Monday, April 11, 2011

Loyalty Towards God

James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

It's a continual lesson we learn as believers; submission to God. While the Bible has much to say about submission mutually, to governmental authorities, in marriage, and within His church; it's still an area where there is great resistance in our hearts. We don't like to submit, especially when we disagree.

Yet, it's important that we learn how to serve God in full submission, while serving alongside one another as co-laborers. Without true submission to God, there is anarchy and chaos (read through Judges to see a picture of that). We are growing day by day, understanding how important it is to be fully surrendered to God, and at the same time supportive of those God has given to us as leaders. It's important for us to support those God has put in our lives to oversee our souls.

Division. Gossip. Slander. Strife. Dissension. Those are all sins that tend to flow from an non-submissive heart. For sure, it's an attack of the enemy to destroy lives and churches by sowing seeds of discord among the brethren; something that God hates (Proverbs 6:16-19).

Remain loyal to God, friend, no matter what is swirling around in your life right now. That loyal submission to Him and His will in your life, will guard and protect your heart from sinful responses and the root of bitterness!

In Love,
Pastor Ed

As I read your Abounding Grace eNote this morning, I couldn't help but think of my friend Pastor Jim Simon at Aurora Hills Baptist Church here in Aurora. As the pastor of his church, two years ago, he donated one of his kidneys to a member of his congregation. I had the privilege to pray with them both before the surgery, because both men were over 60 years old, and it was also rare that they would have a blood match! Gives a whole new meaning to a shepherd laying down his life for his sheep. Keep up the good work!

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