Monday, September 20, 2010

Using Your Time

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

As we study the Bible, we may forget from time to time that God uses people to accomplish His will on earth. Even more than that, God uses ordinary, normal people like you and me.

Paul was one such man. He wasn't a superhero. He didn't possess super human strength or wisdom. He was a man sold out to God and filled with His Spirit.

One thing that blesses me about Paul (among many) is how he chose to use his time. He didn't subscribe to any time management principles because, I believe, he understood that it's impossible to 'manage time.' The clock keeps ticking no matter what. Even though we can't manage time, we can manage what we 'do' with the time God has given us!

At every turn, Paul was actively looking for ways to use His time to honor God and bless the saints.

That's our aim this week. Look for ways to use your time to honor God and bless others. Email at the end of the week if you remember, and share with us how God used your week with this little change in thinking.

In Love,
Pastor Ed

I wanted to share some good news. I have been going through some difficult times lately and have had help from you and Matt. I wanted to share with you that I had been praying for God to help me find the right job now -- not 2 weeks from now, but now -- because I needed it very bad. Well yesterday I found a job on a job web site sent my resume and received a interview today; this never happens. I went to the interview and it was exactly the job I had been looking for. I was amazed they offered me the job on the spot; this also never happens. This is proof that God does answer prayers and in a mighty way. I am very thankful to the Lord. I also wanted to share that I was on the Internet and a blog caught my attention: it was someone comparing praying to God, to praying to a carton of milk it said you will get the same results it said praying to God was an illusion; if it was answered it was only coincidence. I am proof this is not true and that God does hear us and listens; and sometimes in desperation, He helps right away.

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