James 4:13-15 (NKJV) Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."
We like things to be predictable. It helps to ease the anxiety that can pop up as things happen around us that we have no control over. How do we handle that? Usually, we grasp at making things predictable and planned as much as possible. In some realms of life, like vacations and weekly schedules, that's not such a bad idea.
Yet when that attitude spills over into the realm of the Spirit, we can so easily schedule the Spirit of God right out of our lives! What a trap to fall into; the trap of the routine. We get so used to our routines that when God wants to break us out of them and fall upon us in a new, fresh way, we so quickly resist, choosing our routines instead.
Friend, be careful to remain open to His Spirit. Pray for that sensitivity to His Spirit, that flexibility to go anywhere, and do anything, at anytime for Jesus!
By Grace,
Pastor Ed
I can't tell you how much I appreciate the free downloads and the webcasts. I understand some ministries feel they need to cover costs and I don't begrudge them for charging a couple of dollars for downloading messages, but it is such a great tool to be able to refer people to our web site when they need to hear something from the Bible and to be able to tell them they can hear God's word at no charge. It was also great to be in another state and be able to listen in live and not have to miss the message. We have family in town that we need to be with this Wednesday and it will be nice to be able to view the service later and not have to miss it. We don't like missing the fellowship of being there, but seeing the service is the next best thing.
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