Monday, May 10, 2010

Soul Winner

Mark 16:15 (NKJV) And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. "

On the shelves of my library sit books and books on leadership. Some are very good and others are not. That's the way it goes with books. Yet, I love to read and hear and learn about how God has used different men and women to grow His Kingdom here on earth. They inspire and instruct me on the areas under my stewardship.

One of my favorites is a little gem entitled, "D.L. Moody on Spiritual Leadership" by Steve Miller. Here's a snippet from one of Pastor Moody's sermons:

"A little girl, only eleven years old, once came to me in a Sunday school and said: 'Won't you please pray that God will make me a winner of souls?' Oh, suppose she lives three-score years and goes on winning four or five souls every year; at the end of her journey there will be three hundred souls on the way to glory. And how long will it be before that little company swells into a great army? Don't you see how that little mountain rill keeps swelling till it carries everything before it? Little trickling streams have run into it, till now, a mighty river, it has great cities on its banks, and the commerce of all nations floating on its waters. So when a single soul is won to Christ you cannot see the result. A single one multiplies to a thousand, and that into ten thousand. Perhaps a million shall be the fruit; we cannot tell."

Win, Disciple, and Send is our heart's desire.

Pastor Ed

Pastor Ed, I have been attending Calvary for over a year now, though unfortunately I catch many services on the Internet as I (was) traveling most of the time. I was traveling through Nebraska in March and searching through the radio when you came on! I wanted to let you know how far the message of Calvary is reaching. This past weekend I brought my mother-in-law and two young sisters-in-law to the Saturday service. I was personally encouraged by the service, but the compliment really comes from what my mother-in-law had to say. They live in Kansas and attend a small Baptist church regularly, but she says she really misses her old church (which was a lot like Calvary). She commented that she enjoyed meeting you before service and that she could really feel Jesus in the service!

I attend the Men's prayer group as often as I can and I really have found it to be a blessing. I am very thankful for having Calvary and most importantly the Lord in my life. Thank you, Pastor Ed, for keeping us in the word, and encouraging our growth as part of a WELL church.

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