Monday, May 31, 2010

Treasures in Earthen Vessels

2 Corinthians 4:7 (NKJV) But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

The example Paul left us is encouraging on so many different levels. His desire to live a life above reproach stands as a testimony to us how God will use an imperfect person to reach other imperfect people with the gospel.

Too often I've seen Christians write themselves off and out of the plan of God. I hear all too much, "Oh, look at my past, God could never use me;" OR "I'm a failure;" OR "There are dozens of people better than me."

The truth is God's plan on the earth today includes YOU my fellow believer. Not only does He want to use you, He will use you as you yield your life to Him.

What excuse do you need to overcome? The time is short. Cry out to God today asking Him to use you. Then right after you say, "Amen," go be used! Share the gospel with your boss. Walk across the street to your neighbor. Make that phone call. Send that email. Do it. You'll be blessed and then your example will be encouraging to so many others around, just like Paul's!

It's actually not about us is it? It's not about Paul. It's all about the faithfulness of God in these earthen vessels, you and me! I love His grace. That's cool!

By Grace,
Pastor Ed

Your lesson this past weekend was very special to me, as it reminded me of how important it is for us to pray for our loved ones. Many years ago I turned my back on the Lord and had a bitter, remorseless heart. My relationship with my parents was particularly difficult and I was often very unkind and disrespectful toward them. During one of my rare visits home, I noticed a list of names on my mom's bedside table - my name was at the top of the list. When asked, my mom told me this was a list of people she prayed for every day. I was furious. I can't believe it now, but I told her I didn't need her prayers and demanded she remove my name from the list. That incident only served to encourage my mom to pray even more fervently for my salvation. I am so thankful for her faithful prayers, because just a few years later I accepted Jesus as my Lord. A little over a month ago I was with my mom at the time of her death and had the privilege of placing her into the arms of Jesus. Thanks to her unwavering intercessory prayers I have been blessed me with a precious inheritance in the Lord. I also have the consolation of knowing one day I will see my mother again in heaven. Never give up praying for others - the Lord is ever faithful!

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