Friday, August 20, 2010

Going After

Acts 1:11 (NLT) They said, "Men of Galilee, why are you standing here staring at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into heaven. And someday, just as you saw him go, he will return!"

Straying happens within the family of God for a lot of reasons. It's a bummer to see folks who were so strong in the faith, so useful in the ministry, such a blessing in the Lord, fall away, fade away, stray away. But not all is lost. It is clearly the heart of Jesus to go after the strays. When one sheep wanders from the fold, the shepherd goes after it. When one coin is lost, all is dropped until it's found. When a son wanders away from Dad, the dad prayerfully and patiently awaits his return and rejoices when he does.

Because it's Jesus' heart to go after the strays, it's our heart as well. So, how can we help those who have strayed?

#1 - Pray for Them. Ask God to move upon their hearts to repent & return.

#2 - Watch Yourself. Don't look down on anyone else just because they have been trapped by the enemy, but rather watch your own life so it doesn't happen to you.

#3 - Lovingly Confront the Erring Person. As the door of opportunity opens, go and lovingly speak with the hopes of bringing them back.

#4 - Forgive the Repentant. This is so important. We don't shoot our wounded; we forgive. We don't kick them when they're down; we forgive. As Jesus Christ has forgiven you, forgive those that repent and return.

#5 - Speak words of kindness and love. They need this so badly. The enemy does such a complete and thorough job of accusing the brethren. May we just love them and encourage them and bless them in Jesus.

I love the heart of Jesus and pray that more and more of it flows from our lives. Now go out and minister to the strays.

In His Grace,
Pastor Ed

As you know I'm not a very "discouraged" person, I tend to look at the positive or praiseworthy side of things. Now, this housing thing, about moving, has been the longest going thing I've had thus far, and it was interesting in my devotions yesterday, that I had gotten a scripture about the Lord settling you. It had to do with Dan (tribe) relocating. It's nice that the word always gives us something to stand upon, to ease our minds. In the process of waiting, we can become discouraged when our answer is deferred, but when desire is accomplished, Oh, what a sweet thing. I've had momentary lapses, but not for a while, for some people, this housing distraction would really pull them down, it takes up a lot of mental energy, but, how nice to see the Lord at work in our trials, and our recognizing His hand here and there. There is so much to be thankful for, and so little time to be distracted by this world, whether marriage, or work, or whatever, Christ can help us to be content. If anything, just pray that I remain undistracted for the gospel of Jesus Christ, in the midst of life's blasts.

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