The coming of Jesus is very near. Be busy about your Father’s business.
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
It so happens that recently my husband and I were in a bad way, so much that I thought of divorce often. I prayed continually and found myself focusing on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. My sister even referenced a website for me that sent me again to this passage. I found the Lord pulled me towards my husband, even when I was digging in, not to. All it took was just a touch, no words, to reconcile. Yes, He answers prayer.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Rescued From Discouragement (3)
Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV) But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
We’ve learned through 1 Samuel 30, that the enemy had sacked David’s life. It caused great sorrow and pain, but he didn’t stay in that place. We’ve seen how David strengthened himself in His God... then how He inquired of His God.
The next thing we find David do is obey. Following the time of prayer and praise, David sets out to pursue those who had stolen from him. He took a wild step of faith, expecting God to lead, guide, and protect him.
Enough of this sitting around in pain and anguish, I’m going to grab my Bible and encourage myself in Jesus Christ. That encouragement always brings a desire to hear more from God, so I will cry out to Him from the depths of my heart. With that cry always comes God’s answer; so as I hear, I will do.
Lifted from discouragement is God’s desire for your life. Tough times certainly come. The enemy of our souls most certainly wants to take us down. But Jesus, the captain of our souls, stands ready to encourage, answer, and direct us. Wow! How wonderful is He!
In His Love,
Pastor Ed
Well I'm pretty sure you already know this story. I called Gino's show one day when you were on and I was crying, because I was looking for a Bible believing church. You talked to me off the air and you were so loving and compassionate that I gathered my courage to try one more church, Calvary Aurora, and I have found that there are Calvary churches all over the globe that use their Bibles in church and love their members. Thank you for your faithfulness. May God richly bless this ministry and the work you do.
We’ve learned through 1 Samuel 30, that the enemy had sacked David’s life. It caused great sorrow and pain, but he didn’t stay in that place. We’ve seen how David strengthened himself in His God... then how He inquired of His God.
The next thing we find David do is obey. Following the time of prayer and praise, David sets out to pursue those who had stolen from him. He took a wild step of faith, expecting God to lead, guide, and protect him.
Enough of this sitting around in pain and anguish, I’m going to grab my Bible and encourage myself in Jesus Christ. That encouragement always brings a desire to hear more from God, so I will cry out to Him from the depths of my heart. With that cry always comes God’s answer; so as I hear, I will do.
Lifted from discouragement is God’s desire for your life. Tough times certainly come. The enemy of our souls most certainly wants to take us down. But Jesus, the captain of our souls, stands ready to encourage, answer, and direct us. Wow! How wonderful is He!
In His Love,
Pastor Ed
Well I'm pretty sure you already know this story. I called Gino's show one day when you were on and I was crying, because I was looking for a Bible believing church. You talked to me off the air and you were so loving and compassionate that I gathered my courage to try one more church, Calvary Aurora, and I have found that there are Calvary churches all over the globe that use their Bibles in church and love their members. Thank you for your faithfulness. May God richly bless this ministry and the work you do.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Romans 5:2 (NLT) Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory.
Studying through the book of Acts at our weekend services, it’s always important to remember that we are reading the TRUE story of a small group of men and women who, in the power of the Holy Spirit, didn’t leave their world the same way they found it. They were ordinary people called upon to accomplish extraordinary things for Jesus even if, on occasion, they found themselves exasperated.
The work of God in the first century wasn’t done with intelligent marketing ideas or with polished plagiarized sermons, but rather God was working in and through the believers as they abided in Him. The indwelling power of the Holy Spirit helped these precious believers step out in incredible faith! The work of God in our century hasn’t changed. He’s not looking for slick people that know how to ‘work the system,’ but simple people who are wholeheartedly sold out to Him!
I know there are times when life leaves us exasperated. We get tired. We get scared. We get overwhelmed. Life takes it’s toll on us. I’m reminded of Jesus when He told us that we’d see trouble in this world (John 16:33). Yet we can also be of good cheer because Jesus overcame this world!
Your life is lived out in the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s always the Spirit of God, working through the Word of God, in the people of God. In those seasons of exasperation, perhaps the Lord is calling you to more deeply surrender to Him and His purposes. We cannot operate, cannot thrive, cannot move forward, and cannot impact our world without the Spirit!
Loving Jesus,
Pastor Ed
I don't know if you have ever welded in your life, but it is a very solo technique. When I was at my old job at the Airport I really didn't do that much welding but I was in the weld training program and towards the end of the year we all knew that we were all getting laid off soon. I thought that a welding certificate would look great on the resume although my experience was very little. I thought it was so important to pass the tests that while I was practicing I decided to pray to God and ask for his skills to work through me and to give all glory to him. And like I was telling you about welding being a solo experience, when you are welding you can see nothing in your helmet except the task at hand and it is hard to hear anything with you helmet on so it was very easy to focus on my prayer and I would actually relax in the presence of Christ. Was God welding? I don't know myself but I found it very spiritual to talk with Christ about everything including the creed and giving him thanks and I never welded better when I tried to do it myself or hurry through. I am not sure if the welding certificates ever helped my resume or got me a job but I really felt at ease and enjoyed the experience of doing something along with Christ and seeing that it was better working with him, than the work I did alone.
Studying through the book of Acts at our weekend services, it’s always important to remember that we are reading the TRUE story of a small group of men and women who, in the power of the Holy Spirit, didn’t leave their world the same way they found it. They were ordinary people called upon to accomplish extraordinary things for Jesus even if, on occasion, they found themselves exasperated.
The work of God in the first century wasn’t done with intelligent marketing ideas or with polished plagiarized sermons, but rather God was working in and through the believers as they abided in Him. The indwelling power of the Holy Spirit helped these precious believers step out in incredible faith! The work of God in our century hasn’t changed. He’s not looking for slick people that know how to ‘work the system,’ but simple people who are wholeheartedly sold out to Him!
I know there are times when life leaves us exasperated. We get tired. We get scared. We get overwhelmed. Life takes it’s toll on us. I’m reminded of Jesus when He told us that we’d see trouble in this world (John 16:33). Yet we can also be of good cheer because Jesus overcame this world!
Your life is lived out in the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s always the Spirit of God, working through the Word of God, in the people of God. In those seasons of exasperation, perhaps the Lord is calling you to more deeply surrender to Him and His purposes. We cannot operate, cannot thrive, cannot move forward, and cannot impact our world without the Spirit!
Loving Jesus,
Pastor Ed
I don't know if you have ever welded in your life, but it is a very solo technique. When I was at my old job at the Airport I really didn't do that much welding but I was in the weld training program and towards the end of the year we all knew that we were all getting laid off soon. I thought that a welding certificate would look great on the resume although my experience was very little. I thought it was so important to pass the tests that while I was practicing I decided to pray to God and ask for his skills to work through me and to give all glory to him. And like I was telling you about welding being a solo experience, when you are welding you can see nothing in your helmet except the task at hand and it is hard to hear anything with you helmet on so it was very easy to focus on my prayer and I would actually relax in the presence of Christ. Was God welding? I don't know myself but I found it very spiritual to talk with Christ about everything including the creed and giving him thanks and I never welded better when I tried to do it myself or hurry through. I am not sure if the welding certificates ever helped my resume or got me a job but I really felt at ease and enjoyed the experience of doing something along with Christ and seeing that it was better working with him, than the work I did alone.
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