Job 15:26 (NKJV) Running stubbornly against Him, with his strong, embossed shield.
"He's as stubborn as a mule." Have you ever heard that before?
Some wear stubbornness like a badge of honor. It's not hard to find people who are stubborn identified, but then excused. Defined, the word means "having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position." Another way of seeing that is how a person is unwilling to move, inflexible, and 'set in their ways.'
God addresses the stubborn many times in the Bible. Put very simply, God tells us not to be stubborn like the horse or the mule, especially as it relates to sin in your life. Over and over we have examples in the Bible of how stubbornness can lead to disaster. A few examples include Pharaoh (Exodus 13:15), children (Deut. 21:18), the children of Israel (Judges 2:19), and many others. From Samuel's own lips, God says, "stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry."
Listen, please be careful not to wear badges of honor that are not truly honorable before the Lord. It's not good for us to be known by behaviors and attitudes that are not from the heart of God. If there are stubborn streaks in your life, ask God to remove them. He will! If we choose our own way, then please receive God's word and warning:
Psalms 81:12 (NKJV) So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, to walk in their own counsels.
NO WAY. That's not what I want. I want to walk in His Spirit!
In His Hand,
Pastor Ed
I was meditating on these two verses this just this weekend! The Lord showed me that when I am in an intimate, communicative relationship with Him, He will guide me with wisdom and discernment, and there will be no reason for me NOT to trust Him.
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