Monday, August 30, 2010

I’m Waiting Now What? (Part 2)

Psalm 27:13-14 NKJV I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!

'What do we do while we're waiting on the Lord' is where we've been the last few weeks on this Monday note. I count it a privilege to be with you on Monday mornings, helping you grow in your relationship with Jesus. We looked at a couple of important keys last week.

#1 - While you're waiting on the Lord, keep your eyes on Jesus.
#2 - While you're waiting on the Lord, live your life expecting Jesus.

Here are three more.

#3 - While you're waiting on the Lord, continue living your life in Jesus.
I find that often while folks are waiting on the Lord, they think that life just stops until Jesus answers one specific request. That's not His heart for you. God's desire is that you continue living for Him while you're waiting. God has you waiting in one area, but not in ALL areas of your life. So be careful that your life doesn't come to a screeching halt while you're waiting.

#4 - While you're waiting on the Lord, continue in the unity of fellowship.
The early church is known for their coming together in 'one accord.' It's the model they set for us and we too follow them. We love to come together as a church, in the larger gathering, and the smaller fellowships. While we wait on the Lord, it's not natural to want to pull away from other believers. They will be a source of great encouragement and hope in this time in your life.

#5 - While you're waiting on the Lord, pray, pray, pray!
It makes sense to us, doesn't it? While we're waiting, we're also talking and listening to God through prayer. Pray alone. Pray with friends. Pray out loud. Pray silently. Pray, seeking strength, hope, and help in this wonderful time of waiting on the Lord!

Don't forget:
Isaiah 40:29-31 (NLT) He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Waiting In Him,
Pastor Ed

P.S. Have a story to share or a response to these eNotes? Send it our way. We'd love to read and share it!

As you know I'm not a very "discouraged" person, I tend to look at the positive or praiseworthy side of things. Now, this housing thing, about moving, has been the longest going thing I've had thus far, and it was interesting in my devotions yesterday, that I had gotten a scripture about the Lord settling you. It had to do with Dan (tribe) relocating. It's nice that the word always gives us something to stand upon, to ease our minds. In the process of waiting, we can become discouraged when our answer is deferred, but when desire is accomplished, Oh, what a sweet thing. I've had momentary lapses, but not for a while, for some people, this housing distraction would really pull them down, it takes up a lot of mental energy, but, how nice to see the Lord at work in our trials, and our recognizing His hand here and there. There is so much to be thankful for, and so little time to be distracted by this world, whether marriage, or work, or whatever, Christ can help us to be content. If anything, just pray that I remain undistracted for the gospel of Jesus Christ, in the midst of life's blasts.

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